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Posts posted by AZKnight

  1. First off, school has just started for most people. For the past 3 weeks I have moved back into my dorm, been settling back into the swing of college, figuring out my classes and doing reading/work for them, and having a temp job at the university bookstore. Needless to say, I have been busy with school, work and life. I'll [probably] come back when things settle into place. That can be said for most people who might be absent. I am for one amazed that Amethyst is still doing the weekly schedule considering he's just started college, even if college is easier than high school and high school easier than middle school.

    Second, I don't think many people have been gone for that long. Just look at me, it's probably only been 3 weeks that I've been truly absent. Don't go freaking out about people vanishing for a month. It's the internet, that's how things work. Sorry if you've gotten so attached to some of the people here, but their lives take priority in most cases. Life goes on.
  2. I thought this might be interesting but easy to figure out, but then I realized you said HG ARTWORK and GS SPRITE. Now it's going to be interesting but hard....just the way I like it.

  3. As of right now Tsutarja feels like it's going to be a pure Grass type. But I am still in the air about getting it, simply because of its face. I don't know what it is but I love how the first stage looks buts its evolutions just seem...off with the structure of their faces. Maybe it's just the quality of the scan or maybe it really is just bothering me, but I'll hold my judgment. Stopped staying on top of updates about 4 weeks ago because...I want to wait until the English release.

    Mijumaro looks the best to me right now. Must say, they really turned it around by its final evolution.
  4. [quote name='Stars' post='4215' date='Sep 11 2010, 10:17 AM'][quote name='AZKnight' post='4212' date='Sep 11 2010, 02:20 AM']#641 is a [b]Pure Flying[/b]-type Legendary[/quote]
    Ok, the first mono Flying type is pretty awesome. Let's hope they make it work.

    And that could happen in evolution. Dolphins used to be on land then evolved and adapted by returning to the water. SCIENCE!
  5. [quote name='NoGoodBoyo' post='4159' date='Sep 10 2010, 01:33 PM']At least 13 legendaries?


    What the fuck?

    * #633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain
    * #638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary
    * #639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary
    * #640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary
    * #641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary
    * #642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary
    * Reshiram is to be #643
    * Zekrom is to be #644
    * #645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary
    * #646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary
    * #647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary
    * #648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary
    * #649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary

    "There are 156 new Pokémon within this generation"

    But with 13 of those legendaries it's around 143. I thought it was bad enough with the....15 from DPPt. Good lord they actually reduced the number of legendaries but its still too many! Only had 5 in the first generation....

    I feel like they tried to make new kinds of legendaries like a Bug one and creating more Fighting ones. But.....they didn't make new typings, just made them Legendaries. Bug/Steel was done a long time ago with Scizor and Forretress. Normal/Psychic was Girafarig, Water/Fighting was Poliwrath, Electric/Flying was Zapados. And then I feel like there are too many Fighting legendaries. I mean there are 4. FOUR of the same type of legendary. At this rate, Legendary is going to lose all meaning.

    "What is a Legendary Pokemon, children?" "A Pokemon that is extremely unique and more powerful than the average Pokemon and is also..." "WRONG! A Legendary simply means there is only one available to catch!" "But..." "NO! They do NOT have to be unique, they do NOT have to have a unique mythos, they do NOT have to have stronger stats, they do NOT have to be anything BUT rare"
  6. I think it should work out better if every Gym Leader is not available every day. On the technical side, it forces people to battle different leaders every day as opposed to them just hammering at the same one every time. Only time this isn't true is if you only have a single leader you can challenge, but only a few of us ever encounter that. Then on the creative side it means we can focus on the certain leaders to talk to them and let the stories unfold. If they were all here it would just be a mess.

  7. [quote].....comes up with a [i]Pokemon [/i]and gives a clue as to what it is. This could be a vague description, an excerpt from a Pokedex entry, little known trivia, or some other information that will lead to the [i]Pokemon[/i].[/quote]

    Plus, the topic is "Mystery Pokemon." So say I, the creator of this topic.

    Edit:Eh, might as well put it back on the right track while I'm here.

