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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Shadowxx25

  1. Episode 2 of Reborn! And I actually get more Pokemon!
  2. Thanks for all the welcomes! I don't have to worry about the whole giving up my sanity thing, Did that LONG ago. Also, Angel Beat, man does that bring back memories (Link to the first episode of my LP is now in the first post for those curisous)
  3. Hello everybody I'm Shadowxx25, or just Shadow, and I'm finally introducing myself here on the forum because I finally got around to actually playing Reborn! Speaking of that, the reason it took so long (about a month or something like that) is because I decided to Let's Play it! I would post the link but I dont know if the rules allow that, some forums do, some don't. Anyway, Reborn is pretty interesting so far, should be fun to play! Edit: Click here for the first episode of my let's play!
  4. Is there a place to put Let's Plays of Reborn?

    1. Simon


      I would say Reborn City most likely.

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