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Snap Crackle Pop

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Posts posted by Snap Crackle Pop

  1. Alistair remained laying there for several moments before he realized he was out of the cave and in the company of a Gengar...? Yeah, a Gengar. Wow. He really needed to get used to this. It took him a few more moments to realized that he was being asked something, and a few more moments for the words to register fully. "Not really.... Where are we?" he asked, turning his head around to get a better look at the Gengar and his surroundings.

  2. "Hello madame. Feel free to ask any question you wish. I am here to help"

    Kyrie nodded and grinned. "I'm here to..." she hesitated, she wasn't quite sure if she really had any questions to ask before joining. While she did have a good idea with what they were about, she wasn't quite sure if she knew everything, and it would be easier to back out now rather than later.

    "Err, are you okay..?"

    "I- Oh!" Kyrie shook her head and gave a brief gesture to indicate she was fine. "Sorry about that, yeah. I'm good. I'd like to join the Shields." Well. She decided to go on a whim. If it didn't turn out good then it would be easy enough to leave.

  3. Octavia had, for the most part, kept her eyes fixed on Rossepheus, but her gaze did flicker to where the snipers were occasionally in thought. They could have easily killed them all if they wanted to already, so while she was uneasy, she accepted that there wasn't anything hinky going on. Well, he did just knock out probably their two strongest fighters, he could have killed them, but he didn't. For what ever reason, he wanted to talk to them- something quite important to go to this extent. Technically speaking, there wasn't anything they could do anyway if it was an overly elaborate attack, they were completely outnumbered.

    "How about we get on with the matter at hand. If you wanted to kill us, you could have easily. Right from the beginning. What is it that you wanted to say without Eric and Cesealia conscious?"

  4. Shields. Definitely Shields. It was the choice that would lead to the most positive change, right? The Swords might have had some okay visions regarding conquering more land and everything, expanding the city, but they couldn't even properly acknowledge their already at hand resources- the Gifted. Before they should start expanding, they should also at least try to uniform the quality of life, for in some places in the city, it was quite poor compared to other sections. While the Scales were okay, they didn't really try to do much change, after all, in ten years there still wasn't too much progress even though they were currently in power. The Shields, however, if they could win the next election, things would probably get so much better. Especially now that Gifted could become members of the party, this could be the change that so many people were looking for. Kyrie fell into the line leading to Nigel Gredia, giving a brief and anxious flick of her left hand before relaxing and grinning. She was, for a moment, concerned whether they would accept her, but she quickly came to the conclusion that they probably would. She couldn't see why_not.

  5. Kyrie moved out of the way of the crowd that started to dissipate, she wanted to think without getting in the way of everyone else, because she wasn't fully sure if she actually wanted to get involved with all of this. It was.... quite interesting, what had happened, and one of the few things she didn't expect to be the outcome. On one hand, there was a lot of progress being made for the rights of Gifted such as herself, but what exactly did they mean when they say "Employers across the country can now discriminate freely against the Gifted, should they find an adequate reason". What would be an adequate reason, because that could be very subjective and easily abused. But then again.... One thing at a time, if gifted could get a position of power, then that changes things drastically. It would probably be the best way for her to actually do something about this matter of inequality between the two groups of people. She never really was a person who was too interested in politics, but maybe that can be changed, she wanted in on this. Yes. She definitely wanted in on this. It was a great opportunity. Kyrie started making her way into the school with a quick stride- she didn't want to lose her nerve.

  6. Kyrie had found herself a spot up front and somewhat to one side of the large crowd of people. She stood there waiting for things to start, most of the other people around her seemed engaged in conversation so, not wanting to intrude she remained quiet. So what exactly is the point of bringing us all here? What could be so important....

  7. Player Characters sheets - Page number - Post number

    Kyle “Claude” Burlinski: 1 3

    (Coordinator) PC of Dobby

    Ryan Johnson: 1 4

    (Trainer) PC of Tacos

    Robert Parkhurst: 1 5

    (Trainer) PC of TurboAura

    Jacob Robertson: 1 9

    (Trainer) PC of Jory

    Kenny Holmes: 1 13

    (Trainer) PC of K_H

    Danielle Chastain: 1 14

    (Coordinator) PC of DarkLight

    Slade Kafkin: 1 15

    (Trainer) PC of EXLink32

    Kageharu Tsukihashi: 1 17

    (Breeder) PC of Murdoc

    Mareek A. Sisto: 2 27

    (Trainer) PC of Stratos

    Galen E. Sisto: 3 59

    (RoG) PC of Stratos

    Evan Reeves: 4 73

    (Trainer) PC of Chimchain

    Shiro Advent: 7 139

    (Coordinator) PC of Bfroger6

    Henry "Glitch" Baldwin: 8 159

    (Coordinator) PC of commander218

    Sissy McLake: 69 1371

    (Coordinator) PC of Tses

    Raiza Krestel Morson: 127 2530

    (Trainer) PC of ZephyrEnyalos

    Mao Addams: 118 2357

    (Trainer) PC of Tomas Elliot

    Louise Lindstrom: 184 3670

    (Trainer) PC of Snap Crackle Pop

    Edit: Jezus.... I even had the page and post number on the same sheet.... Sorry Zeph xD

  8. Well. Alistair's butt was thoroughly whooped, and it hurt, thoroughly. He was attacked by a Pelipper who started beating down on him with a fury of wing and water and the Axew was completely done. Arceus must have had a sense of humor sending him into this wet and cold hell hole from the comfort of his room- more specifically- his bed. The Pelipper, probably seeing that Alistair was not going anywhere else, flew away, muttering profanities that didn't quite reach his ears. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but when he was thrown against the wall, he landed on and crushed a blue orb.

  9. Name: Kyrie Byrnes

    Gender: Female

    Age: 22

    Race: Caucasian

    Appearance: Average height (5'5) and average weight. Kyrie has very long and straight black hair generally in a high-ish ponytail with some freckles and fair skin. Her face has a distinctive bone structure, angular, but fine and graceful. She has sharp, piercing eyes, one being blue and the other brown.

    Personality: Byrnes is an adventurous and talkative young lady, she's very steadfast in her beliefs, but she knows to acknowledge when she is wrong (though one would have a hard time trying to get her to admit it). She may do things like take take a joke too far, but very rarely does she actually mean to offend or anger a person, she sort of has a tendency to to over plan and go way too over the top with a lot of things, being pretty competitive. Normally, she is a pretty impulsive, loud mouthed and short tempered, act now think later sort of person, but that doesn't mean she can't shut up and think before hand either, if it is important. She's not a dumb sort of person, but foolish would be accurate.

    Gift: Kyrie can manipulate water of all three forms, liquid, gas or solid and can make it change in between those three states. It's exhausting for her to use her abilities for extended periods of time. She can, say for example, keep some form of water suspended, but actively moving it requires more concentration and energy, and making it change states, even more so.

    Within the last few years she started practicing with it and testing her limits with the water manipulation, and she had gotten to be pretty good with it in terms of precision, not quite the case with stamina.

    Backstory: Kyrie grew up in the Military Quarters with both of her parents and older and two younger brothers. Her family was middle class and nothing really too exiting really came from her childhood

    She had known of her water affinity for as long as she can remember, but she grew to learn all of the complications the gifted faced and had to live with, and avoided using it as much as possible for most of her teen years. Not many people knew of her gift, but she never kept it a secret when inquired. Kyrie was quite fortunate to have an understanding family growing up.

    Additional Details: She has a fear of being lost and is a very picky eater. If she is incredibly upset, weird things might start happening with any water she is in contact with or near by.

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