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Lord Chespin

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Posts posted by Lord Chespin

  1. Update #25: Nashandra, Queen of Dark

    Well, Madelis was actually pretty tricky, but Solaire managed to get past her eventually. On TEH URN, Solaire led with bed of Chaos, and Madelis led with her Houndoom. Bed of Chaos got hit pretty hard with a dark pulse, but was able to do massive damage in return with an earth power. Madelis, quite clearly shaking in her boots from this display of raw prowess, swapped out to her Skuntank, which took massive damage on the switch from an earth power. Madelis tried healing it with a hyper potion, but Bed of Chaos kept spamming earth power, even lowering its special defense. This prompted her to swap back out to Houndoom, but Bed of Chaos just got healed by a moomoo milk on the switch, then tanked a flamethrower and took out the Houndoom with an earth power!

    Madelis' toughest Pokemon, her Sharpedo, came out next, and so Solaire swapped Bed of Chaos out to Siegmeyer. He was able to do massive damage to it with an electro ball, but then was OHKO'd by an earthquake, prompting Solaire to swap out to Grandahl. Grandahl was able to slightly dent Sharpedo with a feint attack and set up a howl, but then Sharpedo took him out with a dive; fortunately, this left the Sharpedo weak enough for Big Hat Logan to swoop in and KO it with a flamethrower!

    Up next came Madelis' Shiftry, and while Big Hat Logan was able to do insane damage to it with a flamethrower, it still survived and took him out with a rock slide. Undeterred, Solaire swapped out to Rat King, who ended it with an acrobatics!

    Madelis' Skuntank came back out, but Bed of Chaos was ready for it, and took it down with an earth power after tanking a night slash, surviving with 10 HP to spare! ...Not much else to say, really...

    All that remained was Madelis' ace, Zweilous. Solaire swapped out to Ornstein, and he paralyzed it with a thunder wave and then did chip damage with a discharge before fainting to a dragon rush. Bed of Chaos came out next, and she was able to do significant damage to it with an earth power before fainting. Luckily, when Rat King came back out, he was able to get an extra turn thanks to paralysis immobilization, and took out Zweilous with two acrobatics! With Madelis down, it's time to take the fight to Neved!

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 44

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 41

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 41

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 42

    houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 41

    emolga.gifRat King (Male) - Lv. 43

  2. Um, so, I was playing through the game again for my duotype run, and I'm up to Blacksteeple Castle. I realized that when Neved talks to you after Saki rips the antenna out of the ground, he says that killing you then and there would have solved 50% of their problems, or 25% if Melia hadn't died. That means that killing us would have solved one-fourth of their problems. Now, what two prophecies mention four people? That's right, the Dual Prophecies. Since Team Xen needs Ren for their goals, and earlier versions confirmed that Ren was one of the shadows, this confirms beyond a shadow of a doubt that Melia and the protagonist are two of the lights, and that Team Xen's working to start the Prophecy of Darkness.

    Not only that, but I remember from an earlier playthrough that when you meet Nancy in the generator room in Blacksteeple Castle, she mentions to Nastasia something to the effect of "I wasn't there when he instructed the others". That means that there are more artificial humans out there besides Nancy. Combined with the realization above, as well as the fact that Professor Jenner's soul didn't show up in the Soul gem when he died, I guess this confirms that Professor Jenner was an artificial human as well.

    Of course, there are still some problems with this. For example, if Madame X wants us dead, why would she save Kanon and save us from the destruction of Kugearen City? Maybe Kanon's actually one of the Shadows, and she can't risk him getting killed before destroying the world? And what does this mean for Crescent? What is she planning?

    Feel free to discuss this in the comments!

  3. Wow, glad to see a lot of love for this run! Thank you, and even though I'm on vacation I'll try to keep it updated!


    Update #24: Dusk of Oolacile

    Well, the rematch with Nim was really close, but Solaire managed to pulll through. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Ornstein and our newest team member: Rat King the Emolga; Nim, meanwhile, led with her Solrock and her Lunatone. Ornstein damaged both foes and boosted Rat King's speed with a discharge while Rat King set up a light screen, but the two took massive damage from a stone edge and a psychic, respectively. Fortunately, before they fainted to a second stone edge and an ancientpower, Ornstein was able to paralyze Lunatone with a discharge, and Rat Vanguard was able to seriously dent Lunatone with an electro ball. Siegmeyer and Grandahl came out next, and while Siegmeyer took out Lunatone with an electro ball, Grandahl took out Solrock with a feint attack!

