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Posts posted by NoGoodBoyo

  1. I can't really remember what came out in 2010 so I'm just going to say:
    1. [B]Sufjan Stevens[/b] - The Age of Adz
    2. [b]Arcade Fire[/b] - The Suburbs
    3. [b]of Montreal[/b] - False Priest (I don't even know if I particularly like this album, but I listened to it a lot when it came out...and how can I hate on funky soul pop dance music?)

    1. [b]The Decemberists[/b] - The King is Dead
    2. [b]Thao and Mirah[/b] - Thao and Mirah
    3. [b]Death Cab for Cutie[/b] - Codes and Keys

    I just remembered that Plastic Beach came out last year...and Have one on Me. So those two instead of False Priest. For sure.
  2. There's 4 now.

    My only problem with YGOA is Little Kuriboh updates so sporadically. I tend to forget all about it and miss out on new episodes because of it. I used to only follow his livejournal but then he stopped updating that. :|

    He's going to do an Evangelion spoof soon. Yay.
  3. My family gave me:
    $75 (well a promise for it next week, maybe), pajama pants, a bag full of travel stuff (small shampoos and what have you), Scott Pilgrim vs the World, sweater, shirt, Beatles Mug.

    My secret santa gave me:
    $10 Gift Card to Target

    My friends gave me:
    [url="http://www.decemberists.com/"]http://www.decemberists.com/[/url] <---the thing at the top of this page.
    And something else, which I haven't received yet.

    Oh and I also got cookies from my boss, and chocolate from one of the regular's at my store. ^_^
  4. --- / +++ I'm in a very confusing awkward situation right now. Which may not actually be awkward or confusing...it's just because I'm in it and don't know how to be a regular person.
    ------- So don't have time for anything anymore.
    +++ / ---- Very few hours this week soooooooo I can do somethings.
    ++ Christmas!
  5. I'm pretty sure Epiphany existed for like the longest time. Just it wasn't Vashy who started it.

    It was OD...and other guy I used to talk to all the time. Back in like 2001ish.

    Oh. I know Bear. Bear started that Poke Place forever ago but I didn't have a DS so whatever who cares. He brought it to MP, I played out of boredom. He brought it here, I joined out of boredom.

    I could make a super long story but meh.
  6. ---- Too much work. Since I always get scheduled the least amount of hours, since I'm expected to pick up shifts during the week, so I end up just having no days off with a million hours every week. And I am going to die.
    +++ But money. :D
    --------- But then Christmas shopping.
    ------------- And Decemberists tour/album spending.
    ---- and I have to go back to school in two months.
    ---- and depressed as usual.
  7. Well, I don't think I could point to a specific movie anymore and say that's my all time favorite movie. I used to with Pulp Fiction, and it's probably the closest thing to my favorite movie...but...there's other movies where I have comparable favoritism towards.

    Stuff like Children of Men, Chasing Amy, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Fall, Grave of the Fireflies, Fargo, Lost in Translation, Broken Flowers, Rushmore, Memento, Eyes Wide Shut...and basically every god damn movie Kubrick ever did...and Miyazaki.

    And god only knows how much I love Scott Pilgrim. I also very much enjoyed Inception and The Social Network...I just haven't been able to rewatch them yet to see if I still do enjoy them. Even if I did see Inception a few times in theaters...
  8. [quote name='mashew' post='4746' date='Sep 20 2010, 03:44 AM']Lol I get t and it's the game MASH not the show I'll fix it of u want lol. But isn't the show M*A*S*H?[/quote]
    I don't think it really matters, considering the movie it's based off of is just called MASH.
  9. Meloia looks horribly out of place and looks like it belongs in Monster Rancher.

    Seriously. It's just far too humanoid for it not to appear completely out of place. I can't think of another Pokemon that is even a similar style to it. It's just, ick.
  10. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='4586' date='Sep 16 2010, 10:08 PM']See? We're all bitching because we tend to be against what we first see. We'll grow used to these guys over time.

    I still remember my OMGWTF face when I first saw Bidoof. I was thinking, "Is it retarded or something?"[/quote]
    No. I won't. I've never changed my mind about a Pokemon...and honestly, I didn't think Bidoof looked bad first time I saw it. I thought it was off, but it still looked like it should be a Pokemon to me. I really don't understand the huge hatred towards it, it reminds me of a Slowpoke.

    And I will concede, not all the Pokemon look horrible. Grass starter is okay, the crocodile is cool. Like I said earlier, I like Emonga and Chilarmy. I really kind of like the dog's last evolution (and the dog in general) and the Zebra Unicorn. Kurumiru and it's evos? Pretty alright. And I love sea turtles, so the sea turtle is pretty cool.
    But for the most part, all of them either look boring or just so god damn convoluted and ugly (and just so god damn bland, somehow) I just can't stand them. Like how somehow the gear got even stupider as it evolved. Or the extremely boring fighters.

    And the legendaries? Argh. They all look dumb. Reshiram/Zekrom or whatever they're called, look the best, and I didn't even much care for them when I saw them. Those flying legendaries are just ugly, and that water fighting unicorn thing...just makes no sense. None of those weird fighting legendaries make sense to me. Meloia looks so out of place in Pokemon.
  11. [quote name='N8theGr8' post='4541' date='Sep 16 2010, 06:34 AM']What we need is not for the HM system to be removed, but to have the field ways of using it possible without actually teaching our Pokemon it. This could correspond to IF the Pokemon could learn the move, but it doesn't have to actually know it.[/quote]
    That's basically removing it then.

    :P just have items to do all the stuff then? If you get rid of making Pokemon knowing the movies...that's removing the HM system as it is.

    I wish it was gone. Bleh.
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