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Posts posted by Rezials

  1. I'm planning on starting a new run while using only plot-related mons.

    Right now I have thought of 4 mons which are Garbite(Taka's family thingy) ,Honedge(The blade that slay Giratina in Mirage Tower) ,Houndour(or carvanha depending on which gang I join) and Steelix(that event at the meteor base with Saphira)

    So, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated cause I'm definitely not gonna be able to beat this game with 6 let alone 4 pokemons.


    Edited: +Absol

  2. Not sure if it count as bug since we're not suppose to get it yet but Celesteela stats seems to be incorrectly distributed. That doesn't seems like 97,101,103,107,101,61 to me.
    Also some balls doesn't have their icon next to pokemon name like the one in the picture(beast ball).



  3. I was annoyed by this too but never give much thought into it until I found this thread. We weren't really appreciated much, do we ? Looking back on it I only remember the time where Amber thanks us for saving her if you go save her from Kyogre  and that's about it. Still it's doesn't bother me much I kinda hate how we got dragged along everywhere more tbh , like, why am I going to the past again? cause Melia's going duh. I like it more at the beginning of the game where we were by ourselves. 

  4. I want to make this connection but Nastasia seems to be more fine arts drive (according to random ncp) yet anastasia's mom was really pushing academics

    hmmm I didn't know about that. Maybe she always prefer fine arts over academic so, when she not with her mom anymore she start learning about it?

    I still don't think Maria = Melia. When we traveled back to the past Melia said "We've traveled a few decades in the past" I mean "few decades" and Melia is like, what, 15?(+3years) at most she would be 18 so, there should be no way that they're the same person and don't you think Venam should've said something about their face being so similar?

    Except, she under went cold sleep in some way(that green form when we tried to rescue her in Theolia mansion?) or MadameX kidnap her in the past and bring her to the future. What I really want to know right now is Nastasia's age that would clarify a lot of things .

    edit:I just realize I could've put this in previous post ,oh well.

  5. The intro scene has been expanded on in V7 where it starts in the Theolia family's house, and at one point Madame X shows up, asks how long they plan to make this girl (Maria) suffer, and tells her not to lose hope. So I don't think Maria = Madame X.

    Thanks. Guess I'll restart to see if there're anything else that change.

  6. The Nastasia & Ren battle was only in V5. In V6 the player battles Ren while Crawli battles and loses to Nastasia.

    Btw, I also got the weird diary after completing V7 (I forgot there was a locked apartment in Kugearen and spent a lot of time wondering what the keys go to) and was wondering if anyone who got it before Garbodor can confirm whether or not it changed anything?

    If you have the diary before facing Garbardor then you won't have to kill it.

    Also I can see that Jan portrays Nastasia to be stronger than how she was in ver5 by saving her from getting beaten by protag and have her beat a gym leader instead. Well if she really is that genius child Tasia we met in the past then it does make sense for her to be strong.

  7. Wait we fight Anastasia in the present??? When? :o

    She's tagteam with Ren and fight us in Team xen base right? or did I confuse her with someone?

    edit: search my ver5,6,7 folder and only found her sprite in ver5 folder maybe the event was changed since ver6.I didn't replay the game to that event yet so, I dunno if it still there or not.

  8. My guess for Melia is that Melia = Maria/Marianette. And at some point during her childhood she was taken from Indriad by Team Xen and put in the hands of Dr.Jenner

    This also explains how Melia was able to resist being sacrificed by Angie in the alternate dimension. Oh and speaking of Angie, I just realised today that her "gym" is called "Theolia Church", named after Melia's family. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if Melia happened to be a descendant of the Garufa, just like Karissa and Karen.

    I thought that too in the last version but Anatasia seems like a grown up when we fought her while Melia is still a kid when we first met her in Gearen city.There's shouldn't be that much age different if Melia = Maria.

  9. My thought so far. So, Maria, at one point , able to leave Vitrus and then form team xen with Tasia to stop Gardevoir huh? Guess Melia is a clone of Maria then.

    ps. why do get the same vibe as Crescent from the Gardevoir. Although I still think Crescent is on the good side.

    ps2. Am I the only one who catch the "people die when they are killed" reference.lol Emiya what are you doing here dude

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