    Up next came Nim's Malamar and Duosion, and although Siegmeyer dented Malamar with a charge beam and Grandahl nailed Duosion with a feint attack, Malamar OHKO'd Grandahl with a superpower, giving itself a buff to its attack and defense while Duosion injured Siegmeyer with an energy ball. Bed of Chaos came out next, but before she could even attack she was taken down by a superpower from Malamar, leaving Siegmeyer to get injured by a psyshock from Duosion. Running out of options,Solaire sent out Big Hat Logan, and had Siegmeyer and Big Hat Logan gang up on Malamar; however, then a miracle happened: Big Hat Logan's flamethrower burned Malamar, causing it to faint after it took out Siegmeyer with a psycho cut!

    All that remained besides the Duosion was Nim's Meowstic; Big Hat Logan tanked a thunderbolt from it and a psyshock from Duosion, took out Duosion with a flamethrower, and began spamming flamethrower on Meowstic. However, as he did this, Solaire realized that he would run out of HP before Meowstic did, so he healed Big Hat Logan with a moomoo milk, allowing him to live long enough to KO Meowstic! With Nim defeated, it's time to enter Akuwa Town and face impending doom...

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 42

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 41

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 41

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 41

    houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 41

    emolga.gifRat King (Male) - Lv. 41

  4. Update #23: Alsanna, Silent Oracle

    Well, even though Solaire beat Narcissa on his first try, he still had one heck of a time. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Rat Vanguard, and Narcissa led with her Drifblim. Rat Vanguard set up a nuzzle, which immobilized the Drifblim from paralysis and allowed Rat Vanguard to weaken its speed boost from unburden. He then started spamming charge beam, but only managed to get off one before fainting to two ghostly wails. Solaire sent out Siegmeyer next, and amazingly, he managed to KO Drifblim with a single electro ball!

    Up next came Narcissa's Chandelure, and Solaire swapped out for Bed of Chaos. She tanked a ghostly wail and managed to fire off an earth power, which seriously injured Chandelure. Unfortunately, before Bed of Chaos could finish the job, Narcissa swapped out to her Rotom, which shrugged off an earth power thanks to levitate. Solaire swapped out to Ornstein, but he took some serious damage from a ghostly wail and was only able to do paltry damage in return with a bite. However, Narcissa then swapped out to her most dangerous and diabolically evil Pokemon: Spiritomb. It wasn't so bad at first, as Ornstein managed to paralyze it with a thunder wave and do considerable damage with two discharges; however, then the Spiritomb put him to sleep, causing him to get KO'd by a dream eater. Siegmeyer came out next, and started spamming electro ball; unfortunately, he got put to sleep too, and Narcissa just healed off all the damage he did to it with a hyper potion. Solaire tried waking him up with a full heal, but he got put to sleep again the next turn with a hypnosis, so Solaire just decided "screw it" and swapped out to Big Hat Logan. Big Hat Logan was able to dodge a hypnosis and do massive damage with three mystical fires (making Narcissa use up her last hyper potion in the process), but then he used psyshock because I'm a doofus and forgot that psychic-type moves do nothing against dark-types, allowing Spiritomb to put him to sleep with a hypnosis. Fortunately, Spiritomb's special attack was lowered significantly by all the mystical fires, so it didn't even do too much damage with its dream eaters. Big Hat Logan woke up a few turns later, and took advantage of the Spiritomb being immobilized by paralysis by setting up a fire spin before ending it with a field-boosted flame charge!

    Up next came Narcissa's Rotom again, but Big Hat Logan tanked a thunderbolt and took it out pretty fast with a fire spin and a flame charge! Narcissa's Chandelure came out afterwards, but it fell to a psyshock.

    Unfortunately, Big Hat Logan's sweep was cut short by Narcissa's ace: Mismagius. Big Hat Logan missed a fire spin, and thus Mismagius was able to take him out with a ghostly wail. Fortunately, Grandahl was able to come in on Big Hat Logan's demise, and while Mismagius set up a nasty plot, Grandahl was able to fire off two flame charges, ending it!

