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There was only one

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Posts posted by There was only one

  1. Please make it a PULSE Jigglypuff, and make it really OP like the Abra

    Never found PULSE Abra OP 2OHKO it with mah Arcanine lolololololol

    Swalot however wiped my entire team cept for Ampharos... which Ampharos pwned by 5 Zap cannons in a row

    why not why not why not

    Edit: there is nothing really to edit

  2. Yeah, because Mewtwo after all is the most likely Pokemon to trust the player. /s

    Since we fought the one in glitch city I doubt it, although maaaaaaaaaybe the Agate sleeper will be PULSE Darkrai

    Probably...but Mewtwo or Genesect are the most appropriate candidates for PULSE as they are "experimental" legendaries

  3. Litleo can be found in the spot where Zigzagoon used to be, in the Obsidia ward alleyway that can either be accessed via cut or accessed via walking in once the pulse Tangrowth is defeated. Once you find him in there, I think (and this is something I have not personally checked) you can find him once he runs away in the building north of the one across the street from the pokemon center in Obsidia (where Vulpix used to run to). If that's not true, please let me know, as I cannot personally check right due to currently enjoying the hospitality of the circus.


  4. Is it just me or did anyone else find the re-match with Solaris really anti-climactic?

    First of all, you fight him in a double battle with some other random from Team Meteor, which just made zero sense to me, why can't we just fight him alone like we did on Mt. Pyrous? And he doesn't even get paired up with anyone worth a damn like Sirius (that would have actually made some sense), it's literally just a generic Meteor grunt.

    And by this point in the game Solaris is much weaker than you, making the fight really disappointing overall, I was expecting Solaris to be the strongest opponent we've fought so far. The fact that we just got done fighting a Garchomp stronger than his (Terra's) doesn't help at all.

    I get that by this point in the game we know there's someone higher up on the food chain than Solaris, but let's be real, we know very little about Lin so far and her screen time is basically non-existent so it's really hard to give a damn about her as a villain right now.

    Lin is like the Emperor from Star Wars and Solaris is like Darth Vader. Lin outranks and (probably) is stronger than Solaris but she's mostly behind the scenes while Solaris is the guy causing shit to hit the fan on the front lines, and is therefore the antagonist that the player is more intimidated by and at the same time intrigued by, at least from my point of view.

    It would have been pretty upsetting to have had Luke go in there at the end of Episode VI and just kick Vader's dick in from the start along with some random Imperial commander after everything we knew about and had seen from Vader wouldn't it? That's kind of how I saw this battle with Solaris in Episode 15.

    Solaris is imo one of the more interesting characters in Reborn, and ever since I first battled Solaris on Mt. Pyrous and got my ass beat I've been looking forward to the eventual, climactic rematch with this ruthless yet oddly sophisticated, Giovanni-like villain in which I would be his equal in strength, and that battle was only the beginning of the buildup of this character as we kept seeing him in the game after that, which ultimately amounted to this curb-stomp double battle.

    I guess the most upsetting thing is that there were better opportunities earlier in the game to have had this re-match with Solaris and it would have been so much better, the one that stands out to me the most was when we fought Blake in Ametrine and Solaris just takes off with him in the chopper.

    Why couldn't we have fought Solaris there and then right after defeating Blake? It's specifically mentioned that he was there and he had plenty of reason by then to try and kick your ass again, and he'd be much closer to you in terms of level at that point in the game and would have presented a legitimate challenge. Fighting Solaris at Ametrine wouldn't have been any harder than some of the other bullshit Amethyst has put us through tbh.

    Finally, this isn't me trying to call out Ame on what I think was a mistake or screaming for some kind of change in the game, what's done is done and Reborn is still an amazing game (thanks based Ame), but I just had to vent about this because I'm a Solaris fan.

    True dat really..I found it really easy tbh OHKO his Garchomp with mah Arcanine (Outrage) why not why not why not

  5. I don't know about that. Regenerator and a chance to be Mega Slowbro are kinda worth it. Even without the Mega Stone, its stats are still pretty good.

    True dat

  6. So many choices :3...so can any1 summarise what my early game team should be? And which should I keep for future as well?

    Well obviously keep your starter in your case it's a froakie..I suggest you should get a decent electric type (acquired later on) cuz PULSE Swalot nearly devastated my team but Ampharos recked em in the end but seriously have a good rotation with your pokemon time to time and catch the pokemon you want and you should be fine...

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