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Master Menos

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Posts posted by Master Menos

  1. Not gonna be harsh, but no Pata. Like Reborn, Rejuvenation will not give excellent mons or Megas so early/easily.

    It'll be most likely after we beat the game or around that period of time.

    Jan hinted(?) that we might get the mega accessory in V6, but I think the stones won't be until we polish off over half the gyms at the earliest.

  2. Just predicting here: Some of them are most likely post-game (my poor handsome Junpei [Mawile]...) while others could likely be either before the league or before the final (pre-league) Xen battle since we did get hinted that we could get our mega accessory or something else in V6.

  3. Well i hope the Mawilte is one of the first stones found i mean after all your mom gave you a Mawile (Just need to find an excuse to keep Mawile in my party)

    I love Mawile too, so I hope that would happen as well in V6. Although, that will carve deep into my feels again.

  4. So, you get a Mega Accessory in V6, then. I thought Mega stones prolly won't happen until gym 9 or 10, but I might have been mistaken after all. Could most likely start with Audino's or some of the stones that are hardly used. :/

  5. Reverse: The start screen cycles between VS sprites, so you can still see unfamiliar sprites and familiar ones of everyone in the game (as of the episode) without having to go to the sprites folder and spoiling yourself. I love flipping off some of them. XD

  6. Angie's face in my icon was the last thing they saw. Never heard from the happiness checker again.

    I knew that avatar was ominously familiar. D:

    I'll have to check out HOW nasty Intense mode is now on my Master Computer soon when I get the chance.

  7. Sygilyph. If I don't roar it out or get rid of it fast or if it tanks a super-effective move, the fucker sets up and causes a stored power sweep if my team's not right. Hate facing 'em at Pokemon Showdown more because that's where most of them happen.

  8. The Event Simulator needs to be fixed. I re-did the Goldenwood Incident successfully, but the others are bugged. One of the Xen members near the scene of the Dimensional Rift Galvantula got the Breeder Syndrome (re-battles whenever talked to) and nothing else was there beyond that.

  9. Where is said miners kit?

    It's later into the story, but it's too spoilerish to say exactly. I'll tell you when it happens in a tag without revealing much.

    Not too long after defeating Narcissa is when you can get the Mining Kit. I'll leave HOW that happens to you.

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