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Posts posted by Hypa

  1. you follow it its not something you can capture :0 so thats the reasoning behind it, this guide was set to be made during v5 as there would have been a few more pokemon to write about but hope jan has a few more for me to add in the future :3

  2. Okay guys time for another short guide by Hypa! this time imma take you through all the pokemonn in current version that have a chase me event which as far as im aware is currently 2 pokemon but hopefully this helps some people! :3


    So I herd u leik Mudkipz , okay obligitory reference over we can get on with the show! :3

    Requirements:Rock Smash, Rockslide, Surf , 7 badges

    Our Journey Starts in Goldenleaf town and we head west out to the wispy path now what you need to do is surf over the small canal on the right till the rock slide part :3 we go up this and enter the cave


    Okay guys now once your in the ruins we have to go north and surf and go up the small dentation where the mountainer is standing then once you have battled him you need to head north and go up the rock climb stairs twice and head east to the waterfall (pictured below)


    Now go behind the waterfall (3 steps) to the center and head north and you will find another secret cavern holding the magnificent Mudkip


    okay now he will exit when you talk to him so where you are going next is down the two staircases to the same level as the mudkip you will se it as you exit the waterfall anyway pretty easy for the first location


    Okay so he runs off again this time we are heading south near the entrance again but this time as we get past the water head east and you shall see our darling mudkip agian <3


    He ran off again damn -.- ohh well we head back over the water to the mountaineer we seen earlier and head west you cant miss it


    He runs off again! >.< anyways this time your heading onto the water again but while your on the water you will want to head east and onto the downward ladder

    where you will find our mudkip again


    Okay from this position you head east and then south and use rock smash on the rock and head up the stairs.


    Now head "down" the other ladder and you appear at the highest place in the map :3 nice lil logistical error there jan :P


    Okay now head back down the all that agian to mudkips secret base behind the waterfall, the poor lil guy is all tuckered out but he wants to fight anyway :3


    Capture him and be on your way!


    Okay guys we have the perfect pokemon playboy or giggalo whatever way you wanna look at it :P this is covered in my quest guide but i thought i would bring it up here because its one of the more difficult find me pokemon.

    Requirements: Cut , 4 gym badges (with access to teruguma shore)

    Lets Get started!

    Okay Location Number 1: Route 3

    so we head west outta sheridan village hey presto we have our first location gorgeous lil ditto dont you love me ? why must i chase you.(i feel like the skunk in looney tunes sorry to all the people who are too young to get that reference)


    Location Number 2 :Corta Forest

    We need to do the ancient wing for the kingdra statue its found near the old woman in the purification forest thingy all you have to do is step on it and you pick it up. anyways your gonna battle a lv 46 kingdra (i think sorry i did this earlier in the playthrough to get the itemfinder). anyways once thats done you go as far up as possible but don't enter any of the buildings then head right and you should be able to see our cutie Ditto again.



    Location Number 3:Route 2

    Okay As you exit Amethyst cave use cut on the tree on your left near the breeder and you cant miss my darling ditto


    Location Number 4: Goldenleaf Town

    Okay Hard to miss this one what you need to do is come from route 3 to Goldenleaf and you will see it on the Girantia Statue on its head :)


    Location Number 5: Route 4

    Okay exit Goldenleaf town onto route 4 and go about half way up to akuwa town and you cant miss it :3


    Location Number 6: Akuwa town

    Head out to Akuwa town and what you wanna do is find your way up to the excavation companys main building where you will find our adorable lil ditto <3


    Location Number 7:Terujuma Shore

    Okay as soon as you take the boat to Terujuma Shore Ditto will be waiting for you there poor lil guy got washed ashore it is wet and cold and just wants someone to be nice to it, but it puts up a fight and its rather difficult to catch atleast in my experience with it.


    Okay guys if ive missed any Chase me events let me know in the comments below :3 Goodluck and have fun! :3

    Hypa Away! -Zooms Off Like A Superhero-

  3. okay guys updated if there is anything ive missed lemme know, as far as i noticed there was no change in the other 2 sets of quests :3 so anyways ive got a few other guides in the pipelines :3

  4. okay so found an error today first one in a while if you talk to the elevator in the chrisola hotel then deselect by pessing x it changes your floor anyway to level 2 or level 3. Minor but bleh thought i should do something around here :3

    Side note constantly repeatable pokemon events could be just for me but Abra and Heatmor stay there no matter how many times i capture them

  5. Okay Guys this is turning into a WIP as im gonna do the most difficult pokemon events in this guide so yeah imma have alot of fun in the coming days or hours depending on my motivation so wish me luck :3

    Okay guys its that time again for another silly look at Pokemon rejuvenation with another guide by Hypa! :P this time we are looking at those ridiculously difficult to get pokemon i will cover the pokemon i consider to be the most difficult along with some of the ones that were considered difficult by the other forumers in another question i posted a couple months back :3 so guys welcome and goodluck following some of my rambleing as i go through this (sorry in advance my pc has turned off its spell correction so don't expect spelling to be great :3 i think it will add character to the guide lol)

