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Posts posted by Alilatias

  1. So from the mystery egg...

    - Grass: Phantump

    - Fire: Vulpix

    - Water: Azurill
    - Electric: Elekid

    - Fairy: Cottonee

    - Flying: Togepi

    - Steel: Pawniard
    - Ground: Drilbur

    - Rock: Ryhorn
    - Poison: Tentacool

    - Ghost: Frillish

    - Dragon: Axew

    - Ice: Sneasel

    - Dark: Vullaby

    - Fighting: Shroomish

    - Psychic: Staryu

    - Bug: Larvesta

    - Normal: Starly

    Considering what was said in other threads about 1 in 20 people getting their desired Pokemon, there's at least two others as well.

    (He said there was one that hasn't been mentioned yet, all of them I pulled from this thread. >_>)

  2. Usually I picked either Froakie or Torchic.

    In my most recent runs however, I decided to go with Chespin and Fennekin even though they're both available later in the game, the logic being that I'd never use them otherwise. They're fairly interesting and not bad at all.

    (Also early Wingull is pretty awesome too.)

  3. Ah, so I guess all old save files get an Azurill egg then? Everyone else getting different results were actually the result of people making new episode 15 save files to rush to that point of the game to see what changed?

  4. Well, there goes the episode theory, at least with Episode 13 and 14 files. I ended up finding an old file from Episode 13 that had yet to do the event, and I still get the same Pokemon as my Episode 14 files. Unless I'm supposed to find even older episodes. I started up an Episode 12 file, but that might not even be far back enough to make a difference...

    Unless I'm actually supposed to wait for the egg to hatch instead of assuming what Pokemon it's going to be based on the egg's appearance.

  5. My friends all got the same result as you from the mystery egg and we all started in Episode 14 while doing this event in EP 15. We all had different starters so I don't think this is a starter related event although that's a neat idea.

    As for the Pachirisu event, it's been changing around for me.

    I see Pachirisu again but my friend saw Zigzagoon so I think it changes or something..? I don't really know.

    Also totally off topic but hi! Surprised to see someone from DN here

    Saint Saito, at your service. :D

    I think over the weekend, I'm going to test the episode theory by starting a new file in Episode 12. This is really the only thing I can think of that would fit in with the clues in the other threads (only 1 in about 20 people would get Larvesta/you need the assistance of other players).

  6. The Litleo trade was changed. It's now...


    Also for the mystery egg thing, I got...


    I do have a rather unfounded theory on what comes out of the mystery egg. It may be determined by which episode you started your save file in, although that's even assuming there's an algorithm in the code that actually keeps track of that stuff. The only save file I had that didn't already do the trade started in Episode 14.

    The other theory I have is that it's determined by starter choice. I picked Torchic in that file.

    Gastly event as we all know was changed. It's now...


    Although now I wonder what happened to the previous event featuring that Pokemon...

    Pachirisu/Panpour event was also changed. Maybe another possibility.

    Zigzagoon. The previous Zigzagoon event is now Litleo.

  7. This field seems to trade weakening offending types (in this case, fire, rock, steel, and fighting) for probability, also powering up one of the super effective attacks. Rather interesting twist...

    I can already think that Magneton is going to vaporize Serra though, unless her team changes to have a real counter to steel types somewhere. Avalugg has Earthquake but it's slow and has like no special defense. Maybe have a sacrificial Onyx/Steelix to stealth rock the team first in case there's any Focus Sash users. Maybe Klinklang could work too, and it can come with Clear Body, rendering the accuracy drops useless.

    (Oh, an idea. Since I noticed light-based moves and some beam-like moves are adjusted to never miss, maybe Confuse Ray and Hypnosis should be the same way as well? Confuse Ray because, well, it's a ray, and Hypnosis because presumably no matter which way the enemy Pokemon looks, it'd logically make eye contact somewhere.)

  8. I just had a thought. I wouldn't be surprised if the event to get Togepi involved hatching like 30 other eggs beforehand, with the daycare couple commending you for your efforts in repopulating Reborn's Pokemon. After all Togepi is basically an egg fairy.

    EDIT: Oh wait, it says limited event. Hmm... Maybe Azurill gets moved to a later point in the game and becomes a limited event with Togepi, and replacing the Growlithe -> Azurill trade is Staryu since that's also a stone evolution.

