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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Garnet.

  1. Eagerly awaiting Ep. 9~

  2. You cannot harm me, don't you know who da fuck I am, you must not know who da fuck I am I'M GINGA KONG BITCH! I WILL THROW YO MAN INTO SPACE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A JOKE!

  3. You cannot harm me, don't you know who da fuck I am, you must not know who da fuck I am I'M GINGA KONG BITCH! I WILL THROW YO MAN INTO SPACE AND MAKE IT LOOK LIKE A JOKE!

  4. I lost my appitie because those sick and horrifying memories came back...making me want to curl into a corner and die...

  5. So about the new LoL champion http://prntscr.com/1ehpjq

  6. eating rice and ramen, and watching anime. where the hell are my chopsticks

  7. :I I just caught a Hardy Natured, Shiny Spiritomb. For once, I found a shiny that isn't Sewaddle.

  8. Dear Spade, your profile picture. Love, a dead Rose.

  9. Dear Spade, your profile picture. Love, a dead Rose.

  10. It's been almost 2 weeks since I joined Reborn... Loving the community 'till now c:

  11. Confession Time: I don't like hugs nearly as much as I portray. in fact, I don't like physical contact at all, unless it's initiated by me or it's from someone I'm okay with.

  12. Pick a god and pray

  13. Maybe it's a pride thing, or maybe I just want to fight again...

  14. I love it when guys are shy and insecure/unsure about themselves. It's cute yet saddning...

  15. Oh so many new people still! Welcome one and all!


  17. ...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck... I just finished Zero no Tsukaima. It was really good, but there's no more. I mean I have to watch other animes but like vehrufvidhgviubtr it hurts cause it's over ;^;

  18. I'm here to stay baby!

  19. Funny caption tiem! Caption my profile pic and the funniest will receive up to (1) rupees!

  20. You know, after being in here for....I think a week now. This place has grown on my kinda. It's still random as hell but it's the randomness that I love. :I

  21. Pfft, people try to threaten me. It's nothing I haven't heard.

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