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dead account

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Posts posted by dead account

  1. Didn't AI Junko say that the real Junko broke Izuru's spirit? I seem to remember her saying that in DR2.

    Jeez. The whole "we're unable to move or look away at all but are still perfectly capable of complaining and yelling" thing is downright absurd and kinda made it hard to watch the brainwashing scenes this episode. Especially after Chisa had to be restrained in a chair with her eyes forced open to watch the killing game footage earlier.

    I could understand the "I don't wanna do this" schick from that one blue guy who sawed his own neck open, assuming he was doing that out of duress or something and wasn't actually completely brainwashed(he could've been made more likely to comply in response to Junko's threats through brainwashing? I dunno). Wouldn't be the first time Junko lied or stretched the truth to mess with people and help drive them further into despair. But apparently, that's legit how brainwashing works in DR. I get that being made to do things while you're fully aware of it and don't want it at all is a more horrifying thought than that of unconsciously doing it or being made to want to do all that, but it still doesn't change the fact that still being able to talk when you're physically incapable of moving otherwise "because brainwashing" is just silly.

    ... doesn't help that this reminds me of a scene in Shadow the Hedgehog where everyone is paralysed and frozen in silly poses because of some nerve gas and are somehow still able to talk,

  2. no monica was the robot player but she was already dead. Then monica didn't want to be involved anymore so she left for space. The mastermind is the sixth one alive in the game. I am very certain that its either chisa or someone on jabberwocky participating.

    ...Did you not read what I said? The counter is counting people who are still alive. Not people participating, people who were in the game and are still alive. The robot wasn't alive to begin with so its "death" in the game doesn't count. While Monaca was not actually in the building or anywhere near it, she was still indirectly participating and actually fought some people. And she is still alive. It doesn't mater if she quit and went to space, the fact that she's alive is what matters here.

    Count the characters in the killing game who are still alive. Makoto, Asahina, Ryota, Munakata and the mastermind. That's 5 people. That's why I'm saying Monaca might technically be the 6th person still alive(watch the OP for episode 10, it clearly says 6 despite the fact that Juzo, Kyoko, Ruruka, and mecha Gekkogahara were all killed in the 9th episode, which had the OP say "9 people alive" in the beginning) and it most likely isn't some reveal that "Oh wait, X character is actually alive! Hooray/boo(if it's Ruruka)!".

    Also, why are you still suspecting the Remnants of Despair on Jabberwock Island? Didn't I already point out how it couldn't be one of them before? While I have no clue what's going on at Jabberwock island, I'm sure there's no way they could've been involved in the killing game. Because the mastermind knew where the Future Foundation building was(the island was outright stated to not be on any maps in the first episode), attacked Future Foundations' computer network from the inside, built an underground floor under the Future Foundation building, made the underground floor look very much like a part of the actual Future Foundation building(meaning they had to have either had access to a map of the building, or been very familiar with the layout, both of which point towards the mastermind being in Future Foundation), and did all this without drawing attention to themselves. This is basically impossible for someone who isn't a high ranking member of the Future Foundation. Like Chisa.

  3. Well, after the credits of this week's Future Arc episode are boats and foreboding music. Does this mean next week we'll finally see what's going on with the Remnants of Despair?

    Also, can I just say that seeing Munakata get hit in the back of the head by that fire extinguisher was hilarious? I could watch it for hours.


  4. Doubt I'll be getting it this year. Even if it turns out to be the best game of this year.

    I usually avoid getting games on launch unless I really enjoyed the previous games(Monster Hunter, Danganronpa('s steam ports), and XCOM come to mind). And because I don't have that much money to throw around.

    Though I am interested in this game and hope that the whole limited stacking thing Firaxis do with this game means that they are learning from their mistakes in 5.

  5. there has been somewhat random theory I saw that the ng codes and the stab wounds from the killer put everyone in a comatose like state and it is possible one of seikos drugs can bring them back letting almost everyone that died in this series come back

    The attacker's victims were outright stated to have been stabbed in their hearts. I very much doubt there's any chance they'll be getting up after that. The NG code thing is kinda plausible, but this might just be wishful thinking on my part because NG codes killed some of the characters I liked.

  6. The killer is in the group but the mastermind is unknown. they could be in the building as the traitor or outside the building on jabberwocky island. theres about 4 people left. 5 if munakata's lover theory is real

    Why are you suspecting the despairs on Jabberwock island? I would've thought by now that it obviously had to be someone in the Future Foundation(Either Munakata or Ryota). Do they even have any way of leaving the island or contacting the outside world? And I doubt the mastermind would go to Jabberwock island to hide from everyone when FF is throwing a million boats in that direction.