  9. I'd like to draw attention to a possibility that we've all but ignored here. All these comments and theories are considering "will it be Amaria or Titania or a suprise Hardy/Ciel/Adrienn?" But let's branch out a bit and think outside the box. What if there was not just one gym battle this episode, but rather two- although not in the way you think?

    What if the branched stories went so far as to effect gym order as well?

    It's not an entirely outlandish suggestion. We've seen battles that have been interchangeable, particuarly in the case of the Sigmund/Sirius battles from a while ago, which resulted from a slight story branch. What I propose is this: it could be either our lovely Water leader or our (ironically) firey Steel leader and which one you face is based on your story branch from the choice in the house an episode or two ago. Do you tell her or not? Which leader do you face as a result?

    Now there may not be a proper field for Titania yet and most of this theory is probably just wrought by the fact that I'm tired and should go to bed before he accidentally destroys something in art class or kills someone in chemistry tomorrow, but that's besides the point. I will just leave this here and try to think outside the box a bit. Feel free to add, qualify, or refute (especially since you would have anyway

    This is actually a very plausible theory, although I think Titania actually DOES stand to benefit from a new field in this chapter. It's just not in the way most people would think since the bonuses she'd gain from it are entirely defensive rather than being any offensive. I'm talking about the Murkwater field. It shuts down Ground attacks, and her Pokemon are also immune to the massive type scaling damage at the end of each turn. If you build a poison team to benefit from the murkwater field, it would be purely defensive as those boosts to poison moves mean nothing against steel types. Additionally, any Steel type she uses that happens to have ground or rock dual typing would also become immune to water attacks thanks to the field adding dual poison typing to those.

    While the field can be transformed into the Water Surface by Whirlpool, that field still negates Ground attacks and also heavily weakens Fire, and a very small handful of Pokemon even know Whirlpool anyway. Ice types may have the ability to turn the field into an Icy Field as well, but they already have innate weakness to steel to contend with first.

    The one offensive benefit Titania would also gain from the field is the fact that the field halves grounded Pokemon's speed, and considering Steel types are already slow as is, that means any that are packing Gyro Ball will just hit that much harder, especially against any fliers or any Pokemon that has Levitate/Swift Swim.

  10. Regarding option Eevee, balancing out the evolutions would be an issue. You may have to modify some of their movesets. I'd also imagine you'd want all of the evolutions to be available at around the same point during the game. There should also be some sort of reward for keeping Eevee un-evolved until after a certain plot point.

    No comment on the other options.

    An additional option: Go with a Rock/Flying/Grass trio instead. I suggest Tirtoruga/Yanma/Cacnea. Tank/Speedster/Raw Force. All not very commonly used Pokemon, all two stage evolution, and they all possess a 4x weakness to the counterpart that's super effective against them (although Cacnea doesn't gain Dark typing until after evolution). They all also evolve at roughly the same time. While Tirtorgua evolves about 5 levels later, it definitely has the best pre-evolution moveset and abilities, while Yanma has a pretty terrible start without the help of TMs despite having Speed Boost, and Cacnea is rather average. I see all of them retaining viability later in the game as well.

  11. Yeah, I'm with Nova here, Team Resurrection sounds a bit awkward, although I can't think of another word that could replace it while still retaining much of the original meaning in the context of the plot you've given us thus far. I thought Rebirth, but Resurrection and Rebirth aren't necessarily the same thing.

    As for a character suggestion, since it looks like this game's story sounds like it might hold a heavier emphasis on the lore of the region, maybe you can introduce a counterpart character to Sal, who you say is a native that knows the region like the back of her hand.

    Perhaps a male lorekeeper of sorts that is traveling around to collect as much information as he can (whether it be about a specific region's culture, or even something as simple as finding out which Pokemon are where), but not necessarily for himself. He could be doing it on behalf of the kingdom, assuming the people of the kingdom are largely separate from the natives. Because he'd be acting on behalf of the royal family, he'll act as if he knows more about the region than most people, which could lead to him unintentionally offending others, especially Sal if they end up talking about native culture. Maybe he can even end up filling in the role of the 'gym referee' during certain parts of the game too (and maybe get into squabbles with some actual referees).

    Either way, I'd love to see this game become a reality. Best of luck to you.

  12. Trying to find the gym leader of Telia town. Running in circles around the island to no avail. I'm assuming she's wherever that one townsperson was saying about there being a secret cavern underneath the island somewhere.