    [b]This Pokémon holds the distinction of being the first Pokémon ever created according to Ken Sugimori.[/b]
  8. Hmmm...very difficult question. I have never been one to use Pickup to get items, though I have considered doing it in the past. The main reason being, luckily enough, trying to farm Leftovers. Tried to find ways to get Leftovers in HeartGold recently and you can either keep stealing it from Snorlax, keep stealing it from Koga, or use Pick Up. Haven't done it yet because you need a high level Pokemon with Pickup. Even at lvl 100, there is only a 1% chance of getting Leftovers. But you don't need to be level 100, the lowest level you need to be is-*click*

    Beep. Beep. Beep.



    Sorry, got disconnect. Anyway, I know that Leftovers can first be obtained between the levels of 81-90. Then between 91-100 you can also get a really good TM, probably Flamethrower or Earthquake or something like that.

    I'm 95% sure the answer is C. 81
  9. Bah! Defeated by a spin-off series I have never touched. Now I want to study this so I will always remember it.

    *goes to Bulbapedia*

    Ok, Bulbapedia just made me more confused: "The user and all allies in the room will receive a speed boost for a short period of time." That...sounds like it increases Speed. Which makes me think I once read the article on Agility and subconsciously influenced my incorrect answer. Curse you Bulba for not specifying speed in a spin-off game in the past when I randomly read articles and influenced me toward defeat!
  10. Ooooh, this one is actually tough. Simply because I have never played the PMD series. I have however read about various aspects of the games on Bulbapedia either intentionally or while reading another article. Now I am pretty positive it is not D as I would imagine a move like Teleport would do that. I also don't think it increases your turns as I can't think of any move that would do that so it would probably be an item in the game. Now with it being between A and B...hmmm. Don't want to use a lifeline this early and I'm going to hope that certain ideas of the series are true for all the games...

    B. Increases your Speed

    The way I look at it if I get it right, score one for logically thinking it through. If I get it wrong, Bullet gets to play and maybe more people will line up to play.
  11. Oh ho ho, I almost said Dragon there before catching myself. Dragon Rage is completely different and Rage is...

    A. Normal

    Final Answer

    Such a simple attack really. Your Pokemon gets attacked and now it's ANGRY! RAAAAH!
  12. Ah, the questions start to get a little tricky. But I know for a fact that Mega Punch is actually a Normal move so of course it's...

    C. Hammer Arm

    Final Answer

    I think Hammer Arm might be the only one of those that Hitmonchan does NOT learn.
  13. Unless you're playing Yellow and consider Lt. Surge blocking your way to league champion then...

    A. Raichu

    Took me a minute to remember what Pokemon blocks you in DPPt, then I remembered Psyduck. If only you could catch them, too.
  14. I was worried there would be a trick here with Water/Flying [i]and [/i]Flying/Water, but this is only a $200 question so...

    D. Water/Flying

    Final Answer

    Damn Nintendo nerfing Gyarados by not giving it Dragon/Water because "it would have been too powerful"
  15. Yes, before all of this Investigation Squad business, I was getting to know the Gym Leaders in a relaxed setting. No interviews required, just conversation. Then again it was much easier when other Gym Leaders could come on at once, even if it was a bit annoying during battles sometimes. And to all you sick perverts who wanted to shag Shelly, for shaaaaaaame :lol:

    And yet once I go on that date it will probably the most official of any of the couples with Gym Leaders. Considering that everyone else is closer to being pals than going out being an item. But nothing will ever beat Miss Kitty feeding chocolate covered raspberries to Ame on his bed in lingerie. Rawr~ [img]http://www.onenightstandduo.com/heart%20clipart.co.uk.gif[/img]
  16. I didn't want to reveal this set at first, but most everyone has seen it already. I can proudly say that it has only lost to Critical Hits and Ghosts.