    All that remained was Narcissa's Gengar, and while it was able to do considerable damage to Grandahl with a sludge wave, Grandahl was able to survive and take it out with two more flame charges! With Narcissa defeated, Ren throws a hissy fit and vows revenge for us... helping him to accomplish his lifelong dream.

    ...Needless to say, I don't really like Ren.

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 41

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 40

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 39

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 40

    houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 40

    dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 39

  5. Update #22: Felicia the Brave

    Well, Alieta was rather tricky, but Solaire managed to get past her. On TEH URN, Solaire led with Rat vanguard, and she led with her Scraggy. Rat Vanguard lowered Scraggy's attack with a charm, tanked two ice punches, paralyzed it with a nuzzle, and started spamming charge beam! Unfortunately, he fainted after three charge beams, giving Scraggy an attack boost thanks to moxie, but Siegmeyer came out and 2HKO'd it with two electro balls despite Alieta using a hyper potion!

    Up next came Alieta's Meinfoo, but it was kind of easy to beat. Big Hat Logan came out, and was able to outspeed and KO it with a psyshock!

    Up next came Alieta's trickiest Pokemon, Gallade. Ornstein came out, and he was able to paralyze Gallade with a thunder wave and get off a discharge (um, that came out wrong, but whatever); unfortunately, he fell to two night slashes. SIegemyer came out and managed to knock it down to the red with two electro balls, but then Alieta healed it and it did serious damage with a night slash. Siegmeyer survived and dished out an electro ball and a charge beam, but Gallade was able to take him out with a second night slash. Fortunately, Big Hat Logan was able to come out, and although he took massive damage from a night slash, he held on and took out the Gallade with two swords dances!

    Up next came Alieta's Hawlucha, and sadly, it took out Big Hat Logan with a knock off. Bed of Chaos came out next, and was able to survive two knock offs to gravely injure the Hawlucha with two lava plumes. Fortunately, she got healed by a moomoo milk, and tanked two aerial aces to end the Hawlucha with a lava plume!

    All that remained was Alieta's ace, Hawlucha. Solaire swapped out to Grandahl, and but he knew he couldn't do anything, so he just healed Bed of Chaos with a moomoo milk before getting KO'd by two thunder punches. Bed of Chaos came back out, and she managed to survive a night slash to do massive damage with an earth power, then got healed with a moomoo milk and tanked two more night slashes before ending the Blaziken with a night slash! With Alieta defeated, it's time to take on Narcissa for real!

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 39

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 37

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 38

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 40

    houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 39

    dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 37

  6. I just read through the descriptions of the Alola-form Pokemon... and I just realized... Alola-Sandshrew with Ice/Steel typing might be the most defensive Ice-Type ever!

    to quote it's description: "It excels defensively, but it lacks flexibility"

    so I went to our everyday type-chart in all of our heads and calculated it's Type advantages/disadvantages:

    2x double weakness: Fire, Fighting

    1x weakness: Ground (ironic isn't it?)

    6x normal: Water, Electric, Ghost, Rock, Dark, Steel

    7x resistance: Normal, Grass, Flying, Psychic, Bug, Dragon, Fairy

    1x double resistance: Ice

    1x Nullifies: Poison

    3 weaknesses against 8 resistances and 1 nullify!

    if it can back it up with high Defence / SP.Defence stats I think we got ourself a solid Ice-type wall.

    however... Snow Cloak is again such a stupid really situational ability (one that it shares with Alola-Vulpix/Ninetails)

    It would have been so great if Game Freak would give us an ability on our Ice-types that doesn't require Hail to be set up...

    Well, there's always hidden abilities. Also, even though it's a great wall for Ice monotypes, those are some pretty common weaknesses...

  7. Well, with the reveal of CANON Delta Pokemon today, I figured it was time to breathe some life back into this thread! Today, I'll be describing a Pokemon that's kind of stuck in a no-man's land competitively, and could really use a new form to help it out. Say hello to...

