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Posts posted by vampirevulpix

  1. I just had the same issue and redid the thing like three times, so @ whoever's struggling with this too: BEFORE activating the red crystal, move the prism Statue345 is facing in their picture - as soon as you activate the red crystal, a red rock will appear in that spot, thus keeping you from moving that prism!

  2. So I'm kinda stuck atm because I just don't know what to do - I've visited Hoopa and Crolea basically said something along the lines of how they'll keep on fighting against Team Portal.

    ...now what? I have no idea where to go now. From the Wiki I gathered the next Gym is probably the Ground one, and the area is connected via Crystal Cavern. I think that's where I need to go, but how? The Carbink still block all other paths I could take - the only freely walkable path is the one I took to the Steel Gym.

    A pointer would be great. Neither Crolea nor Emily said anything about where to go from now.


    [EDIT]: Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I promptly found out, lol. Apparently going inside the Steel Gym was the next step.

  3. Gotta say: Gliscor and Typhlosion (to a degree also Magearna and Whiscash).

    Gliscor and Typhlosion, I basically only put on my team for sentimental reasons: Gliscor because it looks ultra cool (like a scorpion bat!), and Typhlosion because it's the starter. Thing is, these two REALLY pull their weight, so I just...never really put them away, lol. Gliscor with Earthquake, Toxic, Knock Off, Sword Dance really fucks with a surprisingly large amount of opponents, and Typhlosion with Eruption (?), Flamethrower, and, later on, Earthquake really fucks around and finds out. It's also fast, so that's gr9 too.

    Whiscash somehow always ends up on my teams, too, lol. You can get it early af, it is Water type with an Electric safety, which helps out on the Industrial Fields.

    You can get Magearna laaaaate, in the Post Game, but tbqh, ever since I got it, it barely if ever gets put away. This little critter is an absolute power house! Basically the only Legendary I really use, lol (...don't really like using them bc I never got used to having any - kinda like never using the good cutlery lol).

  4. Iirc you need to find her at the beach of Sashila Village, the area right before you enter the abandoned mansion to the south.

    But I'm not sure what you need to do to trigger that particular event

  5. For Serra specifically, I can only ever recommend Nature Power. You should have the TM already - and on Serra's Mirror Field, it transforms into Mirror Shot, which is boosted on the field to twice its strength. As a Steel attack, Serra's mons are weak to it, AND it has a 100% chance to lower the target's Accuracy , too.

    One side effect of Mirror Field is how, when a physical attack doesn't hit, it will deal 1/4 of the max HP as damage + lower Accuracy. So like, in general I'd recommend special attacks and Evasion and/or Accuracy boosts. Synthetic seed is also a good option.

    Iirc I solo'ed this one with my Typhlosion: Nature Power and/or Flamethrower go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Worked like a charm, especially as it was rather fast (fast enough, at least).

    Also, jsyk: breaking the Mirror Field will cause you to lose 1 relationship point with Serra.

  6. Also in the future: there is the option to skip the Dusknoir/Tangrowth puzzles:


    Right when you begin the puzzles, there is the option to skip the puzzle entirely: a small white butterfly. Kinda like the "regular" red ones that heal your 'mons. If you walk into that white butterfly, the skip takes you right to the end of the puzzle, with you being finished with it/completing it.


  7. On 1/18/2024 at 2:44 PM, AxelRod45 said:

    I have an addendum to make to the Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon list:

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    Bagon is not strictly locked behind defeating Talon- this is only the case on Renegade. On Paragon, if Florin is Alive and you did the Isha quest, you can do the trade in his house at the end of Chapter 14-onward, with it locking for story reasons until after the Scavenger Hunt segment in .Paragon Files. If Florin is Dead, it's available after Lavender's announcement, as Talon's fight is skipped on Paragon if this is the case. I'm not sure what the window is if you just don't do the Isha quest, may be post-Lavender's announcement/Talon fight as well. It's an unnecessarily complicated combination of windows for this Pokémon.



