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Sly fox5

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Posts posted by Sly fox5

  1. Hey everyone I'm Sly fox5.I've been on the forums for about a week and finally decided to man up and introduce myself.

    I'm just your average dimension hopping cosmic being trying to find something fun to do in this vast universe. After finding and playing reborn I instantly fell in love with the story, Characters(except Fern), the harder battles(except Flobot) and all the places reborn has to offer(except the wasteland).

    Hobbies: Playing videogames(mostly RPGs), reading books, watching anime, and traveling between different realities causing mischief.

    Favorite Pokemon: Definitely Lucario

    Future Dream: To be the very best that no one every was! I also want to be a game designer.

    Greatest achievement: Pass Grade 10 and be in the top 10 of my computer class

    Greatest Failure: Nearly causing everything in existence to be erased(and not having learnt to ride a bike to this day).

    I hope you all will welcome me into the forums with open arms, because if you don't I will reap your mortal souls. ;)

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