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Everything posted by Khilik

  1. Not sure how quick i'll be able to do that lol, but i'll see what I can do.
  2. Nope, those are the actual values from leveling up to 300. I had to open the script through the program Gemini and change the level cap to 300 in order to do this. Once the cap was set I just used rare candies to get up that high. It was all just out of curiosity and humor lol. Wanted to see what the stats just from leveling up to 300 would be like, These are them Also, this is just the base stats without being EV trained. All EV's are currently 0
  3. Haha you had the same pic? That's awesome lol. Praise be to Bidoof, our lord and savior.
  4. Vinny, That is great lol
  5. Yeah, I was going to try and level it once more but I didn't want to go in and mess with the cap again. Also, knowing my luck it would've got +3 hp when it leveled just to tick me off lol.
  6. Just been screwing around while I wait for episode 15. This is result of it lol. No, i'm not actually going to use it. Just wanted to see if I could make one. This is on an alternate file as well, not planning on keeping it. For those who can't tell, yes, this is a shiny bidoof.
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