    Delta Aipom -> Delta Ambipom

    Description: Actually, the concept for this guy was already made on the Holon Academy, but I don't think it was adopted into Insurgence. Here's the sprites:


    yes I know they were pure ghost-types but I added the fighting-type because it gives it great coverage

    Reason for Making: Aipom and Ambipom are Pokemon that got shafted competitively. Sure, they have Technician STAB Fake Out, but that's easily predicted around, and it has no really good coverage options for Rock or Steel types. This guy seeks to change this by giving it two godly STAB moves to abuse with Technician in Storm Throw and Shadow Punch, both of which get boosted to 90 Base Power (and Storm Throw gets boosted even further with critical-hit damage). Of course, it still has membranes for defenses, and it has kind of weak offenses, but STAB Technician Storm Throw makes up for that.

    Abilities: Cursed Body/Run Away/Skill Link -> Cursed Body/Technician/Skill Link

    Level-Up Movepool:

    Delta Aipom:

    Lv. 1: Karate Chop, Tail Whip

    Lv. 4: Sand-Attack

    Lv. 8: Shadow Sneak

    Lv. 11: Baton Pass

    Lv. 15: Curse

    Lv. 18: Arm Thrust

    Lv. 22: Shadow Punch

    Lv. 25: Destiny Bond

    Lv. 29: Agility
    Lv. 32: Double Hit

    Lv. 36: Storm Throw

    Lv. 39: Nasty Plot

    Lv. 43: Phantom Force

    Delta Ambipom:

    Lv. 1: Karate Chop, Tail Whip, Sand-Attack, Shadow Sneak

    Lv. 4: Sand-Attack

    Lv. 8: Shadow Sneak

    Lv. 11: Baton Pass

    Lv. 15: Curse

    Lv. 18: Arm Thrust

    Lv. 22: Shadow Punch

    Lv. 25: Destiny Bond

    Lv. 29: Agility
    Lv. 32: Double Hit

    Lv. 36: Storm Throw

    Lv. 39: Nasty Plot

    Lv. 43: Phantom Force

    TM Moves: Basically unchanged.

    Tutor Moves: Basically Unchanged.

    Bred Moves: Compatibility with mach punch added; otherwise, basically unchanged.

    Egg Group: Field

  8. Update #21: High Lord Wolnir

    Well, Geara was infinitely easier than I expected! On TEH URN, Solaire led with Bed of Chaos and Grandahl, and Geara led with Haunter and Drifblim. Poor Haunter went down to a single beat up, and while Drifblim was able to do some damage to Bed of Chaos with an acrobatics, it got burned by a lava plume, turning it into dead weight. Geara tried to end the fight early by sending out his Giratina, but it took quite a bit of damage from a beat up, did underwhelming damage to Grandahl in return with a shadow claw, and ended up getting burned by a lava plume. While that was happening, Drifblim tried to do more damage to Bed of Chaos with an acrobatics, but Bed of Chaos got healed by a moomoo milk, negating its efforts. The Giratina then fainted to a beat up, and Drifblim continued do pitiful damage with an acrobatics. Geara's ace, Doublade, came out next, and Bed of Chaos was able to one-shot it with an earth power while Grandahl negated Drifblim getting healed by Geara by hitting it with a beat up. All that remained was the burned Drifblim that hit like a wet noodle, and Grandahl was able to KO it with a feint attack! With Geara beaten and Wispy Laboratory locked up for good, it's time to take on Narcissa!

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 38

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 37

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 38

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 39

    houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 39

    dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 37

  9. Update #20: Vordt and Dancer of the Boreal Valley, Part 2

    Well, Eli and Sharon were pretty tricky, but Solaire was able to get past them on his first try (albeit with a little luck). On TEH URN, Solaire led with Bed of Chaos and Grandahl, and the Misfortune Duo led with Solrock and Lunatone. Grandahl managed to do massive damage to Lunatone with a beat up, but he and Bed of Chaos took massive damage from a rock slide (and, in Bed of Chaos' case, a psybeam); fortunately, Bed of Chaos was able to burn Solrock with a lava plume, neutering its attack power. Bed of Chaos then gave up its turn to heal Grandahl, and while the Misfortune Duo healed their Lunatone, Grandahl was able to knock it back down to the red while tanking a rock slide (which Bed of Chaos avoided). Lunatone got healed again the next turn, but Grandahl turned his attention to Solrock, which went down to a beat up, leaving Lunatone to get smacked by a flame burst!

