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Desolation Dev Blog

Posts posted by Tempest

  1. Either the joyous highs of letting my imagination run wild, or the crushing self-deprecation of letting my self-conscience run wild... or it's too early in the morning and I stare at a wall for ten minutes, trying not to fall asleep standing up.

  2. I want to go to Costa Rica for a third time. The country is utterly gorgeous and I've had the time of my life when I've been there. I'd love to go back and stay among the locals like I did the first time I went, instead of on some big resort.

    Changing it a bit; if you could live anywhere, where would you want to live?

  3. Is all the content from the old forum be transferred to the new one or is it going to be abandoned?

    Since Ace is carrying over, I'm assuming all content will be... I don't think Ame is going to wipe out the old database anyways. There's too much history here.

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