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Posts posted by sandy

  1. Heather has been confirmed as a member of the E4

    where when? and has anna also that mean that we know of every one bar who exactly the champ is, as for who we say good bye to my suspect list includes


    taka (saying that taka's demise may be decided if you battled him in the water treatment center or not)

    eva (possible split back into 3 and quit)



    laura (for the reson i previously mentioned)

    as for any of the remaining leaders we have yet to fight i beleive its too late in the developement pocess of E16 for a new character to be added also where whould the reserve leader even come from?

    julia and florina are likly but not prim candidates for this

  2. erm did laura all ready disapear when she told charolette that she was booted for the elite 4 back in e13 or 14?

    which also leads me to my second question

    did we ever get introduced or meet all of the E4 yet?

    Bennet possibly replaces laura, El is there, is possible that anna is there best on when we first met anna and noel in the orfanage but we dont really know who the last remaining member is yet do we?

  3. i got a new pc and decided to copy my saves over but some of them vanished form my memory stick namly reborn so i'm starting again. i my last playthrough i had a mudkip i searched the pokemon location guide and found out that it was replaced with squirtle, now im looking for recomendations on what i should get for that spot curently i only have 2 badges but that dosent mean i cant take suggestions for later avalible pokemon. altho it can't be anything that i require surf for.

    my team curently stands at:

    electrike l18 (just cought)

    mightyena l26 (may replace wiht umberon when i get eevee havent decided yet)

    noibat l26

    charmelion l27

    i plan to have more than 6 like my other play through so i can swap depending on the leader im facing.

    i noticed i put this in the wrong place can a mod move this to the on the hunt section please

  4. for Angie i recommend going with the mawhile you get form augistine and you can also make use of that torkol still get them both to about 51 start of with the mawhile simply because of weviles beat up that can destroy most of your team plus if you do survive it has the added bonus of flinching you

    what i would like to know is what team you have and boxed mon's that way we can help you further.

    that mawhile and torkol were instrumental for me beating Angie in both my playthrough's

    if i remember correctly my team for Angie was something like this







    all of them were between level 50 and 55

    not sure it this was removed in E8 but heat wave removes Angie's field,

  5. i know what he means when you want to create the new save file without getting rid of the other one you change the name of the first save game game.rxdata to game1.rxdata of you want to replay your first save you remove the 1 from game1.rxdata

    that was an example but you get the general idea when you have multiple save files you can only have 1 game.rxdata. at any time fro each fan game otherwise they will try to overwrite each other

  6. Reborn City's trains have a tendency to get blown up, huh?

    I'd imagine Team Meteor try something crazy like PULSE Trapinch and drag us into quicksand. Or, PULSE Claydol (Come to think of it, a Gargantuan Claydol underneath the desert could work as well) that can manipulate the entire desert and trap us (Perhaps destroying the train too).

    what about a pulse flygon? i hear their sandstorms are brutal

  7. I wouldn't get my hopes up anytime soon. Even if the desert would be in ep 17 Ame can always make sure that gible is somewhere later down the road due to some event requirement or a HM you need to use.

    im pretty sure we have all the hms now except maybe fly and im not sure how you can make an event that would require that....

  8. A little question: what will you work after Peridot's ready ame?

    Ame may want to take a brake and spread it throughout the remaining episodes like she wants to do with the animations. im more curious as to ho much back tracking Ame wants us to do with regards to the positioning of the 5 remaining gyms. best case is that we could take out both the fairy and stell gym's first leaving us no reason to go back into the city one we shut off what ever pulse machine is making everyone in agate fall asleep.

    worst case we stop the pulse and our first gym battle is with saphira for the dragon badge then we go back to reborn to take out the fairy leader

  9. this just got even more interesting, i just caught yvetal while on the battlefield with a total of 3 pokeballs but i'm not sure who to swap him for my curent though is to train him once i have the exp share for future episodes

  10. two badges and at the part where team lightning takes over berro city as for my team

    grovyle L34

    gabite L34

    arcanine L34

    latias L35

    vibrava L35

    swampert 36

    in the pc

    noibat L31

    magicarp L5 (not sure if i want to try and train ts w/o an exp

    every fan game i have played has 2 playthroughs this is my 2nd of full moon

  11. I'd recommend saving a bit more often so you don't get into those situations. It is a headache sometimes redoing an entire area if we get into trouble like that. Anyway, you can always let the creator of the game know if you ran into an issue like that. It would help prevent others who may pick up the game later from falling into the same thing you did.

    Noibat isn't capable of learning Dragon Breath, so I understand. Sometimes game creators also like adding a challenge in little ways by giving Pokemon moves they're not normally able to learn. I know the game isn't the anime, but there are times in the anime where a Pokemon has used a move that they don't learn in the games...

    posted here because i know the creator has a account on the forums now... and i dont have one on the full moon site yet. i noticed a healing machine where you fight dinor tho if it was misplaced or not as im not seeing the point in that being there i think it was supposed to be in redi's room

  12. could really use some help just lost to commander sam in valdirm castle and got ported back to berro city, is there a way back to the castle without resetting the game?

    never mind i ended up just resetting it because i couldn't find anyone to fly me back

  13. @tails12 interesting seems im the only one getting the evolution crash.. was hoping there would have been a move tutor before ep 7 so i wasn't stuck without a special dragon move for noivern also i wasn't to frild with chan's noibat using dragonbreath

  14. Its too late to change the difficulty of your game, unless you send your file to someone. You set it at the beginning of the game.

    i actually wanted to check what it was set to i think its set to normal but i cant remember thanks anyway

    which part west or east?

    edit: found it

  15. something makes me curious about the gyms, there's one in obitus town which is abandoned i assume that will get a new gym leader which would probably be fighting.

    grand dream city is what im most curious about, grand dream city is split up into 4 districts, dose that mean there is a gym for each district? and if so what type would the 4th gym be? we have psychic, grass and flying there

  16. Levitating pokemon can be hit by earthquake on the Cave field, like in Reborn.

    i thought there was something strange, so do ground type moves completely ignore the flying typing|?,that would explain why its super effictive on chirizard, i should read the field effect manual mosre...

  17. not sure if this is a bug or not but in darchlight caves ground type moves such as earthquake can hit flying type pokemon

    ok definitely a bug first time against my altaria, second time against my charizard and when my charizard was hit by earthquake the tone for super effective played and the super effective message was dsiplayed

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