    Okay guys its that time again its time for Hypa to do his best to help you guys find out all the poliwags for this silly side quest its litterally one of the most tedious quests ive ever had the displeasure of completing

    anyways lets get started, firstly you must have 4 gym badges and surf :3 now we need to head to Route 3 and surf into the mountany part where you will find this thingy :3


    Talk to the woman and she will basically tell you everything you need to do there is one poliwag to be found per lillypad and the locations are spread pretty far to the current end game

    Okay so first one lets start off with the easy ones shall we ? :P

    Polliwag 1: Purification Forest

    Easiest one to find overall (although fifth on the of the ones i actually found lol)


    Step on the lillipad you will get the option to play a tune from the white flute the nice woman gave you in the cave and bingo he goes off to route 3

    Polliwag 2: Whispy Path

    Okie guys another easy one on the mountain near the girl who asks to see an axew

    she gives a dragon scale if you show her

    you will see the lake and the familiar lillipad


    Polliwag 3 : Route 11

    Okay guys this one is a lil more difficult than the previous two as its not in plain sight okay what i want you guys to do is sail East from akuwa town hugging the southern barrier untill your only option is to go south and you will find Polliwag No.3


    Polliwag 4 : Terujama shore

    Okay guys an easier one again as its pretty simple to get to either sail north of where you had your battle with Valerie (why don't you come on over?) or just sail east from terujama and hit the northern wall and you will find it :3


    Polliwag 5 : Terujuma Jungle West

    Okie guys basically we have to get down on the water so i suggest heading south outta Kakori Village then from there heading west into the western jungle and get onto the water at the first opportunity and surf north till you see the water fall you will be pretty close to the next lillipad


    Polliwag 6 : Valor Mountain (Spoilers Ahead)

    Okay guys putting a spoiler on this one cause its pretty close to the end of v6 so Personally i enter valor mountain via Krawli's gym the fastest way for me personally so go to the next floor up and we need to activate a water/ice crystal so we have to go to the nothern east part of this map and activate it( the very first crystal you ever get to activate in the storyline. now go back the way you came and go down a floor then down a floor again to the kyogre event then go down a further floor from the kyorge event floor and you will find yourself here;3 (if you havent done the kyogre event top tip is to use shedninja as he has nothing that can kil it wonder guard so OP)


    And there you go guys the last Polliwag congratz

    Now that we have all 6 all we got to do is go to the route 3 cavern thingy


    Tada Pretty ! :3 you can do the rest from here i hope


    So I herd u leik Mudkipz , okay obligitory reference over we can get on with the show! :3

    Requirements:Rock Smash, Rockslide, Surf , 7 badges

    Our Journey Starts in Goldenleaf town and we head west out to the wispy path now what you need to do is surf over the small canal on the right till the rock slide part :3 we go up this and enter the cave


    Okay guys now once your in the ruins we have to go north and surf and go up the small dentation where the mountainer is standing then once you have battled him you need to head north and go up the rock climb stairs twice and head east to the waterfall (pictured below)


    Now go behind the waterfall (3 steps) to the center and head north and you will find another secret cavern holding the magnificent Mudkip


    okay now he will exit when you talk to him so where you are going next is down the two staircases to the same level as the mudkip you will se it as you exit the waterfall anyway pretty easy for the first location


    Okay so he runs off again this time we are heading south near the entrance again but this time as we get past the water head east and you shall see our darling mudkip agian <3


    He ran off again damn -.- ohh well we head back over the water to the mountaineer we seen earlier and head west you cant miss it


    He runs off again! >.< anyways this time your heading onto the water again but while your on the water you will want to head east and onto the downward ladder

    where you will find our mudkip again


    Okay from this position you head east and then south and use rock smash on the rock and head up the stairs.


    Now head "down" the other ladder and you appear at the highest place in the map :3 nice lil logistical error there jan :P


    Okay now head back down the all that agian to mudkips secret base behind the waterfall, the poor lil guy is all tuckered out but he wants to fight anyway :3


    Capture him and be on your way!


    Okay guys we have the perfect pokemon playboy or giggalo whatever way you wanna look at it :P this is covered in my quest guide but i thought i would bring it up here because its one of the more difficult find me pokemon.

    Requirements: Cut , 4 gym badges (with access to teruguma shore)

    Lets Get started!

    Okay Location Number 1: Route 3

    so we head west outta sheridan village hey presto we have our first location gorgeous lil ditto dont you love me ? why must i chase you.(i feel like the skunk in looney tunes sorry to all the people who are too young to get that reference)


    Location Number 2 :Corta Forest

    We need to do the ancient wing for the kingdra statue its found near the old woman in the purification forest thingy all you have to do is step on it and you pick it up. anyways your gonna battle a lv 46 kingdra (i think sorry i did this earlier in the playthrough to get the itemfinder). anyways once thats done you go as far up as possible but don't enter any of the buildings then head right and you should be able to see our cutie Ditto again.



