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  1. Could someone please explain the Mudkip Event and where its gonna happen? And please dont say Wasteland...
  2. Where is the Mudkip Event? And i have a Seismitoad to
  3. Ok then i must go an search for them...where could i get them? I got Ralts on lvl 3 but thats all
  4. How to beat the Poison Gym Leader? Any Team Ideas?
  5. Do someone have a Map for the Swamp where it is Raining after you safed Cain
  6. I´ve got a problem with the Story to get HM Strenght. I got the advice to go to Coral Yard, but no one is there. What do i need to do?
  7. Where to go after the Suizide oft the 3. Gym Leader?...i found its corpse and where with the Gym Leader Girl but now?

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