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Soft Taco Bear

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Posts posted by Soft Taco Bear

  1. (11:32:42) Karl Tanner: Hi guys
    (11:35:34) Un-Taco Bear: uh hi
    (11:35:54) Un-Taco Bear: wait
    (11:35:58) Un-Taco Bear: Mori???
    (11:37:20) Poe: Identify
    (11:37:26) Poe: IDENTIFY!
    (11:37:52) Karl Tanner: Yeah it's me ><
    (11:38:11) *** Poe turns off ban beam ***
    (11:39:31) Un-Taco Bear: pfft
    (11:41:16) Un-Taco Bear: I think you almost gave Poe a meltdown

  2. Well, I was a bio major, so there were plenty of smart women going into the medical field. There was no shortage of relationships there.

    Let's not forget though, if being smart was all you needed to be attractive, I think there'd be a lot of married people around these forums.

    And there is that point that they mentioned where they were trying to strike a balance between professionalism and trying to show interest/flirting. Let's face it, there's a lot of silliness and awkwardness involved when it comes to flirting for a lot of people.

    I think one of the reasons why people tend to inversely correlate intelligence with beauty is because the time and effort it generally takes to maintain the appearance of beauty or to study enough to be successful in the difficult, advanced level sciences. The common logic is that there isn't enough time for both and that one gives way to the other so it isn't expected when someone manages both.

    I think some men would be "intimidated" by a beauty with brains because it means more time and effort to keep such a gem interested and satisfied with him, especially when he thinks of how she must attract the attention of a lot of dudes. Guys are keenly aware of their competition, just as women are of theirs. And in the STEM fields, there are plenty of guys who are potentially as smart or smarter than themselves and of varying levels or arbitrary physical attractiveness. And do you think that, generally, greater intelligence positively correlates with great levels of social skills?

    I personally don't find intelligence off-putting, but rather a requirement. A woman has to have more to contribute to a relationship than just her looks. I hate talking inanities and I'm not a story teller or social speaker, so I can't drive entire conversations by myself. Nor would I be comfortable with someone who would expect me to be the sole source of income. Pretty is more 'intimidating' than intelligence in my book.

    I had a guy break up with me because my goal to get my PhD was too good for him, and he constantly worried about and compared himself to the guys in my field, so I can see that.

  3. Hmm, I almost feel like it might be a "power thing". What I mean by that, is that a lot of men feel threatened or lesser because a woman has a better career and/or is smarter. If I had to guess why that's such a big deal, I'd say it's because a lot of guys a brought up with a need to compete amongst each other and it surprises them when a "surprise foe" appears and sets the bar even higher. That and guys are presented in media as being the Protectors and the Heroes an awful lot, leading many boys growing up to feel a need to fulfill those roles. Thus, when a woman comes along who can be that dominant element, they tend to feel useless because they wanted to take care of them, and not the other way around.

    Though all of this is just speculation and opinions from someone who's education ended in High School so don't place too much stock in it, haha!

    Actually your point is completely valid and it's been studied before in most gender inequality studies. It mostly has to do with setup of social systems where gender roles are created and breaking social norms (like women becoming successful in a somewhat prestigious occupation as opposed to staying at home). The article hits the nail on the head. It's how we're socialized to believe that smart women often means unattractive and dumber means "sexy." And to some degree it does have to do with power.

    (Feel free to talk about it in this way because I'm actually taking a sociology class that brings up these kinds of issues, and it's quite interesting to me!)

  4. Agreed. I caint do it. Has anyone else met someone they got to know online and if it sucked or not?

    I have, and it was wonderful. But distance is hard so it ended after a little over a year. I find it hard to date men I've met in person first because I'm so difficult to approach. I still value what I had with Ika as well, even if it was one-sided. It's not impossible for it to last, it just depends on the person. It's a relatively fresh wound but I'd give anything to have it back.

  5. Tfw your neighbors have their bass turned up and you can hear it from your living room/your room because that's where your apartments are connected.

    My roommate thinks it's not loud, but it's loud enough to give me a headache and it's going to be a long year if they plan on keeping this up. It wasn't this bad until a few days ago and they've been doing it at random times of the day.

  6. Tfw your professor says they won't write you a reference letter unless you waive your right to view it, even though they said they want to give it to you before they send it in to make sure everything is correct.

    I'm kind of embarrassed but I would have waived it if he hadn't said that.

  7. My friend made a folder full of songs to give to me in high school/about 5 years ago, and there were several things in it that I didn't notice until this year.

    And then the ones I knew she gave me.

    She gave me the original to In My Head but I found the Mayday Parade cover and like it better.

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