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Posts posted by Vermillion

  1. Welcome.

    Basically, this is how it goes. Your post should consist of the next fragment of the story, followed by an instrumental/soundtrack/orchestral song to go with it. The route you take with your segment and your song is up to you, but it would be great if we could develop a serious* story with this. For instance, if you would like to succeed "Temple of Time" with "Burning Gundam", your segment should reflect on why the mood changed, as well as tell your part of the story in about 4 to 6 lines of text. Remember that it's not because you began a character's mindset and story that the character is yours to write about exclusively. Think of it as writing the next page in the book. It's much easier to just hop into it than overthink things. Read everyone's segments while listening to their song, and then let your inspiration thrive on letter and melody. May we create a tale we'll remember.

    As is common to opening posts in topic games like these...

    "It snowed. Although they had never seen snow before, there was no marvel in the experience. It was too strange to be enjoyed... Snow in plain summer? And this sudden? It had been dry for some days, with absolutely no clouds in the sky. Blue as far as the eye could see, the city's colors vivid in the sunlight, but now.... Now, everything had become white. The sky, the streets... Even the people, to some extent. No one was used to a situation like that, and it was visible. While children ran around in the snow, in their ingenuous wonder, beggars feared every single drop of white that came from the skies... "I'll freeze, I'll die!" - They yelled, as shelters began to fill up beyond capacity. This sudden change created a whirlwind of worries in Fae's head, worries which she'd keep to herself, as she always had. She exchanged nervous looks with the others, but kept her thoughts to herself. "Everyone ought to be thinking the same thing, so it'd be foolish of me to bother them with repetition." - She thought to herself. What would they do now? A change of plans was in order, but she wasn't one to lead, thus, she'd simply wait for Gallie or Mark's suggestions."

  2. Okay folks, listen up!

    Following today's stream, which attracted some people that weren't even from the server/forums, I'll be attempting to stream every day this week, and maybe keep the schedule as an ongoing thing if enough people decide to watch it.


    -A better Overlay/Scene setup

    -Better music during pauses and chill times

    -More talking (Please help me out with this one, I'm not good at talking to myself)

    -More info about the game

    -Better Camera Angle

    -No messy hair ( It was bothering me >w> )

    -More viewer interaction

    -LoL commentary. Just add "Calamity Cannon" on NA if you're interested in advice!

    -Giveaways (If available >>)

    Overall, a better experience. I rushed it a bit because I wanted to stream for a long time today and didn't take the necessary precautions before going out to buy my beverages, so it wasn't the best.

    kkE4eXl.png :

    ~5PM EST ~> 9PM EST aprox ~ Games with viewers!

    qxQFIQa.png :

    ~5PM EST ~> 9PM EST aprox ~Outlast Playthrough until completion, then another horror game.


    ~5PM EST ~> 9PM EST aprox ~Banjo-Kazooie Playthrough, then Banjo-Tooie, then another game.


    ~5PM EST ~> 9PM EST aprox~Hearthstone Constructed/Arena adventures


    ~5PM EST ~> 9PM EST aprox ~YOU decide!

    Send your ideas of what I should be doing as PMs!

    Sleepy Saturday:

    ~So much of a break that I didn't even make a banner in Paint.net for this one~


    ~5PM EST ~> 9PM EST aprox ~Steam and Emulator Games!

    Someone give me a Name-come-up-with prize for those titles.

    I will be trying my best for this to become something that you guys enjoy and watch regularly. Let's hope it doesn't fall through like Rate My Build did! (Even though the banners for that one were done in photoshop and not just pdn >>)

  3. Chapter 2: Mellow.

    She took the stairs. She didn't live far away from where she wanted to go at all. The air was fresh, and a gentle breeze compensated for the warm temperature. It looked like a great day to take a walk. With no trouble, she arrived at the bakery. Plenty of people were in there, and the sound of gentle morning conversations filled the whole place. She was instantly glad she decided to come. After thinking for a little while, she ordered a Mocha and a fruit salad, and picked a seat. While she waited, she looked around at everyone that had gathered there for breakfast. Some of them looked like executives about to go to their offices, some like students about to go to their classes. Being there, she started to think about what she could do next, but as she was thinking, to her surprise, instead of just placing her order on the table, the waitress asked her how she was feeling, and if she was gonna do anything special that day. Surprised, she just said she was hunting for nice things to do, and to her surprise once more, the waitress handed her a ticket to "The Lion King". When asked for the reason for that great act of friendliness, the waitress responded with a smile that she was originally going to use the ticket, but she had to go to the hospital for exams that afternoon, and decided to make someone's day a little better. She thanked the waitress with an open smile, and carefully placed the ticket into her purse. Filled with joy, she ate away at her fruit salad, knowing that an awesome afternoon awaited her. But what of right now? The park, maybe? Yes, that sounded about right, but she decided to hang around for a little while more. The atmosphere there pleased her.

