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Posts posted by ieatjordans

  1. Corey shall remain peaceful in my team, Naming my Gengar after that guy, (just like shade) lol. i think his character is dull as well, but the events that happens in pokemon reborn makes everythig soo epic, like him dying because you dont see that often in a pokemon game.

  2. GOOD JOB!!

    I FREAKIN HATE SHADE's TEAM! i was getting owned left to right by him and then i thought of making a new team solely just to beat him. (spam dark types and pkmn has dark attacks) and i finally demolished him. and he taught something...

    he taught me, having a bench pokemon in this game really helps. so i have a clan of 20 pkmn that i can just pull out whenever. kinda hard to manage sometimes, and i see it decreasing in the future but it helps and it made the game easier to play.

  3. PICK UP!

    This ability is capital A-wesome!

    i tend to have my 3 pick-up pokemon when im grinding. so there are many chances of me getting an item. plus i get to gring my pokes. a bit tedious perhaps but i say its worthit.

  4. Iam in LOVE on the difficulty level of this game. Some parts really kicks some ass and i love the occasional high lvl pkmn battles (my bigglesworth, spectral kiki, giant steelix etc.) theyre like 25 more levels or higher than you. something you dont see in a nintendo game. and yes, strategy in this game is required, i think my hardest battle in the entire episode nine has to be Shade.. BECAUSE HE MADE ME GET AN ENTIRELY NEW TEAM.. thus the born of my clan.. but yes. Ep 10 i cant wait!!

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