    Up next came the Misfortune Duo's Tangrowth, and while it KO'd Bed of Chaos with a power whip, Grandahl was able to KO their Lunatone. This led to Big Hat Logan coming out on Solaire's side and Gyarados coming out on the Misfortune Duo's side. Grandahl did some damage to Grados with a flame charge before fainting to a waterfall, and Big Hat Logan was able to do massive damage to Tangrowth with a mystical fire before taking massive damage from a knock off and an icy fang. Fortunately, he lived, and KO'd Tangrowth with another mystical fire after Siegmeyer came out and seriously damaged Gyarados with an electro ball. Sadly, Big Hat Logan fainted to a surf from the duo's Milotic the next turn, but not before taking out Gyrados with a mystical fire!

    After the Gyarados fell, the Misfortune Duo sent out their toughest Pokemon: Rhydon. Siegmeyer tried to damage Milotic with two electro balls, and Rat Vanguard (who came out next) tried to weaken Rhydon with a charm, but after Milotic weakened Rat Vanguard with an ice beam, Rhydon took out both Siegmeyer and Rat Vanguard with an earthquake. Just as I thought that the battle was lost, however, a miracle happened: Milotic used surf when Ornstein came out, taking out Rhydon for me! This let Ornstein KO Milotic with a mighty discharge, knocking it out! With the Misfortune Duo down, it's time to take down Geara!

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 38

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 37

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 38

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 38

    houndoom.gifGrandahl (Male) - Lv 38

    dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 37

  10. Where and how do I fight the reserve Ghost type gym leader?

    You gotta do this: (SPOILERS FOR THE MID-GAME)

    After beating one of the sidequests in Krystalline Town, you get a message telling you to inspect the statue in Narcissa's Gym. What follows should be self-explanatory. After you've done the thing (you'll know what I mean once you've done it), the Reserve Ghost Gym Leader will be next to the Giratina statue in Goldenleaf Town.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Would Ren be the Scrappy? We, as fans, have a reason to hate him, and the troupe of "The Scrappy" makes it sound like it has no justification for the hate.

    My vote for Darkhorse might need to be everyone's favorite Professor, though he was made to be likable/memeific, so that might not count. Plus he might not b considered minor, as he could play a bigger role in the future. I mean, she is a freaking member of the Eleite Eight, so who knows what can happen.

    Well, there could be some justification, just not in-story. For example, the Lady in Snowpoint City who trades you a Haunter holding an everstone. I guess "lack of character development" and "turns evil for an incredibly petty reason" are pretty good reasons.

  12. Hey! So, not sure if you guys knew this or not, but I've made a page for Pokemon Rejuvenation on TVTropes. It could use a little love, however, and since I'm just one guy I don't feel qualified to do the YMMV-section tropes without some community feedback. Therefore, I'd like your feedback on two tropes:

    Ensemble Darkhorse: An unexpectedly popular minor character.

    The Scrappy: The fans hate this character for some reason.

    As you can see, these are some pretty controversial tropes, so I figure I'd ask you guys for feedback. Try to keep it civil, 'kay? Thanks!

  13. Just go to each person's grave, however you need an item first.

    Get the tiny key from a credit store and go to each grave for the three people. Eventually you will have the solution. Also it leads to a level 25 Gastly that you need to fight so be prepared.

    Okay. Thank you!

  14. Well, I've just hit 1,000 posts, and I figured that since all you hip kids are into AMA's these days, I might as well do one as a milestone celebration. It was either this or do a belated introduction, but I figure most people already know me, so yeah.

    But first, it's time to get some groundwork out of the way.

    My real name is Thomas Ryan Dayton. I live in Huntington, New York, and I'm going to be a Freshman at Adelphi University. I have two straight parents, an older sister, and a dog named Piper who, despite being about 10 pounds, thinks she's Conan the Barbarian. I'm white, male, straight, and cis so, basically, everything that's wrong with the world. I have Aspberger's, and I have no girlfriend (Ladies~), although I am friends with several girls IRL. I'm a massive fan of TVTropes, and I'm actually the one who made the page for Pokemon Rejuvenation. I'm planning on making my own Fangame, Pokemon Alliance, but I want to learn a bit more about programming before I make a post about it.