    I didn't finish the Isha Quest on my Renegade run, but I did have Florin killed. I could access the Bagon after having battled + deleted Talon. So yeah, no problem on that account. Didn't know one could even access Bagon before battling Talon, tbqh.


  8. I had the exact same issue, Venam just wouldn't leave, at all. At some point I wanted to dive in the Chamber, so I saved before talking to her and went for it.

    Turns out she disappears in the Chamber, so yeah. Kinda anticlimatic. The Saving Amber Event doesn't trigger after its point has passed (or at least it didn't for me, I'd still rec saving before, lol).

  9. 35 minutes ago, jimkas said:

    The difference is that Rune was dead from the start, Ren was controlling a robotick, but he himself was still alive and well. Rune died when her mind was transported into the engine, she was just data.

    And this is EXACTLY why I DO think Rune getting an android body would be really interesting - if she is "just data", then why is she, as a person, still...well, acting? Thinking? After her body was destroyed? Her mind (soul?? identity?) was basically uploaded to the engine, where she created the Puppet Master. Huey unlocks her and has this tearful meeting with her, getting closure.

    So unlike Ren, Rune has no body to "return to", because it was destroyed. Does that mean she would be unable to inhabit a body, either android or human? As in, her soul is "forgetting" how to inhabit a limited body?

    And with Ren, what if something happens to his human "shell", so to speak? Can his body forget to be inhabited by a soul/identity, body decaying? Kinda thinking of a braindeath situation here, as in: if the soul is departed from the body for too long, the body has to be artificially kept alive by machines, otherwise it dies.

    So yeah, in conclusion, giving Rune an android body would open up a LOT of questions and interesting parallels with Ren's situation. Also with Reina - literally Ren's sister - taking over Rune's role as Huey's sister.


    ...man, I'm kinda talking myself into writing a fanfic about this, lol.


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  10. 16 hours ago, jimkas said:

    That sounds like a fate worse than death. I don't think neither Rune nor Huey would like that

    What, why?

    I mean, Ren is basically the same - his consciousness (soul??) is hosted by a mechanical body created by Nastasia. Who says she couldn't do the same for Rune, especially seeing as she managed to fix the scrambled eggs of Team Xen Geara? I'd just imagine her having the option to become a person again - that, and I think it would raise a lot of interesting questions that weren't tackled with Ren. Is Ren still a person if he's basically an android? When does being a person start?? Also Nastasia takes over control over his body/him, but is it ever really discussed how this influences him "being Ren", if other people have the option to take over? Dunno, what with Rejuv asking a lot of questions of what makes a person themself/a real person (see: Aelita), I just think having the option of android bodies didn't tackle those enough. With Rune, that would be possible.

    Iirc both Rune and Huey expressed their regret of Rune just...what, dying? Disappearing? Also, is Rune even dead-dead? Like, is that even stated? Or is she just...well, powered off?

  11. I hope they'll include more ways to fuck up your Karma / get bad Karma. So far, the only Quest that really gives you negative Karma is the one at Fort Rystrine. Other than that, the only way to collect points for the Bad Ending is via just...not doing stuff (Side Quests, choosing the asshole options during talking to characters). Which, I get it, good way to make sure getting the Bad Ending has to be a LOT of conscious choices.

    Still, putting in a few options that'd give you negative Karma would be cool just to have a bit more leeway re: Side Quests (+ the Karma they grant). Maybe an option to spectacularly fuck up more Side Quests, just like the one at Fort Rystrine? I don't see this working with all Quests, but like...maybe 2-3 more, that would be cool.


    Plotwise, I hope/dread V.14 will be the Xenpurgis. It's been pointed to and feared by so many characters, and there's quite a bit of hype the Xenpurgis being T H E big ol' battle. Compared to the Terajuma Beatdown(tm), I...lowkey dread the Xenpurgis, lol. Mainly because I agree with @Dausk in thinking there will be people dying. Terajuma cost lives, too (Prof Jenner, Nim and MC (<- in a way)), so that would make sense, imho.