    Location Number 3:Route 2

    Okay As you exit Amethyst cave use cut on the tree on your left near the breeder and you cant miss my darling ditto


    Location Number 4: Goldenleaf Town

    Okay Hard to miss this one what you need to do is come from route 3 to Goldenleaf and you will see it on the Girantia Statue on its head :)


    Location Number 5: Route 4

    Okay exit Goldenleaf town onto route 4 and go about half way up to akuwa town and you cant miss it :3


    Location Number 6: Akuwa town

    Head out to Akuwa town and what you wanna do is find your way up to the excavation companys main building where you will find our adorable lil ditto <3


    Location Number 7:Terujuma Shore

    Okay as soon as you take the boat to Terujuma Shore Ditto will be waiting for you there poor lil guy got washed ashore it is wet and cold and just wants someone to be nice to it, but it puts up a fight and its rather difficult to catch atleast in my experience with it.


    Okay guys if ive missed any Chase me events let me know in the comments below :3 Goodluck and have fun! :3


    Possibly the hardest ever pokemon event there are items you need to collect (key card fragments) they cant be seen by your item finder and are scattered in the weirdest places anyways on with the show there is 3 to collect (DONT HAVE ALL SIDE QUESTS DONE!)

    Key Card 1:This one is in the xen lab on the secret show go as far right as you can and you are there on one of the boxes shown below


    Key Card 2: Okay this one is where you had to kill off the 2 badasses on top of the volcano :3 on one of the rocks


    Key Card 3: Okay this one is a pain in the ass if you already followed my other guide to side quests and done them all im afraid you cant finish this quest according to reports ive had due to the inability to enter the last builing of the final quest anyways its in the final room of the ??? quest in kristiline city to obtain this fragment you cant have done the ??? quest sorry guys!...... BLAME JAN NOT ME!!! Anyways image below >.<


    Once thats done all we have to do is go to the secret machine on the secret shore now for this you are gonna need cut and surf to get there :3 now once this happens your gonna swipe the key card and ur gonna get some errors and bamn! robot with a shadow beldum appears


    Now guys this shadow beldum cant normally have its heart unlocked the trick is to have another pokemon thats ready for their heart to be unlocked then instead of unlocking that pokemon you chose the shadow beldum instead ^^(this might be cheating from what jan actually wants to be done but bleh i wanted my metagross


    Okay guys this one is pretty difficult so yeah go to where you had that encounter with kyogre and you will see a ball on the left containing a key of some sort, sorry i don't have a screenshot but on with the show!

    Go to the zen lab in the secret shore and keep heading to the left as soon as you enter this will be awesome as you will find that the locked area can now be unlocked with the factory key!


    Now go as far left as you can you will need to surf over and then you need to enter a cave the entrance is rather hard to see but its directly ahead of me in the screenshot! :3


    head inside and you will find a rather grousome scene dead xen officers everywhere ! follow the path along then you will reach a cage! wow its big enough to fit a human inside you must be a really good owner (if you get the reference lol)


    exit again for a suprise

    Solrock/Lunatone Combo(April Quest)

    Okay this quest is found in amethyst cave after your 5th badge although wont be completable till after you have obtained rock climb(needs clarification when the event becomes available.

    Requirements: Surf, Rock Climb, 7 badges

    Okay guys lets get started first enter from sheridan village head down till you get beside the waterfall you will see a mysterious girl


    Now follow the river around the map eventually we will get to a massive door with our new friend April.


    She tells us we need to investage more of the cave now this is where i want you to think as if you are entering amethyst cave from route 2 and head east on the exit till you come to the following rock climb spot.


    Now we head down the ladder and heey presto we find our super vital item to open up that epic looking door :3


    Now go back to that door and meet your future waifu april again :P(at this point during the guide after screenshotting the item i forgot to take it and had to make my way back lol:P) and she gives us a few extra bits and we got a phase dial like you and april the two pieces each of us had were made for eachother <3 XD enough of the mushy stuff we enter and we find lunatone and solrock


    AND THEY DANCE! WE DANCE! WE ARENT HUMAN WE ARE DANCER! (human by the killers reference)


    okay now we face a pretty rad mash up of monsters :3


    now after all thats done we have the device now what you need to do is dun dun dun have a solrock and lunatone in our parties go to bag>Key Items> Phase Dial and use it on the solrock

    Anyways guys thanks for reading another guide By Hypa

    *zooms off like a superhero!*

    Sorry Guys screenshots to follow ! they will be up in like 3-4hrs if i dont forget!

  6. woo! axew starter was my hero yet again against angie swept her team with dragon claw after 2 dragon dances :3


    There is a mistake in the storyline :0 aelita headed towards the yacht when she was going to sheridan presumably to use it to get to the mainland when you were given the keys not aelita, had aelita known about the yacht and had the keys in the first place wouldn't she have told them and cut out a lot of the hassle from the begining ? o.o anyways its being silly but i think its weird

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