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Posts posted by Ghost

  1. click on random rocks, MINING (seriously mining brings in the shards like crazy), and if you feel like wasting money Agate Circus sells them for 10000 poke a piece (expensive I know but still an option)

  2. OK before this thread is closed...how to evolve Spritzee because I already have the satchet, but because its evolved via trade usually do I need a link stone too? Or is Aromatisse not available yet?

  3. Just to make sure you have the key, what is the name of the key you are trying to use.

    Oooohhh shoot wrong key. I thought I had the Yureyu key but guess not. That solves my issue.

  4. Lady episode 15 is not even out yet you can't get Feebas

    *Ghost's avatar explodes*

    And afaic, the event didn't change. Are you sure you're in the right door? :I

    No Feebas yet though :/

    sdkguhsiuguiwhg shh shh yes I saw my mistake I had a dumbass attack.

    yes, I am at the ghost type gym on the left door on the left corridor.

    EDIT for screenshot


  5. Before I even begin episode 15, I want to find a Feebas and get a Milotic. Thing is, I have no idea where to get one. If some kind soul could help me out that would be awesome.

    also....is the rotom sidequest out of the 14.5 update? I want to do it, I have the key, but it doesn't work.

  6. Ok, spent the last 20 minutes trying to find a way to eloquently and politely refute your very wrong point. Shit, that isn't polite.

    Right, so first off, you're generalising way too much there bub. Why do you assume all guys are in search of sex (Which is, y'know, a common sign of a healthy relationship and all)? Why do they not just want to take a friendship to a more intimate level? Unless you yourself have done this, you've got no way to gauge someones motivations, so don't go assuming that those "Nice guys" (Where this idea comes from, please explain) aren't just nice guys with genuine affection for the women they were friendzoned by.

    Next, you bash the term because it was made when someone was butthurt? It's not like it was a particularly salty LoL match, of course people will be hurt when someone turned them down romantically. It's incredibly insensitive to compare that hurt to the same kind of feelings one gets when they fuck up in a game. Despite any insensitivity, the term friendzone actually has a practical purpose as a term anyway, regardless of any negative connotations you associate with it.

    Regardless of who or why it was made, friendzone is used to describe a place in a relationship that will not move past friendship, romantically or otherwise. That term could be used to describe my relationship with a fair few people on these forums, so there's an example for you.

    TL:DR Please provide actual reasoning for your argument please and thank you.

    Dude the fuck I literally said both romantic and sexual. First, girls don't owe you anything; that's ALSO applicable for males, they don't owe us females anything because they are a little "nice". Second, the friendzone is used as an excuse to harass girls because she didnt want them. It is something that is actually true, and not a myth. Sex is not necessarily always a healthy part of a relationship, which is why, I dunno, this thing called RAPE exists. When I say "nice guys", I mean the people that will demand romance or sex (one or the other, or both) just because they showed kindness to a girl; they feel the need to be rewarded for being "nice" with our bodies or affections. How about just being nice for the sake of being nice? So, they will place themselves in the "friendzone" and whine about they couldn't get the girl. The friendzone that they made up as an excuse to cry and whine about someone that doesn't want them. I never used a video game example, so I don't see why it's relevant to make that comparison since losing a game is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT from getting rejected. You lose a damn match, oh well, the end. You get rejected, oh well, the end. Move on. That's what any practical human being would do. EVERYONE feels bummed out when they are rejected by a romantic interest. Literally EVERYONE; this isn't something that's new or unusual it's about as natural as squatting to take a shit.

    That's not the problem; the problem is when you blame the rejection on the girl because they wanna only be "friends" to guilt trip them. Not everyone is gonna find someone sexually and or romantically appealing. You are taking rejection, an aspect of life, and labelling it as the WORST THING IN THE UNIVERSE. Then, you create this imaginary purgatory that is the friendzone; the place between friendship and romance that gives a supposed right to acting like a pissbaby. There is nothing worse than having a good friendship with a guy (or person in general) then turning it to shit because I supposedly "friendzoned them" when I can only see them as a friend and nothing more.

    The fact that you see your "friends" here in the forum that you consider to be in YOUR imaginary "friendzone" really shows that you don't really value them as friends, only as people "who cold have been".

    So I dunno man, I am perfectly capable of giving reasoning as to why YOU are wrong. You seem to be preeeeetty passionate about the "friendzone", but I mean if the shoe fits...

    pet peeve? pretty obvious from the wall of text. people who say the friendzone exists and is valid. Ghost OUT.

  7. 11% left ^-^ But seriously though a lot seems to have gone into this episode, after the release I reckon Ame deserves a long rewarding rest.

    Someone give Ame a trip to the Bahamas with extra VIP service.

  8. I mean if I thought that a topic about pet peeves is a stupid thing, I would never post in it saying "a topic about pet peeves is a stupid thing". I would simply stay away from that topic. Why cannot people pick the safest and easiest path of not posting? It might sound silly and hypocritical from a guy who has over 1000 posts, but really, I sincerely feel that sometimes not posting is as important, if not more important, than posting...

    trying to tell me something here m8? :v

    I have a thing about people looking over my shoulder while I'm doing stuff on the computer, I hate random strangers asking me to do things, and I abhor it when people tap their fingernails on wood repetitively- but it doesn't bother me when I do it, so I dunno what to make of that.

    Oh boy this, especially when little kids do it. I am a horrible person but I scare little kids when they do this sort of thing.

    -People bashing terms like the friendzone when the term really is just what it says, a part of the relationship where you are friends. (The issue lies with the connotations, not the term itself)

    Little less Peevs and more so general active dislikes

    The word "friendzone" is a load of shit that was made up by "nice guys" in their butthurt over having a girl they like refuse to be with them...or in most cases, refused have sex with them.

    It's fucking stupid, the friendzone does not exist, but your thirst is.

    In shorter terms I agree.

  9. Ghost, I totally understand why you would hate sneezing, I do too. Unlike almost everyone I've ever encountered, who sneeze like, freeping once. I sneeze like five or six times, EVERY. GOD. DAMN. TIME. And that's without my allergies in effect. Don't get me started on that. It's so frustrating to have to pause for like, two minutes, just to finish sneezing. It's so bad, my past roommates would start out saying "bless you" after every sneeze but by the end would be saying only after I completely finished cause they got sick of having to repeat it so many times.

    Imagine this, but compiled into one big sneeze.

    Let's see...I can't stand when people think I am selfish just because I take care of myself and treat myself. Doesn't automatically fucking mean I am a heartless bitch.

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