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  1. Like everyone else, I'm having trouble beating Radomus and looking for advice on how to use my team better. Here's my current team: Pokemon: Charjabug Level: 55 Item: Exp. Share Ability: Battery Nature: Rash Moves: X-Scissor, Charge, Discharge, Iron Defense Pokemon: Arcanine Level: 58 Item: Lax Incense Ability: Intimidate Nature: Gentle Moves: Heat Wave, Flamethrower, Safeguard, Close Combat Pokemon: Scrafty (Shiny!) Level: 57 Item: Protective Pads Ability: Moxie Nature: Brave Moves: Payback, Brick Break, Rock Climb, Thunder Punch Pokemon: Nidoking Level: 58 Item: Black Sludge Ability: Sheer Force Nature: Brave Moves: Toxic Spikes, Shadow Claw, Strength, Poison Jab Pokemon: Greninja Level: 57 Item: Wave Incense Ability: Torrent Nature: Hardy Moves: Water Pulse, Smokescreen, Water Shuriken, Extrasensory Pokemon: Musharna Level: 56 Item: Twisted Spoon Ability: Synchronize Nature: Rash Moves: Psychic, Moonlight, Future Sight, Calm Mind I prefer to use this team if possible so they can gain the EXP, but I have two Pokemon in storage that might be worth switching out and trying to level up for this fight: Pokemon: Kricketune Level: 52 Item: None Ability: Technician Nature: Hasty Moves: Night Slash, Sticky Web, Bug Buzz, Perish Song Pokemon: Passimian Level: 46 Item: None Ability: Defiant Nature: Modest Moves: Double-Edge, Fling, Close Combat, Reversal Thanks!
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