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Post Comments posted by PixelMods

  1. This question includes mention of things that were only revealed in the .Karma files. That being said, I don't think it counts as a question asking for spoilers, since I'm just asking for confirmation for something I feel is heavily implied.


    In Terajuma, when Melia says Karma's a bitch in the weather station, we see the karma eye appear above her looking staticky and upset.

    Is this her losing Karma? If so, does this mean she's become an Interceptor at this point, or is that just Karma being upset at being called a bitch?

    If she hadn't become an Interceptor at this point, what about later? We see Karma say that Melia is different than expected, which suggests free will, which suggests she has become an Interceptor. But she's also been around an Interceptor for a while, and two for a little while. So I suppose that could have just resulted in her personality being different from other versions of her.

    To clarify, I mean an Interceptor like V, who became one after travelling to Aevium from another universe, not like Crescent and us who became Interceptors because Variya made us into Interceptors. Melia obviously isn't one of Variya's interceptors, or else our extra lives would be split up even further.


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