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Posts posted by Ironbound


    4 hours ago, Godot said:

    Tempest? More like Gust! Am I rite?

    **was sniped from the distance.**


    Nah, the only Flying move he needs is Roost :] 

    That was some valuable information I gleaned today. Admittedly the only new thing I learned was about your history with Roost, but still. Important thing to make a note of.


    Praise Spear Pillar.


    Oh, and, I'll nominate Baz.

  2. Once, in elementary school, I failed a paper on general knowledge. My interests at the time were very narrow, limited mostly only to the natural world, and though my knowledge of such subjects was far deeper than could be expected for a kid (indeed, I knew more about animals and plants than many adults could be expected to know about); I was completely ignorant of almost everything else. I didn't even know the capital cities of the neighbouring states in my country or the names of the car models that I saw daily on the roads but never bothered to learn about.


    Failing that general knowledge paper was the closest I ever came to failing a subject proper, but it certainly made me aware of how a narrow focus is inadequate. Since then, I've made a conscious effort to be interested in, and consequently gain at least a little knowledge about, everything and anything that presents itself to me. I think it was a very important milestone for the development of my state of mind and attitude towards life.


    Have you had any such important failure, that contributed to a significant development in you?

  3. Your question is indistinct. Life's only meaning is also its greatest meaning, and the only one of its varied interpretations that isn't subjective to each individual organism: to live it and to be alive.


    So yes.


    Did you imply that human life is to have a purpose beyond subsistence and biological functions of survival and reproduction for the individual self? That man should have some altruistic motivation for life?

  4. I live in India, where capital punishment is not banned. However, it is reserved by the Supreme Court for the "rarest of rare cases", which are actually very rare (and very justly merited) so, from a practical standpoint, yes, I'd rather it remained a threat that existed to loom over the heads of potential criminals, if anything.


    That said, while many who live deserve death, many who die deserved life. Can we give it to them? We mustn't be too hasty to deal out death as punishment, not just because of the moral dilemmas that ensue, but because, from a very pragmatic point of view in statecraft, excessive use of capital punishment erodes its gravitas, and also numbs the public awe and fear of the thing. It may even spark open revolt or rebellion from certain segments of society, and even if their protests are ill-informed and guided by that vague sentiment of public sentiment for 'human rights' (though it can be argued that people who deserve capital punishment usually commit crimes that destroy their humanity), no government should brook revolt or rebellion against its policies if it can help it.


    TL;DR: yes, capital punishment, if it isn't already permitted, should be, but only in exceptional cases to remain an effective judgment and deterrent to crime. 


    Should incarceration be the 'go-to' punishment dealt out for crimes?

  5. Honourable mentions: Magearna, Steelix, Excadrill, Skarmory, Bisharp, Reuniclus, Rotom, Kyogre, Kartana, Ferrothorn, Heatran, Bronzong, Aegislash


    10. Empoleon 

    9. Registeel

    8. Scizor

    7. Deoxys

    6. Genesect

    5. Celesteela

    4. Starmie

    3. Porygon-Z

    2. Metagross

    1. Magnezone



    Not much has changed since last year. I still prefer concepts revolving around alien, machinelike, inorganic lifeforms, (therefore, largely Steel and Psychic types) with a preference for abilities like Analytic, Clear Body, Download, Technician, etc.


    The only notable change is that I have found me a new ride in Celesteela. Worthy as Skarmory was, a giant alien spacecraft is much more thematic than a plucked prehistoric turkey.

  6. Not really, which is why I've been largely inactive on the forums for quite a while now, save the rare times (like now) when I don't have anything better to do and feel mildly curious about what goes on in the few parts of this place that I used to frequent.


    Do you think state-funded elections are a good idea?



  7. Me asking "Who are all of these people" doesn't need to imply that I believe something to be wrong with newcomers. In fact, there is no explicit correlation between my statement and your question to it, as I did not specify newcomers to this thread, or define any particular entity. Your assumptions have led you to be prematurely conclusive. This is declared to be an assumption that you are in response to my initial question, and is a hypothetical response to a response I imagined you to have made. I disclaim all responsibility for any consequential response.



  8. No, these weren't. Not yet, anyway...


    he might actually try the phone number one though, if he hasn't already done it


    I found these on the internet because they're fun to examine in a cringey way. But that's maybe because accountancy innuendos are ultranerdy.

  9. Accountant pick up lines, v2:


    *slides a paper with phone number across to a girl who is an accountant*

    "Hey, miss, can you give a report on these numbers?"


    "Let's internalize some liquid assets while you audit my staff."


    "Are you a pledged asset? Because I want to withhold you..."


    "Hey, are you from Accounting? Because I'm a-counting on seeing you tonight!"


    "I've been in public practice for a long time but I've never seen an endowment like yours."


  10. I never thought I'd live to see the misery of accountant pick up lines. But I have had the misfortune of witnessing a colleague employ them.


    "Hey, nice assets"


    "You make my pants file for an extension"


    Forgot the actual line, but it involved 'round figures'...


    I am not joking, these were actually spoken. I cannot get over the cringe to this day.

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