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Posts posted by Vermillion

  1. EDIT: Why offensive masteries if you're building mostly tanky?

    Early game advantage. I found hybrid penetration marks weren't cutting it, and you can just build Armor pen on shyvana as Black Cleaver if you want to, and it will synergize well with the build if you're stomping. You could also argue to leave it at the brutalizer and then sell it for something better, but I always aim for something that can resist the teamfight in later stages. This is my usual build because Diamond games are almost never stomps.

  2. Let me just jump right in, then.

    Shyvana - "A fist of Ice or Fire"

    Jungle ~


    Champion introduction:

    Rune book
    Greater Mark of Magic Penetration x9
    Greater Seal of Armor x9
    Greater Glyph of Magic Resist x9
    Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed x3
    Masteries -
    Final item build
    Summoner spells
    Creation Process & Analysis -
    Well, here it is. This is my build for jungling as Shyvana.
    Let's start out by as basic as it can get, Summoner Spells.
    Since this is a jungling guide, Smite is a Given. However, Exhaust is my personal choice. It gives the lane you're ganking not only an advantage on their engage, but if you're the one to engage, it compensates lack of CC and stacks with the Red buff slow.
    On towards the Masteries. My Shyvana is Mastery-wise offensive, with a bit of AP to give burnout and flame breath more of an early punch, And that's the key to a great Shyvana, early ganks. If you can make yourself known early, giving your lanes advantage or even getting the advantage by getting kills, you're bound to keep on the same way.
    When it comes to my rune page, people have really mixed opinions about it, but that's because no one understands how amazing Magic Penetration is on Shyvana. Burnout and flame breath are MAGIC DAMAGE, and early on, they'll be your biggest source of damage. Why runes and masteries for it? Because that's the only way to get Magic Pen besides building ability power items. Still on that subject, some supports exchange MR Glyphs for AP Glyphs to have a stronger punch in lane and because they're against an AD carry, so it's "mostly alright" to make that change. With magic pen, your flames are going to scorch with almost TRUE DAMAGE, guaranteeing a good kill.
    My item build tends to vary with situational items, but more often than not, with balanced magic and physical damage teams, that build goes great.
    Now, let's talk about each item one by one.
    Frozen_Mallet_item.png Frozen Mallet : Stats
    | +700 health
    | +30 attack damage
    | Unique Passive – Icy: Your basic attacks slow your target's Movement Speed by 40% for 1.5 seconds (30% slow for ranged attacks).
    Now, since you really lack CC, you'll depend on Red buff and Exhaust during the ganking phase, but lategame, your AD carry is the one who's getting red, so you need an alternative. Turns out this baby
    does more than that, it also makes you relatively tankier, which is your objective! Be tanky, but still be a force to be reckoned with. This combos with the boot upgrade of choice for me, Furor. Not only you'll be slowin', you'll also be runnin'.
    Sunfire Cape :
    | +45 armor
    | +450 health
    | Unique Passive: Deals 40 magic damage per second to nearby enemies (400 range).
    Who are you? You're the dragon lady. You turn into a dragon and jump into the frey, fearless. What better item than Sunfire is there to tank up a little more, and also give periodical damage just by being there?
    I have no idea. Thornmail is for babies and Rammus.
    Runic Bulwark :
    | +300 health
    | +20 armor
    | +30 magic resistance
    | Unique Aura - Legion: Allies- +10 armor +25 magic resist +10 health regen. Minions - +50% armor, magic resist and health regen.
    Now, before anyone gets on my ass about how this item is supposed to be built by the support, I'll state right now that I think that's bull. This item is too expensive for a support. While keeping your balance on wards and items, such as the kindlegem, shurelya's, and more of a utility based build, leave it to the jungler or even the top laner to build it, since you'll get Legion during ganks and teamfights much the same, from someone that's been farming the jungle, getting assists, and can spare some gold for it.
    Randuin's Omen:
    |+500 health
    |+70 armor
    |Passive Unique Passive – Cold Steel: When hit by basic attacks, reduces the attacker's attack speed by 15% and movement speed by 10% for 1.5 seconds.
    |Active Unique Active: Slows the movement speed of nearby enemy units by 35% for 2 (+ 0.5% total armor) (+ 0.5% total magic resistance) seconds. 60 second cooldown (500 Range).
    Ah, the bane of AD carries. Slows attack speed, slows movement speed, gives you health, gives you armor, stacks the time of the slow with your defense stats... Whoever focuses you is screwed, that is, if someone actually does. Most of the time you'll be left to deal constant damage with burnout, twin bite, and the next item.
    Blade of the Ruined King
    |+25 attack damage
    |+15% life steal
    |+40% attack speed
    |Passive Unique: Your attacks deal 5% of the target's current health in physical damage (60 max vs minions and monsters).
    |Active Unique: Drains target champion, dealing 15% of the champion's maximum Health in physical damage and healing you for the damage dealt. Additionally you steal 30% of their movement speed for 4 seconds - 60 second cooldown. (500 range)
    Shyvana's passive loves Attack speed. Attack damage and lifesteal are good, too. But what makes this item worth it the most is the active. It's not only a heal, but a movement speed steal, only adding to your list of slows.
    |Mercury's Treads - Furor
    |+25 magic resistance
    |Unique – Enhanced Movement: +45 movement speed
    |Unique – Tenacity: The duration of stuns, slows, taunts, fears, silences, blinds and immobilizes are reduced by 35%.
    There's not much to say, since Merc's is the most common boot option. Tenacity and MR, to even up the armor focus.
    Well, to wrap it up,
    Pick Shyvana if you want to be the badass dragon that doesn't give any fucks out to the enemy, and build this way if you want to show people that though not very frequently played, the dragon rocks some box.