    Stockbelly Snorlax

    ~ Stockpile
    ~ Belly Drum
    ~ Rest
    ~ Body Slam
    Item Attached: Leftovers
    Ability: Thick Fat
    EVs and Nature:
    EVs: 252 HP / 8 Def / 248 SpDef
    Impish Nature (+Def, -SpAtk)

    You can either start trying to Stockpile right away to make Snorlax more durable, or you can go for Body Slam. This move gets STAB, standard Base Power, and most importantly it can cause paralysis. Starting with Body Slam you hope to paralyze to help you set up. Once you get 3 Stockpiles up, you have +3 Def/SpDef on an extremely bulky Pokemon. Rest off the damage and when you awake either use Body Slam to try and get paralysis and damage, or go for Belly Drum if you think you can survive to Rest again. With +3 Defense (625), +3 Special Defense (640), +6 Attack (1032), and STAB Body Slam, Snorlax is ready to tear apart a team. You can put the 8 EVs in Defense into Attack if you want, but I prefer the extra defense to extra power. Thick Fat is better than Immunity because even if you get Toxic, you can just Rest it off. Use Snorlax as a late game sweeper so you can eliminate anything that can cripple it. This include Ghosts and the moves Trick, Taunt, and Leech Seed. This set was showed to me by one of my favorite battlers, TheFlamingSpade.
  17. Thank you, Amethyst. Hopefully I can help to improve the standards of the forum so there is a more enjoyable experience, for both new and old members. Might take me a few days to go through all my new powers and figure out what I'll be doing, but I can tell you now what I intend to do.

    #1 - [b]Double/Triple/Quadruple Posting[/b]
    I cannot tell you enough how annoying it is to see people do this without any real reason. Now it is completely understandable if you are trying to honestly revive a topic, but most of the time that's not what happens. What I see is people posting, then going back a few minutes later to add a thought. There is an Edit button, edit your previous post instead of making two or three new posts that are just one liners. I ask you now to remember to edit and if you don't I'll be editing the posts myself.

    #2 - [b]Conversations[/b]
    There will be two or three people that are consistently posting back and forth and again there are some situations where this is allowable. But again those situations are rarely the cause. People will post back and forth with only a few minutes between each post, clearly watching the thread to jump at replying. On top of that the posts are usually short, like one sentence long. If you are going to post 10 times in the span of 5 minutes with a total length of only 11 sentences, go somewhere else to have your conversation like PO or some other client. Don't clog the forum with posts you could text on your phone in a matter of seconds. Again, if you fail to do this I'll just edit the conversations into a single post or outright delete them.

    #3 - [b]One-Liners[/b]
    Now this one is a little more difficult to enforce and there is no clear line for it. What I'm talking about is when you post a single sentence or something that's just one or two words. I was personally raised under the internet etiquette that when you post, it should contribute to the topic. When someone just posts "lol Awesome lol," I cringe and attempt to reach through my screen to strangle the post. Sometimes you can just post a little blurb that is only one sentence. What is important is that it is relevant and not posting for the sake of posting.

    #4 - [b]Proper Topic[/b]
    This is something that isn't really a problem, but should still be addressed. People have posted in topics that didn't have any relevance to what they wanted to post about. This happens because either a) there was no appropriate topic or b ) there was an appropriate topic but they didn't look very hard. If it's the first one, go ahead and make a topic about it. It's always refreshing to see people starting new topics to spread the discussions out over the entire forum. A good example of this is the discussions on the Gym Leaders and the investigations, even if I'm not really involved in it. Try to find the correct topic or create your own. And in the same vein as this, if you have something brief but important to add to core topics like the rules, feel free to contact staff so we can edit the original post with your new information. It's fine for people who have done this already since they are contributing. I merely want to do this to keep such topics down to a few posts for organization.

    #5 - [b]Proper Grammar[/b]
    This should be pretty straight forward. Think before you type. As someone who enjoys to read and the English language in general, I will throttle you. This means posts such as "lol u r funnez lol plz post moar lol." See that makes me scream bloody murder. And then beyond obvious things like that, just read through your post before submitting for errors. I've written long posts before and missed things like typing "an" instead of "and" and that's just a good habit anyway. Respect your language people!

    Those are the basic things that I'll be looking at and just understand that there will be other things. I just want to make sure that the forum is more than just mundane posts that have no rhyme or reason. If we want to grow and add new members, standards must be met and currently many of us have fallen below them. Everyone knows how to do these things, it's just a matter of actively following what is right.

    The Pokemon G-Men are here to restore order.
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