    I can't be the only one who just wants to see what's going on with the despairs. They only showed 30 seconds of Izaru staring at some boats like 3 or 4 episodes ago. What happens next!?

  7. "Game Jolt has been hit with a massive amount of DMCA takedowns from Nintendo, mostly targeting Pokémon fangames. And as you might imagine, Pokémon Uncensored Edition was one of them.

    Man, a takedown notice only around 2-3 hours after the release of 1.0 seems really odd, doesn’t it? But since apparently hundreds of fangames were targeted, it was just really, really awful timing.

    Pokémon Uncensored Edition will be removed from Game Jolt tomorrow. Until then, download the game and enjoy it!"

    Quote from the developer of PUE. ^

    Welp. It seems "tomorrow" has already come, so downloading Pokemon Uncensored edition is impossible now. Wanted to see what it was like.

    Uh. I heard about something similar happening to Pokémon Uranium and I wonder if we should be worried too.

    No we shouldn't. Uranium wasn't taken down by Nintendo, the devs took all their own links down in response to some takedowns of links by nintendo's lawyers.. And these on Gamejolt fangames were apparently making money off ads, which led to the takedowns on the site.

    At the very least, Reborn will be fine until it fully releases.

  8. I wish the shape and size of everyone's ears was determined at the start of each new year by a random number generator.

    Granted, but that random number generator is permanently stuck choosing between two options. And they both look extremely generic and similar to each other.

    I wish for birbs.

  9. Having the sidequest for Magikarp drag on till the post game just seems excessive to be honest. The latest 'karp thief doesn't seem like he'd get it stolen from him and Reborn was getting fixed up, so it's entirely likely we'll just have to hunt this last guy down and we'll finally have the damn thing, if the guy in 7th Street is to be believed. Or whoever he sells it to, Either way, we shouldn't have Ame dangling a 'karp in front of our faces much longer. Hopefully.

  10. A secret exit leading out to the bottom of the ocean. I honestly thought it was just going to be a trap of some sort and that the water at the place Seiko died was from damaged pipes or something.

    Also, God damn it! I just want to see what happens at Jabberwock Island! We've gotten nothing about the Despairs since the 20 seconds of Kamakura and the goddamn fleet Future Foundation threw at the island 2 episodes ago. I know the Despair Arc is a thing, but I just want to see Izuru sink FF's battleships. That or compare them to his yacht.

  11. I was going to ask what happens if Snow burns through all the moons in this solar system, but there's apparently 173 of them(or 170 now that Snow used 3 of them to smite her enemies... At least I think it's 3). So, I think Snow will be good on ammo for a while.

    I probably should reread this whole thing at some point. I'm getting pretty fuzzy on certain details. Like the whole arm regeneration thing.

  12. At this point, I wish I had a PULSE Meowth myself. Most of the good stuff in this game is expensive as all hell.

    I would've thought you'd have gone after Terra for the finale, but eh. Brooding on a mountain and getting sent on a mandatory holiday to Hoenn is fun too. (Probably not gonna be much fun for long if it's vanilla Omega Ruby. Even in a nuzlocke, that game is a joke.)

    Honestly, I've always wondered why nobody has thought to throw these gem-key things into the middle of the polluted lake. I mean, there's no way in hell you'd be able to find anything in there. Key's gone for good and Reborn is saved. Or hell, cast one into the fires of Mount Pyrous. What good's a key if it's been completely destroyed? I guess the sentimental value outweighs the need to keep the damn things away from Team Meteor to these people? Only real reason I can think of to not toss them somewhere the Meteors can't get them.

    Or hell, they could try and get fakes made! Team Meteor might end up being fooled by the fakes... until they try to use the damn things(or El sees them). But at that point, they would've already been used as bargaining chips or something, so whatever.

    Really, the most sensible solution for the whole "team meteor wants the things" situation that any character has suggested so far(in the game, not this nuzlocke) is "fly off into the desert, away from Team Meteor." But even then, there's been some weirdness going on with the train tracks in the desert(I forget exactly what was going on out there except that it resulted in a large portion of the desert being littered with train parts and the tracks being rebuilt further away from the area each time), so there's no doubt Team Meteor is out there. Because who else does this kind of thing?

  13. Procrastination, laziness, sleeping during the day when possible, drinking far too much pepsi...

    Also, I am very sloppy. And only really clean up when the piles of rubbish, and/or clothes are almost up to my knee.

    edit: also lack of motivation. That too.

    I have a shit ton of problems.

  14. Well, I'm doing nothing at the moment. I failed a course and I have no clue what I'm going to do for the rest of this year, because I think I missed the deadline for repeating my leaving cert. I've found no actual information about deadlines(or even what places allow you to repeat) on the internet, but everyone I've asked said it might be too late.

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