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Posts posted by Nephthys

  1. "My name's Ethic by the way, and I'm the Guy who took out the shadows just a few minutes ago. Mind if I ask you this: Who is this Ethan that you were calling out for, a traveling companion?"

    "Oh!" Ellaria said "I thought I heard someone asking for Ethan, but than I realize that it was not Ethan, but Ethic, you... So I mistake your name..."

    "Shotgun McGee, everyone be quiet for a moment..."

    So she whispered for Ethic:

    "Who is Shotgun McGee?"

    "Oh HELLO BOYS!!!!!!!!!"

    "Oh craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap!! " she thought

  2. "Hang on a sec... There's someone here with some kind of cloaking. they're nearby, but i don't know where."-Ellaria heard.

    It was the voice of the one who saved her. She made herself visible and asked, mistrustful:

    "-Who are you?"

  3. "run this way! i've got a portal open, and those creatures aren't nice!"

    Ellaria followed the voice an then, everything went mad. A lot of voices, noises and screams echoed on her head, making her a little dizzy.

    She fell on her knees and become invisible.

    "And the seven were released to cleanse the world."

    "after that stunt you just pulled off, it's the least i could- Agh!"

    "Yo, man, You alright?"

    "Here! I don't know if they'll help, but take two."

    "Here! I don't know if they'll help, but take two."

    "I'm Ethic."

    "I should thank you for saving mine and Ixidor's elderly acquaintance, Mr. Taylor, from that lunatic wielding a shotgun and spouting out something about sermons."

    Shaking with fear, still invisible she asked:


  4. The shadows were grabbing Ellaria when she heard:


    Some misterious hero came for her and saved her... for a while." I think he dropped books...???" -she thought

    -RUN FOR IT!!! -she heard

    She tried to follow the sound of his steps, running madly , hitting more and more shelfs and dropping dozens of books on her way.

    -WAIT FOR ME!!! I´M BLIND!!!!!

  5. Ellaria got into the cave. "Good,finally a shelter, this rain makes me so cold" . She huged herself and start to walk and fell the floor with her feet.

    " Wait, this floor is not made of rocks and soil. I think this is... marble? Where am I?"

    The more she went inside the cave, the more she felt warm. "God, where the hell am I??"

    She smelled the air. It felt like old oak and dust....

    "Where am I?"

    Then she heard this horrible scream, sounding like scratched steel and anger and despair.

    "Whats is going on here???"

    She began to ran,terrified and blindly, until she hit a shelf. She fell on the ground, over a pile of books.

    She felt hands grabbing her, scratching her. Not human´s hands. Something´s hands...

    "I can´t trust anyone" she whispered to herself "I can´t trust, life taught me that, I can´t scream for help"

    But she did:


  6. Oh. Well damn, Notus already spoiled everything I'm sure then.

    Welcome then. I'm sure you'll be an awesome member, and I look forward to getting to know you. Don't be afraid to PM me either here or on the server. I don't bite... much. And make sure you do get on the server.

    Hey Tempest, you don't bite much? What a pity... because I do huehuehuebrbrbr

    Thank you guys!! :lol:

  7. Name:Ellaria Stonewall

    Appearance: Grey eyes, black hair, short and gaunt,pale brown skin.


    Personality Overview: mistrustful and frail in a first contact,but a loyal friend and strong when you now her well.

    Backstory: After Ellaria lost her parents in a car acident, she lived in a horrible orphanage for long 10 years. In her 10 years birthday, she fled the orphanage and started a life on the streets, sleeping under bridges, stealing and killing to survive. In one of her "misadventures for food" , she became blind and lost herself. Seeking for a shelter, she went into the cave and under the hill.

    Ability/Cost: short time invisibility/ becomes very weak


    I'm Nephthys, talking directly from Brasil!!!

    I'm very exicited to meet you all and I think I'll be a regular in the RP section.

    Reading and writing are passions for me, especially horror stories, and I love movies (God save Poe and Tarantino).

    My brother Notus said that here sanity is not allowed...

    So I thought:

    "Well,so this is a perfect place for me!! My sanity left me a loooong time ago!"

    If someone find my sanity please throw it in the garbage where it belonges

    Let's have fun!!!!! :lol:

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