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    Somewhere in the desert..
  1. #1 It taught me how to actually play Pokemon. With official games, I never had to develop any strategy, I hardly used non-attack moves and just relied on a few Pokemon for the entire game. #2 Requires you to grow, think, and fully utilize what you can in order to progress. #3 It strengthened my belief that the best & most creative ideas come from the mod/fan community. Often they surpass and do way more justice than what arbitrarily hired developers come up with. Delivering on all fronts with uncensored and passion driven content.
  2. If I was a developer.. *Custom Pokeball Shop where you create the look, attributes, and strength of pokeballs. (Also edit the look of existing Pokeballs) *Hair Cut shop where you can choose your own style and color. *More hidden events and secret areas! ^.^ *Lessen tedium maze grinds like the tauros/Bouffalant & cliff hopping sections *Random chance legendary in the wild (about the same chance as a regular shiny in older official games) *Reborn City Rebirth (Have the city gradually get cleaner and purified towards the end of the game) -End result could be a pokemon haven with crystal clear waters, new buildings, sustainable power, new areas of wilderness.) *Fly!
  3. To all the veteran PR players out there, Whats left to do in Reborn that can be easily overlooked? For example.. -Secret areas -Areas only avaliable at certain times. -Areas that can now be accesed due to new HM's -Rare pokemon to catch -Quests -Events -Items to find.. any advice will be appreciated
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