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Posts posted by Gigamantis

  1. tbh im looking if anyone had pokemon reborn 12.0 (the original one) and 11.0. Just wanna look for some pokemon there XD

    I have ep. 11 and 12.1 if you're interested, just pm me

  2. Yes, apparently you have to enter the values beforehand on the STDIN Input field, each of the 16 values separated by a space.

    However, that won't work, I've tried already. I've also tried entering the values directly into the code, but it didn't work either. I'm presuming it's the length of the execution time that makes it not work. The thing is that even on my computer, it takes many hours for the code to execute, so I don't know about a web compiler..

    A more complete program to compile and execute c++ codes might work better.

    Thanks for the heads up. Will try with a java progr

  3. Hm, well if you don't know c++, you're not gonna understand the code. However, you don't need to understand it to run it. Just copy and paste the code into a text editor, and save the file as whatever.cpp. Then you'll need a program that can compile and run this code for you, but I can't really be of much help here because I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject. All I can say is that I personally use a Mac and the program I use is called Xcode. I remember using Geany on Linux once. As for PC, I don't know.

    If you manage to run it though, it looks like that (using my previous example for the initial state of the tile puzzle) :

    So you need to find out the initial state of your puzzle (each tile has a value between 0 and 3 with 0 corresponding to the correct orientation, and +1 each time it rotates, modulo 4), I explained in original post the numbering system for the tiles (1-16).

    Then you put those values in, and the program starts going through every possibility, warning you with a iteration n.x to let you know of how many possibilities (iterations) the program has already searched (there are about 4200000000). Every once in a while it finds a solution. x turns means you've got to click x times on the given tile.

    Sorry to bother you, but i was trying your code at www.compileonline.com/compile_cpp11_online.php and it wont let me set the values for the tiles... any help?

  4. I've heard some people saying that the Sableye event is broken in episode 12.

    I have no way of testing it though, so: Either Ame changed the condition, or it's broken.

    thanks ill try finding ep.11 to check it

    Edit: Just found it in ep. 11 looks like it is either removed in 12 or bugged...

  5. A question about Sableye. I'm in the top right corner purple thingy and already have all upgrades for the crysrals but nothing happens... Does it have to be night or something else for him to appear? ( I've already beat Luna)

  6. No, not really, people just weren't aware it was only available on weekends until Ame said it.

    Ive searched today but haven't found anything. It spawns where mime jr. used to be?

    EDIT: Did anyone who had previous episodes catch it?

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