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Posts posted by Requieon

  1. Thank you for your answer! I already have this trainer card, but where exactly do you add them to your side? Probably its quite easy and I'm just kind of stupid :D

    Its in my other post, click yer name where it says signed in as, and then hit edit profile then change sig,and just copy paste the trainer card to there. Other sprites can be found through a google search, and added the same way.

  2. What is this "life" thing you speak of?

    I am a random lump on a log that lives by herself on money she doesn't deserve, from a family member she didn't like when they were alive ,but, who's money she likes now that they're gone.

    ...When I write that it seems kinda mean...but its true so imma leave it there...

    I find it far to difficult to talk to people IRL so I have almost no friends there, but somehow I'm somewhat friendly on the internet so I can get along with people here. I spend my time playing video games, eating, and sleeping, sometimes all at once. I also cook and play with the stock market, which is in my mind just gambling with better odds of success than the lotto ( that goes for both the cooking and the stock market by the way, if I'm feeling "inventive" there's no telling WHAT imma throw in the pot....)

    As far as the video games go, I play WoW, Aion, Neverwinter, Champions Online, LoL, Scarlet Blade, Eden Eternal, Mabinogi, Tera, Pokemon Online, Pokemon Reborn, Pokemon X,Y, Black, White, Black2, Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed,LeafGreen,HeartGold, and when my GB decides to work, Green. Also, MMBN-1-6 all versions, MMSF all versions but Saurian, MegaMan Zero 1-4, Megaman Xtreme, Digimon World Dusk, Disgaea,Final Fantasy Tactics Advance and the sequel, and any other game that has the misfortune of falling into my lap.

    For the online games, however, by "play", I mean look pretty, playing the games long enough to make the characters look a certain way, then just wandering about staring at myself a few hours a day. To anyone who plays LoL, yes, I DO in fact own ALL of the Teemo skins. Cry into the shrooms.

    Now that I've made myself aware of how shallow and empty my life looks, imma hit the post button and play with Azurill and Pichu in pokemon Amie till I feel better.

  3. I think most people just put sprites in their sig for what pokemon they have in Reborn.

    Some people have trainer cards, like me, that are from the Pokemon Reborn Server on Pokemon Online, which you can make in the "Create trainer card" section on this site.

    Personally I use the card to show my Reborn game team, but its meant for the P.O. server, and is needed if you want to do the Reborn league. You can find reg sprites on Google, and the Card maker by hitting "Customize your Sprite" then "Create trainer card" both in that side menu to the left.

    You can change your sig to include that stuff by clicking your name where it says "Signed in as" and hitting "Edit your profile" in the upper right of the following screen, then on the left it should show the option to change yer sig.

  4. IIRC it was produced at Silph Co., so while we're not given a name, we have a gr8 idea of where it came from.

    As for Porygon-Z, the virus that infects Porygon 2 could easily have come from a similar source.

    Once again, we know where it was made, but for all we know, the one who made it may not have been a human at all. Actually, wasnt Silph Co. POWERED by pokemon? Or was that the Rocket base? Either way, for all we know, a Mr. Mime snuck on a computer, or one or more of the staff were pokemon in disguise, on some E.T. Phone home stuff. After all, it was those same games that 1st mentioned how Humans could turn into pokemon and vice versa (Kadabra's as a former human?)

  5. Porygon was produced in a lab in Kanto, m8.

    We know where it was made, but not the programmer who made it, how can we know it was a human programmer and not a Pokemon Warlord phoning home? And no one knows who made the Dubious Disk for Porygon Z...

  6. Oddly enough, I find the "Crimecho" in your sig much more disturbing...such horrible taste in music is evil for sure...

    But yeah I think that that theory may hold some credence, save that humans are already replaced,

    in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Canclave library, they mentioned humans and pokemon sharing ancestors, and in X and Y they mentioned....See spoilers...

    The king during the war made a weapon from a machine that could grant eternal life, both machines bearing tech far beyond what should have been possible for that time frame. Coupled with the size of the King, the fact that he could make tech that defied life, death, and technological restraints, its quite possible that he had an extraterrestrial background.

    That may have even been a factor in the war, I didn't see any humans fighting, but in other wars (The one in Lucario and Mystery of Mew, and the one Lt. Surge fought in) Humans fought alongside Pokemon. The only way I could see them not doing so, is if Pokemon were the enemy, an attempt to repel an alien invasion.

    Porygon was made for Internet travel, then space, then inter-dimensional, perhaps the modifications were by pseudo-humans like that King, who were trying to send the "all clear" to invade earth...

    Personally I'd have no probs with this tho. Pokemon invasion means free or at least cheap clean energy. It also means I could get me an Absol, Mawile, Aggron, and all of the Eeveelutions to keep me company as the world falls down.

    I'll leave my comp on in case some aliens wanna send over Porygons to lay down the groundwork for the invasion!

  7. 1392-4400-9098

    Don't be surpised that I chose female.

    I'm not gonna force myself to take a jacket boy just cuz.

    And I get to do multiple sexual references.

    I find that I prefer the male character, I have a female in X and a male in Y, and the guy has better headwear options...Totally unfair.

    Anyway, my FC is 3368-2075-7601 and the DS is named Req

    Pokemon X name is Requieon and Pokemon Y is Requiem

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