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Posts posted by Gray/Zero

  1. I want to pick either treecko,munchlax, riolu or milotic as my starter but I want them to have egg moves. I can trade any of the starters as well as any of the pokemon from the starting area of the game if anyone is willing to help me.

  2. After beating florina my team consists of

    Toxin the Nidoking

    ManBat the Swoobat (MVP)

    New York the Mankey


    Moment of silence for

    Tectus the Grotle

    Maddy the Lilipup

    Pied the Hypno

    Masquerade the Roselia

    Contagion the Grimer

    Fiji the Numel

    and the others that fell much earlier



    I seem to never be able to catch bibarel in that first area. I tend to count all the gift pokemon as separate since they are all gifts or static encounters. I really don't know if breeding is allowed since you could get like unlimited pokemon through breeding. Does anyone know where to find a shiny stone in the game? is noibat worth grabbing at the beginning of the game since he is fairly weak? I have never managed to encounter poochyena in game. Is there a way to get coins for the arcade beside playing voltorb flip for hours?

  4. Hello, all I am restarting my nuzlocke. I would appreciate any tips you can offer, such as which starter to pick, which mons to try and catch and any other tips I plan to start in an hour or two. Any tips tricks and advice is appreciated. Also, what do you all think should I breed? Should I wonder trade off the trade evolution mons? Let me know your opinions

  5. Hello i am here to attempt a locke of this wonderful one i need help to decide if i should do a wonderlocke or nuzlocke and then i am going to need advice on doing it(i have tried 5 or 6 times in the last two days) i can not seem to keep my mons alive thanks for the tips

  6. Alright so after struggling through 7 gyms in reborn i want to try my hand at making my own pokemon game so is there anyone who wants to lend me a hand i have not used the software before (RPGmakerlite) so i will be pretty new,but if your willing to help me learn we can make an awesome pokemon game

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