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Posts posted by Nagalfar

  1. We are talking about a game who has been around for over 6 years, and memes, jokes, videos and gifs involving Adachi are everywhere on the internet... How can that be considered a spoiler? O.o

    I already know this game and all, that's just for the... principle?

    If you hear about a game, even old and you want to play it, if you have the misfortune to see a spoiler without warning in some place who had nothing to do with this game originally you're not gonna be happy.

    Sorry for that though, didn't mean to cause trouble.

  2. I absolutely LOATHE these two tropes:



    Why must every monster become more and more humanoid over time (points at most Digimon in their final form)? And why must cunning humans who manipulated the player throughout the game transform into hideous beasts before squaring off in the final battle? I like it when monsters stay monsters and humans stay humans!

    The "One Winged Angel" one actually bugs me the most: in my long life of gamer I have never, AND I SAY NEVER, faced a human as a final boss. No matter how clever, deranged or badass the human villain is, you just never get to face him, or at least, not in human form. WHY? [Meh.]

    Pouf, free surprise spoiler!

    But i totally agree with that, unfortunately.

    I can't stand the cliché of the "girl who accompagnies the protagonist who will surely fall in love for him or vice versa", Some things are sweet, this one gives me diabetes.

    Plus usually this girl is a moron, doesn't help to be loved.

  3. Grmblr... Have you met 2 pick-ups who immediately dc at the beginning of the game, leaving only you and your friends doing a 3v5? I have, and you only have the impression to do some tower defense game, trying desperatly to hold the base with a mid and a botlane T_T

  4. Name: Maël
    Birthday:May 12th, 1994
    Location:Picardie, France
    Height: 1m70
    Hair Color:Brown
    Eye Color:Blue/Gray
    Live With:Parents
    Pets?:A Chihuahua and a Yorkshire
    Crushes lately?:None too~♪♫
    Dream Job:Lab technician
    Currently Playing:League of legends, Reborn

    Favourite Food:Pasta carbonara
    Favourite Drink: Peach syrup
    Favourite Color: Blue
    Favourite kind of Music: None particularly
    Favourite Band:Baaaah... :calim:
    Favourite Album: ... ... ... None too :calim:
    Favourite Game: Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones
    Favourite Genre of Game:RPG
    Favourite Hobbies:Videogames :calim:
    Favourite Movies:Le viager
    Favourite Shows:Malcolm

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