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Etesian last won the day on October 26 2015

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10 Fledgling


About Etesian

  • Birthday 01/22/1996

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  1. an someone PM me a savefile at the end of E12? I'm about to lose everything on my PC and don't wanna start all the way over.. I'd like a file on which not too many event Pokemon and Pokemon which you can only obtain once like the Opal Bridge Panpour have been killed/lost forever. Whoever sends me one thank you very very much

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Etesian


      Myy Reborn saves are the only real thing I'd regret losing, but of the 3, my monotype is done and another one is in a PM waiting for a trade. If someone got me a savefile at the end of E12, I'd have all 3 of them covered.

      Not to mention that I'd have to send it out of country to have it fixed by them, so I'll just use a (8 month old) system restore point and fix this myself real quick.

    3. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      I think there is a way to bypass that. When you are turning on the computer, interrupt normal start up by pressing "enter" (I think). Try starting Windows in safe mode so you could access files, depends on what is wrong though. xD Might be a bit late on this.

    4. Etesian


      I can't even get to that, the only options it gives me are regular startup whoh results in BSOD, system recovery which does nothing, and using system restore points. Whatever, there's nothing that important on the laptop, so I'll just use that system restore point.

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