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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by luccaconde

  1. Wooo I like chess :3 (Unfortunately, I suck) Welcome to Reborn ! Have Fun ~
  2. Interesting... Welcome to Reborn ! Have fun ~
  3. luccaconde


    Banned because.. Never !
  4. luccaconde


    Banned for not telling me your location
  5. Well.. I made a video dressed as a girl (with a wig too) for a school project (poor me ;-; ), and the whole school saw it, because we needed to show to everybody. My god it was hard But I'm lucky because I got along with mostly everyone there so they(and teachers) just laughed because the whole video was funny. And obviously I got 10 c: Now I think no one remember about it anymore. And that's it :3 EDIT:Oops forgot to ask Huh.. What's your favorite song?
  6. Yeah.. It wasn't a good day for me too Aniways.. Juu :3
  7. I need another option c: How is your life ?
  8. Wooo we are fine ! Enjoy your sprites :3 Mde
  9. Just once in NY. Here in Brazil we can`t.. because.. its hot :c Do you luv snow?
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