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Posts posted by -Unknown-

  1. No guidelines, however I only ask that you don't go in a loop if you know what I mean.

    Do you have a belief in such?

    What are you Guidelines of such if so or not why?

    Opinions of religion?

    The good and bad of having a god multiple gods or no god at all.

    Do you see yourself as a god or lower or higher?

    What is your Foundation and/or Cornerstone for such (meaning any of the above or even a something comment you created without these "guidelines" (still on topic though))?

  2. Literally "OPEN HOUSE" on anything you think involves maturity.

    If want some where to start from:

    What is Maturity?

    What are your standard for such?

    What acts can be seen as such?

    Do you expect a pokemon to ever have "mature" content?

    Social Standards of Maturity?

  3. I Really won't tell you unless one of you ask me to, and IF so you will get a reply that is honest only due to my what most people would see as "Twisted", "Distorted", "contradicting" morals that to sum up all the different things are seen as evil and/or wrong.

    Either way IF one of you ask you will get a reply that is honest and accurate as possible.

  4. Literally what/as said I would like to listen.

    If you want mine,

    Basically it with a Shiny Pikachu, Venusaur , Shiny Charizard, Blastiose, Espeon, and Lapras living together as one in conditions similar to Trainer Red in the image of what most people would find "Bad-ass" except in condition much colder and much worse in Night sky that dark and vibrant much like the simulation of the/those Limozines you see with night sky simulations except it is real and a world of Dark for us to explore as we grow as individuals getting closer to the power within ourselves, and We/I don't do it for the as said above what people find to be "Bad-ass", It's done because that is what is.

  5. How do you see yourself?

    How do you see your life?

    How do you see your image of you life, want your image of your life, and need your image of your life?

    How do you see where your at, where you want to be, what you want be, and where you need to be?

    How do you see yourself getting there?

    Who, What, When Where, and, Why?

    And what ever else...

    If you want to know mine ask and I will as honestly and accurately tell you my experience as possible and you can "Paint the Picture" and/or see for yourself.

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