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Posts posted by HakuTaku

  1. Well yes, they do travel but i havent heard a word from anyone about them returning downhere. The food was bizzare becuse it looked like nothing i've seen and i worked in a fancy european resturant before. I haven't seen any alcohol but how would i know i only stayed for 8 minutes. I only glanced aboud the massive ballroom to see the decor. looked more like something from the The Masque of the Red Death with out the rooms and like 2/3 of the people being dressed up with masks. On the ceiling there was those swings you see in a carnival where the acrobats use during their stunts. Tigers are some that i saw on the side looking bored. They were paying heavy screamo music if the loud guitar and screaming told me anything. The place was packed. They let you go freely and you pay for the entrance, friend payed for that crap. He said that it was all makeup and no actual deformaties. I don't belive him for many reasons. I booked it out of there quickly after few of the so called preformers passed by, a albino and a ebony skined two headed man with no shirt. On of the heads looked at me and it snickered. I quickly found my friend and dragged him outside the building to take me home. we both left and i've ignored him. The only thing i can think off it reminds me of that time i accidently wondred into the weired end of the web. But this happened in october so it mght've been a event that people with connections can get in if intivted or tagged.

    I forgot to mention I was still living in denmark at the time and people were embracing the idea of the commercialized holiday.

  2. I fast forward weeks in my computer to change the constant rainy and windy weather but after changing upto five months ive seen just rain, rain, and more rain. I checked the weather forecast on the tv all the time. This is frustrating.

  3. Notus, the head of this project, left a short while ago and there hadn't been much activity since then. Unless interest in this sparks again, it's unlikely that you'll find many active musicians looking to contribute to the project.

    Well the cello, the piano and the accordion. This project is most likely dead anyways, but do you have the music sheets for Beryl's theme??
  4. *Has

    And, no not me :T

    Are you happy now mate?


    Well The Underground Circus is well basically a circus filled with oddities, such as mutations and all that goodness~

    So me and this dude i knew went two years prior and they had actual deformed people, animals and the most outworldly foods. I'll explain more later before i go on and on~

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