  4. It was a morning like any other. As the sounds of the city begun to make their appearance, people waited for the bus, each of them with their stories, purposes and thoughts held tightly. Holding a mug of fresh coffee, she looked out the window. The sky was lightly cloudy as usual, some cars were already moving out, and a number of people waited patiently at the bus stop. She had nothing to do this morning. She was let go from her job two days earlier, and besides being in the lookout for another, she had nothing else she was supposed to do. She could do whatever she wanted that day... But what? Stores weren't open yet, her favorite relaxing spots were also still closed. Suddenly, the bakery became an interesting prospect. Yes, she could get some nice breakfast, actually eat something. She was sick of the kind of coffee she had bought anyways. Not being in a hurry was strange to her. Perhaps she could finally start the day with a smile, and with that thought, she decided she would make that day great. She would go out and do things to enjoy herself, break the usual routine and just have fun for once. And when nighttime came, she'd be proud of her decision, and lay down to a peaceful night of sleep. Perfect. With all that in mind and a handful of motivation, she set out into the outside world.

  5. Glad to see someone else striving for the same thing I am! I've been writing my thoughts about Galio, Maokai, and General Lore / Game Feel.

    Hope we both make it, and I'll throw in my thoughts about Morg soon to try and help you out. Cheers!

  6. tfw i get nervous everytime my jungler ganks my lane and when it should be an easy dive without any countergank from the enemy jungler, my junglers never know how to share tower shots and end up dying for a 1 for 1 and most of the time they don't even give me the kill ):

    It's not a 1 for 1. Their laner only gets a kill, your team gets a kill and an assist. Even though you didn't get an advantage in lane because you and your enemy got a kill, your jungler got some extra gold in that. While not the best scenario, that's a case where the numbers say WORTH. If you killed your opponent in lane, but then their jungler took you down and gave the laner an assist, it's technically worth for them, although a little less, because you get more gold than the enemy laner. If their jungler knows what to do with his money, things will start looking grim.

  7. Check out this site:


    Not all of them are just in the US, but most seem to be. You can then look on the school site itself and see whether it's for you or within your price range.

    . Oh GOD YES SHERIDAN, that place, although hosting one of the hardest, most smothering courses ever, gives you one of the strongest diplomas in the digital arts world.... Thanks for the list!

    Posted your plight here on the rather obscure Muse Gate RP's Tavern (general chat) forum, and here on the MUCH more well known MSPA General Chat forum. Hopefully, we'll be hearing responses soon.

    EDIT: First response from the Muse Gate forums-

    I will continue editing this post as I hear more responses.

    EDIT 2: It seems it cuts out the names when I try to quote them, so I'll modify the quotes a little to include their usernames.

    Also, to respond to the very useful and friendly responses on Muse Gate:

    I (by no means trying to be arrogant) am pretty confident about my academic skills, dedication, and am also lucky enough to be able to deal with the expenses around that range. Also, I realize that the whole process is easier said than done, but with enough dedication and tenacity, I believe I can make it. Still, help is always welcome, though it's more about the overall process of studying abroad than anything on a personal level. Once again, I have no intention of being arrogant, I always feel like I need to clarify this to clear out any misunderstandings.

    Though, It's not out of ones place to question why I'd want to leave the " tropical wonderland, land of carnaval, samba, happiness, fun and freedom". First of all, I'll confirm that this is a great place to visit, with a lot of interesting landscapes and touristic attractions(Although I recommend against giving our government any more money), but fact is, living here SUCKS. It's FAR from ever being called safe, the taxes we're charged are absurdly abusive for a country that gives nothing back to its people other than the popular brazilian circus, or football (The worst part about this is that people are ok with being economically abused as long as they can watch their team play, and some even decide to go on kill or be killed crusades in the name of a bloody football team... But I digress.). Second of all, I've studied english on my own since I was 5, and to such extent that I find it easier and more comfortable for me to speak/write/think in english than in portuguese, and when I really think about it and several other factors combined, I don't see any reason to think this would be where I belong. Ranging from a racist, homophobic and sexist pastor being the PRESIDENT OF THE ETHICS COUNCIL, which somehow passes the "GAY CURE" project, to hearing a "national idol" like Ronaldo say, when the people ask for better quality of life on the streets, holding up signs for their ideals and demands, for better work conditions for our teachers, that are paid hardly enough to sustain themselves, more hospitals and better work conditions for our doctors, that " You don't make a World Cup with hospitals or investing on them. You make them with stadiums and thats where the cash should really be flowing." Gods, I'm really going out on a tangent here... It's kinda hard for me to talk about the place even on a minor level and not rant about it, sorry.