    Also noticed a fairly significant plot hole, I suppose.

    I wasn't expecting to be able to return to the mainland so early, and yet, nobody at the Gearen docks seems to notice that almost everyone from the missing ship has technically returned alive.

    On another note, there has to be some significance to the player character's mother being a Fairy type user, already established to be the type immune to the shadowfication process. And Ren, being a dark type user, also being one of the Shadow warriors in the prophecy.

    EDIT: Turns out I was supposed to return to Tesla after visiting the Gym. God, all those wasted repels. :/

  13. Is everyone ignoring my suggestion to have infinitely re-battleable trainers in certain locations instead?

    - It'd completely skip over the awkwardness of receiving un-evolved Pokemon at high levels

    - It'd significantly cut down on the grind if players have an underleveled team, allowing them to catch up in levels more quickly (I started a new file and went all the way to the end of the current chapter, and my team was only in the level 65-70 range after I made several team substitutions over the last few chapters - which means if you're someone that is just playing through the story, the game feels as if it's punishing you for making any changes to your roster).

    - People would still have the satisfaction of raising the Pokemon themselves

    - And it'd solve the bigger yet very overlooked issue: Pokemon obtained earlier in the game generally won't be looked at ever again because of their low levels/perceived lower tier status.

    Reborn's supposed to promote diversity and outside of the box thinking, but the grind in the last few chapters is putting a huge strain on that. It's to the point where people can only justify raising lower leveled Pokemon if they're known to be of a higher tier/are generally more popular, like Abra (not to mention the discussion of upcoming Sneasel in this thread already). Once you get such Pokemon, why would anyone go through the effort to grind up an earlier game Pokemon like Vivillion based only on curiosity?

  14. This game is awesome the shadow pokemon,the themes ! But i have a little problem...I'm stuck at the point of the game after you beat Marianette when you are in the Storage House you need to talk to Venam but ! I talked to her behind her back and now i'm stuck because normaly she get out by taking this direction but since i'm on the way i'm stuck :( But i don't want to do all the game again so is there a way to fix it ? I hope someone will help me :x

    Ouch. Uhh, upload your save, I think there's someone around that may be able to unstick you.

  15. It's actually kind of funny how gym order actually heavily influences the viability of certain Pokemon between Reborn and Rejuvenation. Most people wouldn't even consider the Hoppip line in Reborn because the first few gyms shut down any grass types hard, while in Rejuvenation, Jumpluff is the godly leech seed/sleep speedster/staller because it either has resistance or neutrality against almost everything after the poison gym.

    Nothing else really competes with its niche, the closest Pokemon would have been the Shroomish line, but that was axed for reasons beyond leech seed/sleep stalling.

  16. I pick A for the first option, if only because I believe there's a different and much simpler solution. Since this game already has level caps fairly close to gym leader levels, and the higher level you go, it becomes harder to grind up basically any low level Pokemon, I think it'd be far better to just add infinitely re-battleable trainers to certain areas of the game (the Grand Hall daily trainers, and adding a trainer to Beryl Ward, Apophyll Academy, the Bysbixion Wasteland, Spinel Town, the research lab in Route 1, Agate Circus, and Calcenon City), because bumping up the levels of certain events only fixes the problem for those particular events. It doesn't fix the problem of people not ever looking at Pokemon available earlier in the game ever again.

    Like Commander suggests, it's not the low level of the new Pokemon that's the problem, it's how tedious it is to level up new Pokemon in the first place. Reborn is already designed as such that having an easy grind option doesn't really change the difficulty in any way, while not having one highly discourages players from using new Pokemon (especially Pokemon they've never used before, which is something Reborn is supposed to promote) the further they get in the story. You only really hear about people considering new Pokemon towards the earlier gyms. If you held a survey asking players exactly when their teams are finalized in Reborn pending the availability of certain Pokemon not yet released, I'd imagine most people would answer around Chrysolia Forest/Route 1, which is also coincidentally the point in the game where grinding starts to become incredibly tedious.