    However, if the update will be Xenpurgis, I think this would be a HUGE thing. Not just because the devs would have to create two versions (? if Paragon and Renegade split too far), but also, well, this battle will be big, so unless they'll hit the brakes in the middle and have Xenpurgis Pt. 1 and Xenpurgis Pt. 2, this will take time. More time for me to cry over Rune, then.


    I do think it would be ultra neat if the Paragon/Renegade mirroring would be done to the extreme. As in: in Paragon, Team Xen members (Madelis, Nastasia, Neved) join "our gang" and break off Madame X - and on Renegade, it is us/MC defecting to Team Xen. Which might impact the outcome of the Xenpurgis: with MC, Team Xen wins - and with major key players of Team Xen, "our side" wins.

    This seems logical to me, because Renegade route has weakened several GDC players (Florin and Talon are dead, Flora has lost support due to the GDC ball bomb, Rhodea has not had Gloria returned to her). On Paragon route, all of them are much stronger (Florin, Talon both alive, the former even a candidate to become mayor; Rhodea is much more positive).


    If we're talking silly little hopes: man, I wish there was an option to save Rune. I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, her body was destroyed, but how about an artificial body where they "download" her consciousness? Which would also bring a lot of moral issues (suddenly having "limits" again, being cut off from the perpetual flow of data, being "a human"). Dunno, I just bawled out my eyes during that part of the game and I wanna save her so bad.



  12. 13 hours ago, jimkas said:

    What does she say about him? I missed this interaction and I am very curious to know.

    Ah, I don't remember the exact words she said, but basically something along the lines of how Thomas Jr. is adopted and how she briefly considered adopting Thomas Jr. herself. And also something along the lines of how she and Thomas Jr.'s step mom don't really see face to face.

  13. Hello everyone!

    How does one complete the PokeDex while on Renegade Route?? Certain Pokemon are tied to Side Quests (Mareep, Froakie, etc), which will net you Karma if you complete them?

    Asking bc I've just done the Lighthouse Side Quest without cashing in rewards so I won't get Karma and instead stay on the Renegade Route. But now Zumi wants to see a Mareep, which, iirc, is only available after cashing in the rewards at the counter, right? So...yeah, no way to get a Mareep, is there?

    If the issue with the Mareep is true for other Pokemon (like Froakie), how many Pokemon will be available while on Renegade Route?

  14. 2 minutes ago, SoulN7 said:

    Not correctly. The Blooming World means Karma lets The Core dissolve if that World becomes dependant enough and gives humanity free will again. The Interceptor was made to deny Karma's fate and can access to perks to be immune to its control and interventions. Spoilers for Renegade:


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    With a good chance, Renegade MC has started to access these, since Karma had to use Talon and probably Aelita to stop MC.


    Both MCs have already enough power and knowledge to at least fight the bare minimum against Karma, so I think your "Paragon ending" could not be true at all.

    I worringly question the whole "Karma lets the Core dissolve" - because what if it doesn't? The AI has been playing (re-)creation of worlds for who-knows-how-long. Variya has programmed certain rules, powers, limitations for Karma to work by - but iirc in Erin's files it does not outright say that one of these rules is "Karma must give humanity free will". Just that it ought to.

    What if Karma has developed a will of its own and aims to keep its power, basically turning selfish? Can it even turn againt Variya?

    And, if it comes down to it: MC and Melia have basically kicked the epitome of Space and Time in the butt, but really, will they also need to kick the artificial God of the universe (= Karma) in the butt, too? What if they do that, successfully, and afterwards Arceus is like "'sup, so you've passed my trials, thanks for reviving me, now that All Is Well Again(tm) I'll just pop in and create the free will world you've created, don't mind me :D"

    ...man, I have SO many questions, for real. I just worry that this won't have a happy end - idk, watched/played too much stuff where the creators basically went "your battles were huge but ultimately absolutely useless and everything is miserable and sad!". Like, I care about the characters in Rejuv, and even though I know they're just a bunch of pixels, I want them to have a happy end.

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