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Posts posted by helix

  1. well, the way i do is the same as the anime in a way except i see the character getting older and wiser as i do.

    with this series i see it as more darker toner so the character has to have a reason to be here. also, the whole motive behind to the train explosion was never explained so this either they are cutting everyone off from leaving( which is weird considering a few times team meteor wants people to leave) or they didnt want whatever was on the train there. till, they it is explain i am just fanfic'ing it as they wanted the character.

    i didnt know that some of the characters were based on real people. though, it does not surprise me: some of the best works were based on real people. the great gatsby is one that comes to might.

  2. i have tried the taurus glitch and i have tried it legit. nothing.

    got all the columns red, door open follwed through with flash and nothing. all topics i have seen are outdated this is what i found in ruins now.

    attached is what i found. if i need the jetteson part then where would it be?



  3. i have complete the current episodes i must say this publicly: better than anything that gamefreak could muster. you have given us what all us gen one fans wanted for a long time.

    coming on the train i see myself either have done something to condemn me to death; a vetern trainer who have either lost his way, faith, etc. or a trainer who in this dark world had to do something unforgivable to himself, his home, and his faith in whatever he held dear.

    the world felt like "this is the final days". possibly of pokemon, humans, the world, and/or the trainer himself. the whole pulse device pressed even my best skills to the test.

    the gym leaders sisters arc made me lose sleep: the thought of me abandoning them as the trainer was unforgivable; i didnt feel i needed to i wanted to with all my heart and soul.

    if i have a choice to off Flynn he is getting red shirted fast.

    terra i felt sad for: she was the kid wearing clown makeup while crying like a child with no end inside. i felt sorry for her. same with the water gym leader.

    luna the same as terra: the person who wants to be anyone but herself. she sees herself among the darkness never allowing anyone to see her. and to make matters worse is eli. calling hax on him. all i am saying is this; i am recording it when i red shirt him.

    before i start to rant i am going to cut it off here and i hope i didnt spoil anything.

    i thank you for a great game and great platform for a great personal fanfic.

  4. what is the best method of dropping sabrina's love child? i know it becomes metal/psychic but the speed and strength just hits everything i got.

    also, if this has been asked i am sorry in advance.

  5. hello everyone, my name helix just started to play reborn and figured i would say hi. not new to pokemon been playing since gb red. so far i am liking how the game is going.(kinda saw this timeline coming. i mean humans and pokemon? who was going to be the dodo?)

    the fact pokemon are going extinct just makes me want to find a ditto and start getting to know the daycare personnel on a first name basis(i use to breed eevees for fun and i still do that in uranium.)

    also, side note; talked to someone in the first part of the game and they said something about trading stones? is trading pending or not a thing for reborn?

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