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Posts posted by mkrosar

  1. Lol well I'm glad to see I was wrong about swampert. That's cool to see that alot of you guys connect to your pokemon similarly to how I do. It gives testimony to how profound and important pokemon has become to our generation.

  2. Ok guys so I've just reached the end of ep.11 and I'm pretty satisfied about getting this far( Luna was the hardest opponent I've fought in any Pokemon game). I was at work today and I started thinking: why did I choose the Pokemon I have on my team? I mean they're plenty of other Pokemon I could have ground and bred but I chose these six. Why? Soon after it hit me. I subconsciously chose these Pokemon because each of them represent a part of me. Magnet represents this disconnection I have with the world and people, like I'm a tin man myself. Fyra represents my curiosity for the arcane( and my love for harry potter). Kori represents all of the bad choices I've made in my life and how they have poisoned my future,so to speak. Jack represents my connections with the dead and the respect I have for them. Rex represents my past and how even though it was rough, it made me as strong as I am today . And Sam represents my "Underdog" montra. Come on lets face it, of all the starters Swampert is one of the least talked about. In that respect, he's a bit of a social outcast among the starters. In the end, he comes out as one of the toughest and well balanced of them all. I've always connected to that idea because that was a big part of my life. So my question to you guys is this: why do you think you chose the Pokemon you did for your Reborn team? It could be anything, from strategy to personal connections. I'd just like to hear what other people think.

  3. Magnezone of course! As a proud magnezone owner I can atest to how awsome they are. Although in your case, you would be using a magneton.Your not for enough into the game to get a magnezone.

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