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Posts posted by Sevonic

  1. I've only played it through once so far and I picked Chimchar since I thought Infernape looked pretty cool and it looked like a fun mon to use. He's been pretty awesome. Very handy with Florina and all those Pulse Tangela/Tangrowth.

    Once the game is completed I plan on starting a new run to experience it in its full glory. I'm planning on picking Treecko since it gets a pretty good/diverse moveset early on. Though that plan hinges on Ame not removing the post-Julia train station numel. Half of my troubles in my main run early game came from not having anyone with any decent ground moves, and that noibat is a pain in the butt to train early game.

    I'd really be careful with frail mons, if I were you.

  2. You're by the water in Opal/Peridot Ward I'm assuming? This has been an issue since nearly the conception of the game as far as I'm aware and seems to not go away no matter what Amethyst tries to do.

    I see. Maybe as I progress through the game, things will get better.

  3. I literally cannot answer the phone unless I know the number on the caller ID so I know your feels. Phones are like the worst thing ever and I hate them and I freak out when they ring. though I can at least talk on them if I do know the person calling or if I'm the one making the call and know who's going to answer

    Calling people (unless they're friends or people I know) is hard for me, too.

  4. Although I'd rather not share my personal struggles with anyone, I feel as if I can trust this thread is judgement-free.

    I'm diagnosed with several disorders: ASD, ADHD, clinical depression, anxiety, scoliois, and neurofibromatosis (feel free to read up on it if you don't know what it is http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/neurofibromatosis/basics/definition/con-20027728). I've been through a shitload of medical problems throughout my life, not too severe, but enough to make my life a bit more stressful than that of others.
    Scoliosis stories will be saved for later. Phrasing it short, my scoliosis surgeries went on from age 5-11. My final curve prior to my spinal fusion was 95.

    I wasn't diagnosed with Asperger's until I was 13 or so, but I did definitely show the characteristics of it ever since I was a child - bouncing from one thing to a next and having obsessive interests in things, which I never thought much of. Being accepted by other students was a huge challenge for me. I was different, socially awkward, and loved being unique. Because of this, I was treated like shit constantly. I wanted to get things done and be a leader, but instead I was left out of everything, thus being pretty bad in groups.

    7th grade was the most dramatic year for me, literally got KICKED out of social groups, ended up breaking down numerous times in school, thus not taking anything seriously.

    That was the year that I was diagnosed. I realized it wasn't that I was an over-dramatic piece of shit, I just needed improvement socially. My parents set up an IEP to help with it, but my IEP team didn't do anything except ridicule us, making us feel like garbage just because we were different. Things got better when I got to high school. Everything started out fresh and new.

    I do intend on eliminating my IEP at some point soon, though. I feel like I have met the requirements to move on with my life and forget about my diagnosis.

  5. Alright, title says all. No more to it.

    I visited my boyfriend a couple months ago. On the last day, we rented a canoe and spent a couple hours on the lake. I brought with me a bottle of Dr. Pepper for us to share. But unfortunately, passing it to eachother was a big challenge due to the angle which we were sitting. So he decided to pass it to me by putting it in the lake and letting it float over to me. But, the water decided to carry it AWAY from the canoe, so we desperately tried to steer the canoe, failing miserably too, to retrieve it. We ended up laughing our asses off nonstop. Yes, we did manage to get it, but it took about ten minutes of running into the shore rocks.


    Normally I am not so giddy about my job. I work at Domino's, and I have gotten some really WEIRD orders before (some being downright nasty). Someone decided to order a BBQ chicken pizza, but without chicken and without BBQ sauce. I don't know why, but someone just wanted a pizza with cheese and onion.

  6. I am an agnostic atheist and ex-Christian, though my beliefs were never strong to begin with. My dad used to teach philosophy over at a local university, but got a higher job as a dean just a few years ago. So, during my childhood, I learned skepticism, and religion wasn't constantly rubbed in my face like some children. I was a brilliant child, finding out Santa wasn't real at the age of seven (I confronted my dad once and said that no man could possibly be that old and the only people who know how I act all the time are my parents). My parents are agnostic, so of course, it was very hard for me to believe in such a deity if I never went to church.

    I tried going to a progressive Christian church a few times back in 8th grade, but it didn't feel right to me. I didn't feel like I was in the right place, no matter what I told myself. I've had a pretty shitty life, so I wanted to be reached out to, but God just wasn't who I could depend on. Got cancer at 2, had back surgeries until I was 11. Where was my god?

    I got into an abusive relationship later that year, suffering from the worst kinds of emotional manipulation. No matter how many times I prayed, begged, cried for it to end, this "God" wasn't helping me. I lost the little faith I had left.


    Now, I'm done with the life story that I just put fourth, time to get logical. I have no problem with Christianity, or any religion, as long as it's not forced upon me.

    Considering that I am an agnostic atheist, I believe that there is a possibility of a God, but it is definitely not what is depicted in any of the books.

    Another thing, Jesus did NOT intend to start a new religion, I can NOT state this more. He wanted to reform Judaism. Christianity was not started by Jesus, it wasn't started by God. It was started by people. And the bible was not written by God, it was written several decades after Jesus was crucified (HISTORY MAN!)

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