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GrovyleTheThief last won the day on December 1 2023

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27 Developing


About GrovyleTheThief

  • Birthday 01/28/2004

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    Video games, reading, whatever passes the time

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  1. Some context regarding certain characters

    Okay, I think it's high time to tell you were I got the ideas of some of the characters in the game. I mean hey, the main games almost done so why not right? So let's start off with Mischief. He was a character that I thought about when I was replaying Pokémon super mystery dungeon. You may have noticed how similar the partner and Mischief were. That was intentional. The only difference is that Mischief actually makes up with Bloom by the end of chapter 2. Oh yeah, remember Bloom? Well, back in the early versions of the game, she wasn't really likable very much and the reason for that is because I browsed the Pokémon mystery dungeon subreddit one time and found that a lot of people really didn't like super's partner in the slightest. I never really understood why. Yes, they had a habit of dragging you through their mess but they still cared about you. Later on in the game, the partner actually grows and we see it. Bloom was based off of the player of super albeit loosely. Now, she has more emotion than just annoyance of Mischief. She's shown to have some regret for some of the things she said. Next character on list I'd like to talk about is the fairy type gym leader. Honestly, I can relate to her because she and I have done some really bad things in the past and we beat ourselves up for it. Later on, we realize that being so hard on yourself won't fix anything and we make up for it in the end. And finally we get to Ampharos himself. I intend for him to have the same personality he had from super mystery dungeon the main difference being there's some 

    actual depth to his character. my attempt at this was to have a tragic backstory where he was bullied as a little Mareep and because of it, he develops an inferiority complex but later on, he'll grow out of it and become the character he is later. So there's you some context. I was thinking long and hard posting this to get my thoughts out and keep going foreword. By the way, I'm not working on the next update for awhile so you might have to wait awhile on that. Oh and besides, after he break, work on the game might be slowed because you know, life gets in the way. Nevertheless, thank you for sticking around for this post and I'll see you guys when I'm back.

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