  3. RMB1.jpg

    An RMB is a way to display your best builds. A way to have others recognize your work/see your thought processes when you make a build. It is not a way to throw out your gimmick build that you made while eating breakfast. Nor is it somewhere for you to bash others. If you're rating the build, it's for you to provide constructive criticism of the build. It's not for you to call it stupid just because you don't agree with something within the build.(Thanks, Prop. I'm adapting everything.)


    1. Do not post an incomplete build. This means a build that doesn't have Runes, Masteries and Items at the same time.
    2. You don't have to give your champion an introduction, but it always helps to set the mood, and show you know what you are talking about.
    3. Do not post here if you're a build hipster. People will most likely use that build to test or for fun.
    4. Expect constructive criticism. You can ignore criticism/suggestions and argue them, but don't go too far.
    5. Don't post if you aren't going to listen to suggestions. This is not a FLATTER MY BUILD.
    6. Contrary wise, if all you're going to do is bash/circlejerk don't post.
    7. Including pictures would liven up your thread, so consider it!
    8. Please base your RMB's competitively. Runaans Hurricane on a Melee won't be accepted, for example.
    9. Actually using the build before you post it would help you to better understand what exactly needs fixing, or help you understand the criticism you are receiving.


    There are a few things your RMT must/preffered contain, and these things are as follows;

    1. An 'Overview' section.
    --At a Glance is the section in which people see the lane you're going to, all six items, 30 Masteries, Rune book and Summoner Spells on a given build. They are showcased merely with images.
    2. A Build creating process.
    *This can show your mindset as you were creating the build and better showcase the roles of each item, mastery and rune, and also possible edits/changes the reader can make if they decide to adapt the said build.
    3. An actual analysis.
    --This is a given. An RMB must contain a detailed and in-depth analysis of how your build interacts with your champ and the team, and possible matchups. This provides the information of how the build works as a whole.
    4. "Build like this if/ Pick this Champion if*"
    Why should your build be used? What functions does it enhance? What playstyle is best to use it? *If you've given your champion an introduction, why should you pick it?
    *Not mandatory, but preferred.


    Someone has already described it very well. I'll just make my small adjustments.

    Rating can be made formulaic once you've had practice. Builds can be widely different, but rating them can be done step by step.

    1) Identify the threat
    The first step to take when trying to fix a build is identifying what is wrong with it, i.e. what it is threatened by and how these threats can be reduced. A build's biggest threat might not necessarily be a single Champion -- in fact, most well built builds will never be too vulnerable to a single foe. Champs can be weak to residual damage, be naturally squishy or built a little too builky, this which give the likes of Vayne and Kog'maw free meltdowns; they can be weak to sustain builds and have a hard time outlaning them (Regen bead and pots for Garen might be cheap, but it is used because it work, and All-In builds are often quite weak to it without realizing it. Identifying what a built champion is weak to is the first step in helping it patch up the weakness. Experience in the current metagame is paramount when trying to help a build, and as raters you have to make sure you know what is common and what is effective. Being comfortable and confident in your own Logic goes a great way in improving your ability to help others.

    2) Explain how it is a threat
    It's not enough to just say "GG Diana x Kat". You have to back that statement up and explain briefly how it happens. With the case of the Diana x Kat example, you would highlight opportunities it would get to Poke, e.g. Diana's Crescent strike, and just point out how the build's lack of magic resist or whatever mean they can't handle Moon Lady. This should be done very briefly. However, you should always try to give an explanation, however brief, of why the threat is one in relation to the way the built champion works.

    3) Provide a solution
    Pointing out a problem is not enough - as raters you are expected to fix it as well as best you can. Letting the new player know that he is weak to Diana is great, but now all he is going to do is slap a Negatron Cloak on the build and call it a day, wholly believing that this single MR item has him secured against the threat. Providing a solution is another point at which the range of your competitive experience is important - you can't really recommend something unless you've seen it used successfully or done so yourself. Therefore I can't highlight enough how important it is to play the game regularly and try out a variety of styles and Items, thus best preparing you to help others make the right choices.

