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Burning Bright

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Posts posted by Burning Bright

  1. I haven't played this game in a super long time, and I have no clue what to do next. 


    A few things:

    I can use Fly now

    Reborn city still looks crappy

    The house near the waterfall is all flooded, the electric gym leader is sleeping on a couch

    I went to Calcenon, Cain mentioned something about Anna and Noel being missing? and says "any luck on your end" ?

  2. @FairFamily: there is a flamethrower TM? Where is it?

    @ShadowStar: Dazzling gleam would be okay, but it's prolly going to turn out to be something dumb like disarming voice or something.

    All of these TM are not bad and not over powered... Maybe the department store will sell stuff like focus blast, solar beam, and blizzard like they did the the veil stone city dept. store in DPP. I haven't reached levels 7 and up, so I don't know.

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