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Gym Leader Bill

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Posts posted by Gym Leader Bill

  1. frankly I like the idea of being able to see through them but the way they show them in the anime its as if they're being put in a cramped spherical cage.
    I like some fan fiction versions where inside each pokeball is almost like a personal paradise for the pokemon inside
  2. [quote name='mashew' post='6293' date='Nov 9 2010, 06:09 PM']Lemme try this actually!!!!

    Item up for auction: Being Master of reborn for a week! that means Ame's job[/quote]

    honestly I dont know what i'd do with the power
    I think i'd only laugh at the fact that I won
    I like winning, so here's a dollar for the item

    [color="#9ACD32"][size=7]$1 DOLLAR![/size][/color]
  3. $150 on sex with Miley,
    just so I can tell her I'm into affixiation AND CHOKE HER UNTIL SHE STOPS MOVING!
    I used to like Billy Ray Cyrus, now I shudder at the name.
    Oh well, she'll Lohan herself sooner or later.
  4. [quote name='Uxie' post='6345' date='Nov 11 2010, 11:47 AM']Let me tell you. I know it from the show Robot Chicken. Where they did a parody of Highlander with Lindsey Lohan.[/quote]

    I LOVE THAT SKIT!!! I nearly peed myself when she couldn't say her last name!
  5. lets get more Black and White Pokemon in there!
    just some groups of three as examples
    some of these i dont want and there are others i'd like too probably
    but these are just examples ;)





  6. Poor Miss Kitty,
    Life sucks when you are seperated from the ones we love.
    I'm currently apart from my girl. TT^TT
    It makes me super sad...
    I dont know Ame well enough to impersonate him, so I can supply my empathy, free of charge
    You should do what I do when I'm sad
    I stop being sad and start being awesome. True Story
  7. It's a line from the movie Highlander. Its a story of immortals that can only be killed by cutting off their heads. Basically the immortals must survive centuries of battle until the remaining immortals gather in Modern day New York City to try and kill the each other and gain ultimate power! Before or after killing their opponent, the person would shout "THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!"

    its a GREAT classic, you should rent it. It's worth the watch!
  8. I beat a person called [Champion] Red and yelled this out and nearly busted a gut.
    It may be one of those things that are only funny to me!
    Now I'm tempted to use this as my winning phrase.

    Please be nice. It's all in good fun.

    and if you pick number 3: Supply what quote should be used ;)
  9. Well, i've been in a lot of plays, no commercials you would have seen, they were all local to alaska
    I prefer really getting into character, a focused method actor with a lot of researching, but for the most part I try to just have fun with it and do my best
    Plus I know I'm not the only person in the show, so I like to help others be their best and know that they are talented and liked
    I for the most part am a comedian, but i've done my fair share of drama, action, musicals and a few i'm not proud of lol
    But thank you for making me feel welcome. I don't get that much
  10. Hi everyone. I know not many know me (and the ones that do probably dont like me all that much :( ) so this is my first attempt to get people to know and like me ^_^ . My name is Bill (obviously) and I am an actor professionally, but for a long time I've been having difficulty finding work since I have no drive to go looking, so I went ahead and signed up to be with a talent agency.

    My first time through, I did the "Why So Serious" Joker monologue, and I was accepted. But the issue was I was leaving for a few months, so to save me money they told me, just come back to them when I was back in town. So when I did return, I contacted them but they told me I would have to audition again. So I came in and did the "Party Scene" Joker monologue, just to remind them who I was and what they agreed to the first time. AAAAND I was denied...

    So I practiced hard, learned a legit monologue, a Shakespeare monologue, Launcelot Gobbo's Monologue from the Merchant of Venice. I worked very hard on it and a month later I auditioned for the agency again. After preforming it, the woman watching my audition, who was also the head of the agency, gave me comments and advice for what I'd want to do for an audition in the future, something that would help more for tv shows or commercials. Having her saying that I felt almost 100% sure I was denied again. I was expecting to have to wait three weeks for a letter telling me I was rejected, just like last time, but no! Two days later I get a phone call from the agency. I made it! I was accepted!

    I was (and still am) trilled! It's revived my faith in myself! Even my pokemon teams have improved!~

    Yay me!~
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