    It's a page we could take from the Reborn-inspired fangame Pokemon Rejuvenation, that game has infinitely re-battleable Pokemon Breeders and still manages to be incredibly hard, except you can now easily level up other Pokemon on the side that players may have never tried to use before against the gym leaders. Even in the latest release of that game, the creator got several comments about how the the latest gym leader was so hard that they quickly leveled up the early game Sewaddle/Leavanny to see if that would help, in which they discovered it turned out to be a very fun Pokemon to use that ended up being invaluable in the fight (to the point where the creator is now considering giving Leavanny the axe). And that gym leader was in the level 45 range, while the Sewaddle you get is initially level 10.


    For the second option, I pick B. You already need an empty slot to pick up Egg events in the first place, and the only events that are really that far from a PC are the ones that most people would read a guide on beforehand (particularly Mudkip and Beldum). Plus, if a player had any interest in using that Pokemon, they'd be soft-resetting for a good nature and IV spread in the first place, the potential egg moves the player immediately sees upon that Pokemon showing up in the party may be a tipping point in terms of determining if a player wants to seriously use that Pokemon or not.

    To warn new players about this, there could be a NPC in the Grand Hall somewhere that explains it all. Something like, "You can occasionally find Pokemon that wander out of the safety of their natural habitats. They can have any number of reasons for doing this, but I think it's because they have increased confidence in the special moves they're born with, compared to other members of their species. Well, it's just a theory. However, such Pokemon don't appreciate being approached with an offer to join a trainer's party only to be sent to a PC immediately. They want to see that the trainer has enough confidence in them to reserve an empty slot in their party specifically for them."

  17. Yeah, I wanted to say something about the wild encounter rate in buildings and caves as well, but I didn't want to come off as excessively whining over something that might be seen as trivial. I basically keep like 10 repels on me at any time because going through Amethyst Cave is such an annoying slog without them.

    I doubt the encounter rates are actually the same as Reborn, because I can find wild Pokemon after taking like 5 steps from my previous position in Amethyst Cave while I can take like 10-20 in Reborn's caves instead.

  18. I tried out a fangame called Legends of the Arena. I'd recommend it due to how different it is compared to most fangames.


    - Plot revolves around a tournament and its participants instead of gyms and an elite four. It's a fairly character-driven game. Shame that there are no unique sprites, but I'd imagine the creator might consider those later.

    - Player character is not a silent protagonist. Unfortunately, for story reasons, the main character can only be male.
    - The writing is really charming. Sarcasm detector is off the charts. The plot isn't Reborn-level (what is, really?) since it's a rather light-hearted game, but for the kind of plot this game has, the quality of the writing is amazing. I don't even want to provide any quotes because the writing is so good that I don't want to spoil it.

    - The game uses mostly Final Fantasy XI music, judging from the audio files.

    Couple things to note if you plan on trying it though.

    - The game uses generation 5 mechanics. Stuff from gen 6 (like electric types being immune to paralysis, steel no longer resisting dark and ghost, and fairy typing) don't apply here. There are no gen 6 Pokemon either.

    - Your starter is one of the eeveeloutions, determined through a personality quiz. Also, just to save you some frustration, you can't catch any additional Pokemon until after your first trainer battle.

    - There's also no in-game EV and IV checker. The game's difficulty is enough that it's given me trouble from time to time, but it's nowhere near Reborn level hard. If you've tried Pokemon Zeta, I'd say this game is at least harder than that.

    - The game is really slow-paced. Bicycle isn't available until towards the end of the current demo (5 medals). Highly recommend having a Teleport mule. (EDIT: I just found out you could hold Z to run from the very start of the game...)

    - TMs are one time use. The creator deemed unlimited use TMs to be too easy, but all TMs are supposedly going to be freely available for unlimited purchase at endgame, if the game is ever completed.

    - Some HMs are altered. Cut for instance is a 70 base power Grass move. Rock Smash is also 70 base power. Breloom is insanely broken.

    - For the people wondering if you get a Magikarp early on, thus obliterating the game's difficulty: No, you don't even get a fishing rod until like 4/5ths of the way through the current demo, and by then your team will probably be in the 40's.

  19. How do you get Budew? Is it in the Gardens above the Lab or the Garden in the hotel? And are shiny stones in the game yet

    I think Budew is just an insanely rare Pokemon. I only ever found ONE in Corta Forest, and it was freaking Level 1 in a Level 25+ zone. Wouldn't be surprised if the encounter rate was like 1% in all possible areas or something.

    Judging from the responses in this thread, I'm the only person that has ever found one in Rejuvenation.

    There is a Shiny Stone, but it's not accessible until the end of the current demo.

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