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Everything posted by DeathScythe

  1. Wild Monkey, I am indeed 1/4th taco, with extra guacamole. Also, thank you Flaaffy! Like I said, I've been around for awhile, just forgot to use the forum to introduce myself.
  2. I'm on Winter Break and figured this could be fun, as I have never formally introduced myself. In real life my name is Zachary, I'm 20. I'm in college. Previously majoring in radiology technology, now I'm studying to be a teacher with a focus in English and psychology. In my spare time I write story ideas out, as well as poetry, song lyrics (Kind of the same thing!) And play drums, sax, dabble in bass guitar and occasionally vocals. I also play Pokemon when I have the time, among other video games. Someday I'd love to become a published author. Pokemon wise I've played since Blue version was released! I could barely read when it came out ( I was 6, maybe 5.) I started with Squirtle. I've been in the competitive game for about 2 years. My favorite type of Pokemon is the Dark type. I also am one of the 3 leaders of the Fallen clan. Before Reborn I was usually found in the Battle Tower or BattleCenter (Or whatever it was called, I don't remember. Sorry if that offends anybody.) I used to be part of the Hero clan for a short time as well as the Elite 17. Previous Aliases are Poltergeist, DeathScythe, and Lord Death (Which I use still occasionally). Deus Mortis is "God of Death" in Latin. Noticing a trend? So that's about all you need to know. Nice to meet/re-meet all of you! If you want to ask me something, feel free! I'll answer whatever you throw at me!
  3. No worries April, we were just worried because there was some inner turmoil within Fallen recently and we were just taking precaution in case it was a serious/malevolent problem. If it would have been any other time we wouldn't have sweated it!
  4. We'll look into that idea Ame, thanks. And Propaganda, if you have names for the ones that are acting belligerent then please inform us. Thank you.
  5. Good evening Reborn. Deus Mortis here. As time has gone on, we have noticed quite an amount of hate within the Reborn server towards the Fallen clan. It doesn't bother us, However! We do wish to issue you an apology if Mr.Mario, ScarfChansey, Mommemmo (or something like that), and most importantly Morty Mote have offended you. They aren't real members of the clan. They're imposters, if you will. If you have any other problems regarding Fallen for some reason, reply, or contact HeavenlyKing, MasterFate, and I (The 3 and only admins) and please say something to us. We'd love to know. Thanks and have a good evening!
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