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Lord Bear

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  • Alias
    Lord Lance
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  • Interests
    RPGs and Action/Shooters.
  1. HM substitutes? Is Zeta the game which has key items like rock movers, etc?
  2. Might I be so bold as to sincerely apologize to all people who hate me for a) my multi-answers and unemphatic reply to Helia. Any particular reason why Crystal remains the objection of remake affection instead of, say, Platinum? Also, any confirmed finished/almost-finished alternatives to Uranium/Reborn? Seems like Insurgence is very not complete. P.S. Thanks for calling me Bear.
  3. Ah, perusing through the forums has given me the impression that is the most well made game yet. Outperforming its official rivals. Good job, Athe! I suppose I shall reserve this for last: Any suggestions for which to start with? 1. Pokemon Uranium 2. Pokemon Zeta 3. Pokemon Insurgence I saw 'em after I posted, hence the consecutive posting. Why the hate, though? Is it some sort of anti-server load thing? I'll minimize my posting.
  4. Call me a little sissy, but I blushed at praise from the game's creator. If I live up to it is a matter of time only. Although, needing a tank for the first time and also no HM slaves is a relieve. Finally, employing tank strategy should be fun. How about you tell which one from Zeta, Insurgence and Uranium is your favorite, Athe? (I just gave you a new nickname, congrats. No, your approval is inconsequential. Bears are a superior race.) As a side-note, was dying in the first two fights a sign of bad luck or awful skill? [i tried just for the whole feel shebang] And, how do these events work? In case of Nintendo, there's an entire marketing shebang. Is there a page somewhere on the Forums detailing all events? And I suppose these events are all manageable? What I am trying to say is that for the first time I'll have [with enough perserverance] I'll be able to catch any Pokemon I want? No more silly trading or restricted paid events? I've always held a grudge against the trade mechanics. Oh where are you my beloved Alexander. Well, I obviously wouldn't ask about Pokemons before being at least one major city in. This game has Fly mechanics, no? Or for full masochist reasons they implemented a no Quick-travel policy? I don't think Athe would answer any me at all. She must be a VERY busy woman with all her lead developing over Pokemon Reborn. Once in a while, she entertains us mere mortals. How many hours of gameplay is Insurgence loaded with right now? I see no reason to play ROM hacks. The games are good enough. But Pokemon Glazed and Liquid Crystal have their own cults, so perhaps I should check the cult out.
  5. I have been playing Pokemon Game since I was six or seven. I am sixteen now and I only knew of this entire field/genre that is Pokemon fan games yesterday... ! /facepalm Anywho, I played White/Black 2 a few month ago and was bored stiff because of the typical starting which is slow and also redundant because of Pokemon's popularity and ease. Then a few weeks ago, I saw Uranium when I searched "Pokemon" on kickass.to. Searching for it led me to this seven year old project which is near completion. I believe that game sticks close to the formula while adding new features and employing new Pokemon exclusively. Getting to the point [i am bad at excising, I don't know which thoughts aren't worth sharing. Its a problem, I know]: Pokemon Reborn was on Kotaku's list of Pokefangames to try. After some searching, I decided to visit the site. Now, I want to try this game but I want to know how finished off is this game? 80%? 90%? Are all the areas and battles existent and only features/online fights pending or are massive chunks still outstanding? Also, is the difficulty really hair-pulling. Being a veteran [Maybe everyone who play these games are exactly those and stating it is of no value] I would assume it would be easier for me? Am I being naively foolish? And, uh... if I find something useful, will it be removed; forcing me to restart from an older save? [A la the famous Gyarados episode.] Is there any way to find Pokemon which you want? As I see it, the game employs a multitude of variability for Pokemon encounters - season and time of day -- this results in a lot of possibilities actually. My first choice would probably be finding me a Chasey [i've never played her but being a Tank she should be useful for this suicide game.] As a Pokefangames veteran, which game would you recommend me to start my journey with? (I've not touched one for a year and found the games truly easy mode. I also came across the one Pokemon phenomena which was non-existent in my head. Who keeps only one and pumps him to max?! That's why I don't think the First Gym which is electricity (Is that another game?) should be easy with the Onyx that I can procure from the hobo [They are what they are!]): 1. Pokemon Uranium 2. Pokemon Zeta 3. Pokemon Reborn 4. Pokemon Insurgence I believe No. 4 has a very deep story with its whole quintuple baddies. [TL;DR - READ, impatient brat!]
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