    Anyway, this tablet isn't the best for typing and I'm currently a little drowsy because my sleep schedule is pretty messed up, so I apologize for any typos or grammar failures.

  8. I mean I hate to state the obvious, but you should really big through the school websites. Find someone to e-mail that can explain. School websites have a bunch of information. I would try to stay away from big cities though: you might go through some culture shock being thrown into a city and schools near cities are normally more money.

    Haha, well, that wouldn't be any sort of shock to me, I've gone there on a 2 month exchange and didn't feel that much of a difference other than the fact things are way cheaper and the cities seem to be very flat, with little to no ups or downs, which makes it easier to navigate. I've lived nearly all of my years in Brazil's urban center, the Global City of São Paulo, so big cities and high costs are things I'm pretty used to.

    Oh, and btw, your forum avatar is overloading with cuteness!

  9. EDIT: Is it okay if I let people on other forums I frequent know of your plight? I'll provide a link to here if necessary.

    Sure! Every kind of help would be great!

    In my opinion the US is poop and you should keep heading north to Canada, the land of Lumber and Bacon. But to the topic at hand, what kind of digital arts are you looking at? Like graphic design, simulation, animation, what?

    Graphic Design and Animation, yes.

    From from what I remember, universities love having international students. But you're still gonna need scholarships and money. None of the places you're looking at are cheap. And cost of living in California is relatively high.

    Oh, yeah, I've heard about that. I'm lucky enough to have the resources to defray the costs.

    OH, and also, It's not just Cali I have my eyes on, ANY opportunity I can get would be great.

  10. Hey, Reborn! Vermillion here.

    As my info states, I live in Brazil. But I don't want to! This place really blows!

    So, the topic's name speaks for itself. I want to study on the U.S, so that I might get a good curriculum, good experiences, easier access to things, and also enjoy better overall quality of life...

    But I need your help... Because I don't know what to do!

    I mean, most of it.

    I know some places that offer me what I want , but not the way I can get to those places, that's the problem. I'm another creative person, market on the rise, so what I'm looking for are the great Digital Art courses, and I've seen that I can get that at the following institutions.

    UC San Diego


    University of Southern California





    But I don't know everything, so ANY INFORMATION would be greatly appreciated!

    I'm confident enough in my abilities to try for a good SAT score, and I've studied English for a really long time, getting a diploma that proves my fluency, but what else would make me a better pick? What could I check, Who could I ask?

    How hard is it to grab a half-decent job up there? What about places to stay?

    I just want to go away from this place, and actually have a chance to have a good career doing what I want to do, and otherwise won't be able to do by staying around this unsafe hole filled with people that have no standards.

    Here, you're either a Lawyer, a Doctor, an Engineer, or poor.

    So I'm gonna go out on a whim and trust the "Land of opportunity" slogan. I have the resources, I have the dedication... I just need some help, and I trust you guys can provide me with said help.

    Thanks in advance!

    Vermillion ~

  11. "What's the point in listing a preferred role for a duo queue?"

    Ideal Matchups. Even if you don't get your ideal position, You can have a similar synergy. Two AD carry players, for instance, might not synergize as much as an AD carry and a Jungler, that, depending on their champion pool, might be able to support. There's the obvious botlane duo, but there's also the mid+Jungle duo, Top+Mid... Although the community is absolutely dumb and will go "NO ME MID" and instalock, one can always hope that the pick order will be respected.

  12. "I'd use the Black Cleaver anyhow as it contaons the Brutalizerwhich I almost always grab it as one of my first items on melee champs, and it's an undeniable earlygame step up whether you are stomping the enemy or not."

    I expect my top laner or sometimes the AD carry to do so, mostly. I'm not there to shred people to pieces, I'm there to gently tear them apart without much notice.

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