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Status Replies posted by Rycast

  1. First test of the semester tomorrow, and it's math, oh joy.

  2. Exhausted... this semester is going to suck some big Pokéballs. I'm going to have no life. ;-;

    1. Rycast


      If I can survive my classes, you can handle yours just as well. Good luck! =)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. "The closest thing you will have to a real Pokemon is teaching a parrot to say, 'Parrot'". - Some Ash Troll on Twitter.

  4. So I have AP Physics, AP Calc, and AP English one after the other. Kill me now.

    1. Rycast


      I know it's a waste of time, but I was peer pressured by teachers and parents =/

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  5. grinding spot

  6. Walked halfway to school before I realized it's Sunday. Great job me ><

  7. Can't wait for Pokemon Origins!

  8. Psh, who said anime isn't educating? I learned that Germany found Italy in a tomato box.

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