    The solutions you recommend needn't be new Items. Indeed, it is often best to try and deviate as little as possible from the original team as possible. Remember, you're here to rate the team, not rebuild it. Don't destroy a build's core in order to fix a simple Renekton weakness - instead, cater your fix around the build's strategy. If the team is desperately in need of having 3 or more of its Items replaced, then it's hardly worth rating and should be closed. Changing some Armor Seals or tweaking the mastery tree are the best changes if they would help the build. However, some builds really just need some Item replacing, and so don't be afraid to do this if you know it will help the build more than the Item whose place it is taking. Also, when recommending sets, try to do it in a neat, concise way. Taking up 7 lines just to write out a set just stretches out your post unnecessarily and can make it annoying to read. I like to use the following format when recommending Items:



    You don't have to do it like this, but try to keep your recommendations as concise as possible.

    4) Explain how the solution helps
    Again, rather basic, but you should take care not to miss doing this out. Even if it's a very basic "Abyssal Scepter can block some of Diana's poking potential while providing you with more ganking strenght", try and always note how the fix you recommended will help with the problem. If you've recommended the right solution, this shouldn't be hard to do at all, since you'll have had reasons for choosing the Item in the first place. Getting these down in your post will help the person whose build you are rating see your (hopefully) correct reasoning and realize that the fix is helpful. At the end of the day, by rating a build you are just trying to help the guy out, and so backing up your points to convince him that your solutions are good will make him a lot more likely to pay heed to your advice. It can be annoying when people just ignore what you are trying to advise them with, but most of the time it is because you didn't explain why your help is helpful well enough. Either that or they are just obstinate and are losing out anyway.


    http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_Wiki is the absolute best place you can go for resources, descriptions, and everything about a champion or item. I strongly reccomend using it.

    http://www.championselect.net/ is a division of Solomid, which lists champion's common strong and weak picks, as well as potential lane companions. It is also a good place to look at.

    http://beta.lol.fanrealm.net/6GGgMqT5wNIYFGUKDrkZ/champion-select Here is THE place to go for stat calculation, if you're feeling lazy and un-mathy, you zetta sons of digits.

    Hopefully this project, aside from being COMPLETELY adapted from RMT and from Neo's thread, works out for those League of Legends players in the forum.

    I might start with one of my own builds in this format, as an example.

  4. 7WlAjLW.jpg

    Vidya - Ever look into the sunset on a misty shoreline and say to yourself.. What if?

    Movie - Fight Club / The Adventurs of Mark Twain. Watch.

    Band - Orange Range/FLOW. I just do, okay, I just like it!

    Anime - Saint Seiya / Saint Seiya Lost Canvas

    TV - Mythbusters. It's most likely the show I enjoy to watch the most. I like testing and building and finding out things, and they do just that. And they blow shit up.

    Pokémon. - Manectric. Not only is it my favorite Electric type, it's my favorite pokemon. It looks badass, its shiny is badass, and besides, he's a wolf that electrocutes you.

    Book - Amazing cover art, Very good story, Amazing progression... I kept buying volume after volume after volume, simply because I was so in flux with the general flow of the story.

    Weapon - Tie between The Force and Firebending. I tied this because the force is stupidly overpowered compared with most weapons and powers, so I thought it wouldn't be very fair. It DOES count as a weapon. >>

    Super Hero - Iron Man. Tony Stark is there to show us what money, stubbornness and expertise can accomplish together.


    Drink - Watermelon juice. - TOO FRESH, JUST TOO FRESH BITCHASS

  5. My brony friends always do this thing where they associate a pony with people's personalities, and I've been associated with Cadence multiple times, sooo...

    Applejack, because Honesty is something I really hold up high and look for in people.

    I might not really be what you call a pegasister, since I'm normally out of the scene and only watch it once in a while, but the times I do watch it, it's enjoyable. I have a 2in Applejack figure on my shelf, along with a lot of different stuff.

    I just like to love and tolerate, it's a nice message. If only it stopped trolls :c

  6. Name: Vermillion Vi Seravane
    Age: 18
    Birthday: Dec 28th
    Location: Brazil
    Height: 5'9''
    Hair Color: Naturally Light Brown+Olive, artificially violent red
    Eye Color: Brown with a deep green ring around the pupil
    Live With: Me, me, and.... Me.
    Pets?: I wish.
    Relationships?: Non.
    Crushes lately?: Non.
    Dream Job: Anything I can use my creativity to suceed at
    Currently Playing: Bioshock Infinite

    Favourite Food: Luxury food: Steakhouse stuff, but when I'm really hungry, anything is miraculously tasty
    Favourite Drink: Strawberry Italian soda
    Favourite Color: The red spectrum (Red, Orange, Pink, Purple, Yellow, etc)
    Favourite kind of Music: I can listen to anything, but although I love classical music, If I like a song, I like a song.
    Favourite "Band": Joe Hisaishi
    Favourite Album: Fly, space parrot
    Favourite Game: Glover Shadow of the Colossus
    Favourite Genre of Game: Strategy
    Favourite Hobbies: Creating. Drawings, Clothes, Music, Anything that calms my creativity.
    Favourite Movies: Fight Club, Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Hayao Miyazaki's everything.
    Favourite Shows: House M.D, Saint Seiya, other stuff too

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