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  1. Hi, me and my girlfriend have been playing together recently. She is struggling with beating Shelly and I wanted to trade over some good IV , EV trained substitutes for her team. When we try to connect to 'online play' we both get the error Message: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - recvfrom(2). I have used online play only once before to see what it as and i did a wonder trade so i'm sure it was working before. I'll include the full error log below but I'm not sure how to proceed. Are the servers down? (I didn't find anything about this so I wanted to make sure it's not our end.) Exception: Errno::ECONNRESET Message: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. - recvfrom(2) Network:76:in `recv' Network:76:in `listen' Connect&Register&Login&New:123:in `update' Connect&Register&Login&New:93:in `block in main' Connect&Register&Login&New:91:in `loop' Connect&Register&Login&New:91:in `main' PokemonUtilities:541:in `pbLoadRpgxpScene' PokemonPauseMenu:165:in `block in pbStartPokemonMenu' PokemonPauseMenu:140:in `loop' PokemonPauseMenu:140:in `pbStartPokemonMenu' Scene_Map:217:in `call_menu' PokemonTime:177:in `call_menu' Scene_Map:189:in `update' Scene_Map:68:in `block in main' Scene_Map:65:in `loop' Scene_Map:65:in `main' Main:45:in `mainFunctionDebug' Main:26:in `mainFunction' Main:81:in `block (2 levels) in <main>' Main:80:in `loop' Main:80:in `block in <main>' script yeetifier pro:307:in `eval' script yeetifier pro:307:in `block in <main>' script yeetifier pro:303:in `each' script yeetifier pro:303:in `each_with_index'
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