    So, yeah. Try not to ask me too many meme questions. Other than that, happy asking!

  15. ​Update #19: Company Captain Yorshka

    Well, Solaire actually managed to take down Marianette on his first try! On TEH URN, Solaire led with Bed of Chaos, and Mairanette led with her Heliolisk. Heliolisk, rather than use an attacking move, used flash, allowing Bed of Chaos to take her down with a mighty earth power!

    Up next came Marianette's Cinccino, and so Solaire swapped out for Ornstein. He managed to cripple it by paralyzing it, and managed to survive a bullet seed, which, oddly, only hit twice (I'll have to report that to the bug-reporting thread). It was slammed by a discharge, and tried to escape with a u-turn; however, Marianette's Chatot, which came in to take over for Cinccino, fell to a mighty discharge! Cinccino came back out, but Ornstein swapped out to Big Hat Logan, who took it out with a sacred fire!

    Marianette sent out her Pyroar next, and so Solaire swapped out to Bed of Chaos again. Pyroar did a pitiful amount of damage with a crunch, and Bed of Chaos did massive damage to it with an earth power. It hung on with just a sliver of health, though, and got healed by a hyper potion; fortunately, Bed of Chaos was able to take it out with a critical-hit earth power!

    Running out of options, Marianette sent out her Porygon2, and Solaire swapped out to Rosabeth. She was able to do some damage with an echoed voice, but then Porygon2 nuked her with a field-boosted hyper beam. Fortunately, this left it wide open to some sacred fires from an angry Big Hat Logan; not even a hyper potion was enough to save him from Big Hat Logan's wrath, and it went down!

    All that remained was Marianette's ace, Slaking, and I have to admit, I underestimated it. Solaire swapped out to Rat Vanguard, and he managed to miraculously dodge a giga impact to paralyze it with a nuzzle. He then set up three charms, tanking an earthquake, but missed a charge beam and was KO'd by a second earthquake. Luckily, Big Hat Logan was able to come out again and KO'd the Slaking with three sacred fires, taking it down thanks to it being immobilized by paralysis! And so, Marianette's mansion is revealed to be a wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey oddity that doesn't actually exist... oh well, time to head to Goldenleaf Town!

    The team so far:

    delphox.gifBig Hat Logan (Male) - Lv. 36

    electrode.gifSiegmeyer (Non-Binary) - Lv. 35

    manectric.gifOrnstein (Male) - Lv. 35

    camerupt-f.gifBed of Chaos (Female) - Lv. 35

    pyroar-f.gifRosabeth (Female) - Lv. 35

    dedenne.gifRat Vanguard (Male) - Lv. 35

  16. Hey, speaking of earthquakes...

    Mega Whiscash

    Type: Water/Ground

    Ability: Sap Sipper

    HP: 110

    Attack: 108

    Defense: 103

    Special Attack: 56

    Special Defense: 101

    Speed: 90

    With Sap Sipper and its typing, Mega Whiscash has no weaknesses! Unfortunately, its prowess as a bulky tank is weakened by its lack of reliable recovery, so it's better as a setup sweeper with Dragon Dance. With said move, it can do impressive damage between its two STAB moves and Zen Headbutt for coverage. Sadly, with only an 108 base attack and a base 90 speed, it's kind of slow and weak, even with a dragon dance boost.

  17. So found the secret Library. Watched as the sneaky witch jacked my mega ring. Got a cool book that translates things. When I went to complete said side quest, the person who asked me to do the quest asked for my magic book. I do not want to give it to him because I feel I will need it later. Though I get the feeling that if I give it to him I get something nice. Soooooooooooooo... anyone know what I get for giving up the book and if I should even give up said book.

    Thanks in advance.

    If you give him the Book, you get what is bar none the best healing item in the game: the Blue Moon Ice Cream, imported from Pokemon Reborn.

    Unfortunately, if you give him the book, you miss an opportunity to get some backstory for a villain and a Gothita around the third gym, so I'd give him the book after you beat the third gym. You can get a second book in the Sheridan Wetlands.

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