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Aqua Severwill

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Posts posted by Aqua Severwill

  1. Hello everyone, I'm new here Just don't look at my profile so you can't call me a liar

    I enjoy a good RP, so I'm joining up here. I've sent in my character, Azure, but with no partner to make a mech with, (kind of the reason I'm posting this early in the morning).

    If you just so happen to also still be looking for a partner, then I'll be here.

    Thanks Pyon Pyon.

  2. swagger removes all strategy and turns the game a coinflip.

    The amount of times that has been said here...gosh

    It's not even a coin flip, first off in a literal sense, only with swagger on the first turn of being confused, after that you have the better chance. And then you get paralysed which makes the odds harder for you. I for one like probability and don't think it should be banned for that one reason.

    Does it take out strategy? Yes, but not for the person who started it all and there is some sort of strategy in the mind games you have to play with others in it, like predicting if they're going to switch out and what not, because there are many ways around it, although it is still all based on chance for that way around it, such as a ground type that can OHKO it with the swag boost

    As for BP, it's a nice thing really, your pokemon powering up to support each other. However it does become really bothersome and the only real way it can get "unbeatable" is if you set them completely set up and then pass it all onto Espeon. There are very few ways to actually deal with it because you do have to hope for a crit at times, which still can't be enough. And so either you hope to get a taunt in before that happens or have something with belly drum on stand by...inb4 burn and no one really likes belly drum.

    So limiting BP to two or three pokemon would be best and if there are three then there shouldn't be Espeon, not sure if you can really do that but that's how I see it

  3. Aqua headed out as the lunch bell went off. He started to head off to the forest after he ate a quick snack that he brought with him before classes started. Once he got outside he just climbed the nearest tree and waited for the bell that would call everyone back to class to ring. As he rested he thought to himself, "I really should just go and talk with everyone... hmph..maybe later today".

  4. "Well, 85 isn't that bad, in fact, I think it's all I'm gunna get".

    "Perhaps I should actually try more next time than I did today".

    Aqua looked around and saw how everyone else was reacting to their scores, then he looked at his pokemon and began to go back into a half sleep state while he waits for further instructions.

    ((Man is it ever good to be back here...and right after I posted this I saw my badge count....gosh it is so much higher than the last time I posted))

  5. Paranoid||||||30%50%










    Well, hardly as insane as I used to be, but I don't see how Obsessive-Compulsive is at the top, when the only things I contently do is think about how I am going to deal with a problem that involves me or a friend

    also avoidant should be up a little higher but there wasn't really an option for that on the test

    all in all, meh.. close but not quite

  6. El and that god ditto

    only way I could get passed it was to side with El then lose (Which I hated a lot) because I didn't want to train up a new team just to deal with it

  7. PS3 has been hacked before which is why all servers were shut down a while back got free games so I was happy PS3 may be harder to hack than XBox but it can still be done and it is a larger target for most hackers because they want to show off their skills.

    As for the part of them finding out all your personal info that must suck. Yes with an IP you can find out where someone lives but nothing more than that and it is also just the area, but with the IP you can get further info and so on and so forth, such as leaving info laying around. However because they did find out your personal info through an online service that is supposed to keep all that confidential, you could bring it to the police depending on a few things that...I'm just going to stay away from legal stuff >.>

    So yeah, hackers are just really smart morons that don't know how to use their talent/knowledge for good things or to take over the world.

  8. Well, in the small post game there is with the detective quests and such you do get to kinda see into the evil part of the world with the orphan girl you meet and the thugs out there as well.

    It's not much but even so when Team Flair were talking about the evil in this world I think GameFreak was trying to get you to think about the real world today, because that is the one thing we can all connect to.

    I can't really say much about it but what the game has showed us but I will say that I've been there before. Although I didn't want to blow up the world and start it over because of the evil but because I was bored, so on and so forth.

    I feel that the they did a good job on the plot but yes they did not get the message across as to why he was led the the thought to would have blown up the world and left a lot of back story out

  9. I think it could just be because we don't have access to it.

    Like it's Ame's thing so she can see it but it is not really there on the internet/is missing from the link. I forget how to explain it but this happened a lot to people in my COM-Tech class when we were making web pages. Not sure if it's the same thing though

  10. Yeah I understand, and I don't really mind my character missing the whole father son reunion thing, you've seen his background so you would know why xD

    but THE SHOW MUST GO ON, as my production teacher says, if I wasn't here then that is my fault and it will just go on for a bit without me.

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