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Posts posted by Milotic

  1. Version 5 was very entertaining imo. I found Angie to be fun to deal with, I really like her character development with the flyers appearing suddenly and everything that builds up to that battle you have with her. Probably my favorite storyline so far.

  2. So is Amber even in the forest after she runs away from home because I turned that thing inside out. I kinda sped through what the guy at the gym said so all I'm able to recall is "she is on the island" or something like that. Checked the cave too, all I found was a request that I didnt get rewarded for lol.

    Edit: sigh nevermind found her

  3. Meanwhile #3; I have yet to break the 4th floor's web. I keep going to 3rd panel room.

    Im sorry friend I had to move on without you, but from what I recall i think the 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 are all on the same side and the top one was on the opposite side(dont quote), so the first thing you should probably do is make sure 3.1 goes to the 4th floor. then start messing with the floors above it. The rest is luck or it was for me lol. When you jump into the holes and you start skipping floors you know that you are progressing, like going from top floor to the 2nd floor

  4. Wait I just made an interesting discovery lol I jumped from the top floor, skipped floor 1 and went straight to floor 2 i'm assuming your supposed to jump from the top floor and go straight to the 4th floor right? I hope this isnt just a glitch lol

  5. I did as you all said 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, and the top floor control room have all shifted in this direction <<< which is left and the web still didnt break. When i reset the floors to try this again (2nd Attempt), I found myself shifting some floors to the right 1st then i would have to click it again for it to go left, meaning that some floors were already set on left without me touching it.

    During my first attempt, after all the floors were on the left side, including the top floor, I began to jump down in this order Top, 1.1, 2.1, 3.1, and i would reach the 4th floor but the web would not break.

    Am I missing something or maybe I should try shifting the sides to the right idk lol?

  6. lol

    That battle was easy,Greninja doesnt even have Protean. Jumpluff+Typloshion smashed through most of it with Toxicroak support

    The greninja I faced did have Protean, and I had a Lv 26 teddiursa on my team, and it was on Chall mode, lol that battle was hell, aside from that can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track for the bug gym puzzle.

    I activated panels 1 and 3, Ive been to floor 4 a couple of times but the the pink web wont break. I can also access the control room on the first floor of the gym.

  7. Sigh.. dont know how I am going to beat this version lol. I'm stuck at the Ren double battle in the shadow HQ. I was looking for Crawli's freakin dad on route 3 and thought I needed cut or something so I grabbed an HM slave. Me being stupid I did not go get my other pokemon back, and so now here I am in this hard ass double battle with a Lv 26 teddiursa and overleveled pokemon that wont listen to me. I almost beat it but my stupid Blastoise decided to loaf around on the final crucial turn. fml why isnt there a pc in this stupid base lol.

    Edit: I DID IT, scrafty missed hjk *Middle fingers to Ren*

  8. Met up with the gang in front of the vines, after adam got blasted away and everyone was turning around, Nim glowed or tried to teleport and then my game froze lol with just me and Braxien left there.

    Edit: Tried standing in a different tile this time, still got frozen. Anyone else have this happen to them?

  9. Also everyone, i need some choosing help here.

    Should i:

    -evolve litwick into Chandlelure with my dusk stone?

    -Let it stay unevolve so i can get it into level 69 for Overheat?

    That's all i have and need help for choosing.

    Evolve it we wil come a across a fire gym or fire tm before you reach level 69 I'm sure or hopefully lol, so evolve it now since chandelure is stronger.

    Flame burst is still a decent move and you will be using that move for the majority of the time anyways so need point in waiting for overheat. I will say get at least to lv 53 tho before you evolve lampent, so you can learn shadow ball.

  10. Speaking of Madame X, how far have you guys/girls gotten against her team?

    I beat her Yuveltal my first time playing. I didn't notice that she had multiple Pokemon. I got excited when I beat her Yeveltal. I then lost horribly to her Volcarona. I didn't bother my 2nd time.

    After Yeveltal I got smashed by her Garchomp, she has a team full of power lol

  11. Okay, i'll post all of the ability capsule that i have found. Jan stated that it was 10 ability capsule. I have only found 4 of them.

    If some of you guys know where the other ability capsule is that i haven't shown, please tell to me. Thanks to 2tousent for suggesting of this list.



    This one was pretty tricky place Jan hided. You can only have it before you fight against Zetta, so one chance.



    Pretty oblivious to find. Some of the npc said that you should check around for hidden items, so i assume all of you got this one.



    Place with the Geara one. This one was the only one ability capsule so was previous version and it was this one. So i knew this one easily.



    Thanks to Scublord McFoxy/Azery. It's in goldenwood cave, there with whismur. But you will need hm surf, when you have battled 5th gym.

    That's all the ability capsule i found.

    P.S to Jan

    An error i found some weeks ago.


    I found another one you dont have a while back, im pretty sure I posted it on the thread.

    Here it is again tho - http://imgur.com/wA4DINf Gotta surf in Goldenwood forest, there is a hidden forest

  12. well i dont know if its just me but i actually find that there are a lot of wild pokemon pretty much everywhere ._.

    I feel the same way, gald I wasnt the only one to notice, reducing the rate might not be a bad idea Jan. Most of my money doesnt even go to buying healing items, but repels instead lol

  13. I think Budew is just an insanely rare Pokemon. I only ever found ONE in Corta Forest, and it was freaking Level 1 in a Level 25+ zone. Wouldn't be surprised if the encounter rate was like 1% in all possible areas or something.

    Judging from the responses in this thread, I'm the only person that has ever found one in Rejuvenation.

    There is a Shiny Stone, but it's not accessible until the end of the current demo.

    Budew can also be found on route 2, Ive seen about 3-4 but just had no intrest in catching one lol

    ps. thanks for the heads up Jan

  14. Now for the Fairy + Chandelure battle, I devised a master plan to defeat them.

    But I need to test things out first, so yeah.

    Could you help me out with that side quest lol, becuase I kinda sped through what the guy was saying and he doesnt repeat himself. So i'm kinda lost on where to serach for the grave.

  15. try to start from the beginning of the cave, there is an entrance that you can see even without surfing

    Ah thanks, I'd been there before but didnt think you could get passed the pipes, but me being the dummy i am, didnt read what the guy was saying properly and the only thing i know is that i am supposed to be looking for a grave

  16. That's what I'm trying to do. Leavanny can take 1 Ice Beam from her Politoed. The problem is her Milotic outspeeds my Leavanny. I gave my Leavanny the Quick Claw. Here's hoping for some luck.

    I got lucky and the Quick Claw activate letting Leavanny ohko the Milotic. Her Lanturn took about 70% from the +2 leaf blade.

    Yea idk how that Milotic was sooo fast, not gonna lie I had a Lv50 blastoise in the back to eat up all her water attacks. But make sure Levanny is holding that rose inscense you should have found, it helps a bunch. Amphy helps a bunch too.

  17. I'm fighting her now. I almost beat her my first try. I guess I had some luck my first try. I am having some trouble now.

    Edit: My Adamant Leavanny's Leaf Blade does about 40% to her Lanturn.

    Gotta set up SD with Leavanny on politoed lol or at least thats what i did and nearly swept her whole team

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