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About Heracross

  • Birthday 12/22/1993

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  1. Time to grease up and hit the mat to make a fighting mono that can take on the league! Hawlucha is a necessity here.
  2. I'd like to be in but have no one to play with. If anyone wants to pick me up message me on PO or my name on LoL is Sharktopus :3
  3. Hmm. I feel like I should come up with my own news show and give Gardevoir some competition. I'll have to think of a catchy name and some good stories. Muahaha.
  4. I'm in. Needa whip up a team real quick.
  5. 40k people in one month. Well, I'm glad we're getting so poopular. Congrats to the new auths, and here's hoping this project don't stop before it's done~!
  6. Your Computer... Operating System: Windows 7 Processor Speed (GHz): 2.30 GHz RAM (GB): 4 GB Have you encountered lag in the following places... While healing your Pokemon? No While starting battles? Yes, but very rarely. Walking around the train tracks in Opal Ward? No Walking around the east (rightmost) part of Opal Bridge? Yes Around the Yureyu Building? No Any other places? Please specify No, none that come to mind Script Hanging... If you've used the animated sprites, have you gotten a script hanging error mid-battle? Yes. Many times. If so, did it happen only once? Or every time a certain Pokemon was sent out? Which? Actually, it wasn't any certain Pokemon that did it. It seems to happen randomly and can happen any time one is sent out. Have you ever gotten a script hanging error outside of battle? Yes, but I can't recall where. If so, where/when? I want to say it was in the Jasper ward/Malchous forest.
  7. Well. Maybe the forums needed an update anyway? Just have fun with the new skin, I'm sure you'll make it awesome, Ame!
  8. First shiny I ever had was a Raticate in Gold version. I didn't know what it was cuz I was like, 8 years old, but it looked cool so I caught it. I don't know what happened to my Gold cart though... Second shiny I ever saw was a Weedle in HeartGold during the bug catching contest. I accidentally killed it and was kicking myself. The only other time I found a shiny was when I was streaming Crystal version and grinding in Victory Road. I found a shiny Graveler. It's in my highlights.
  9. I could use some help. I've got next to no idea what I'm doing against other players qq
  10. Here's my shot at it in case no one else got it somehow. +1satk+1satk 1sdef+2satk 1sdef+1spd+1satk 1spd+3satk+1def+1def 1sdef+3sdef+1hp+2def+2satk 1sdef+1spd+2def+2atk 1sdef+1spd+2spd+3spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1atk+2atk+2spd+3spd+1def+2def+1hp+2hp+3hp+1atk+2atk+3atk+2hp+3hp+1spd+1sdef 1spd+2hp+3hp+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+2atk 1def+1sdef+1satk 1spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk+1atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+3atk+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1sdef+2sdef+1def+2def+3def+1spd+2spd+1hp+2def+1satk+2satk+1atk+1atk+2atk+1sdef+2sdef+1hp+1hp 1atk+1def+2def+1satk+2satk+3satk+1def+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+1def+2satk+1def+2def+2atk+2sdef+2hp+1def+2def+1def+2atk+2hp+1def+2hp+1satk+1def 1satk+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+2sdef+1atk+2satk+2spd+2satk+2atk+1atk+1spd+2atk+2hp+1hp+1sdef+2hp+2spd+2atk+1satk+1def+2def+1def+2atk+2spd+2hp+3sdef+3satk+3satk+1atk+2atk+3atk+3satk+3hp+1sdef+1atk 1sdef+1atk 2sdef+1spd+1satk 1spd+3satk+1atk+1atk 1def+2atk 1def+1atk+2spd+1hp+2hp+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+2atk+3spd+1hp+2hp+1spd+1sdef+1hp+1sdef+2sdef+1satk+1satk 1spd+1satk+2satk+3satk+3sdef+2hp+3hp+2def+3sdef+1sdef+2spd+3spd+1spd+1satk+2satk+1spd+1hp+2hp+2satk+2sdef+1spd+3sdef+1sdef+1atk 1satk+2hp+2satk+1def+2def+1hp+1def+2def+1atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1def 1sdef+2atk+1spd+1atk+2atk+1satk+2def+1atk+1hp 1atk+1def 1sdef+1satk+1atk 1satk+1spd+2sdef+2def+1satk+2satk+1atk 1satk 1sdef+1hp+1atk 1def+2satk+1atk+1spd+1atk+2sdef+1satk+1spd+1spd+2def+3hp+1satk 2spd+1hp 2atk+1def 2sdef+1atk+2atk+3atk+3sdef+3sdef+3hp+1spd+2spd+3spd+1satk+1atk 1satk+3atk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+1hp+2def+3satk+2def+3sdef+1sdef+2sdef+3sdef+1def+2atk+3atk+1spd+2spd+1spd+2def+1satk+2satk+3satk+1spd+1satk 1sdef+1hp+2atk+1hp+2spd+3hp+1def+2spd+2hp+1hp+2hp+3hp+1hp+2hp+1hp+1def+1spd+1hp 1spd+1atk 1def+1atk 1def+1def+2def+3def+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+1spd+1spd+1spd+2satk+1hp+2hp+1atk+2atk+1hp+2hp+1satk+1atk 1satk+2def+1sdef+2sdef+1satk+1atk+1atk 1spd+1atk 2spd+1satk+1atk 1satk+1sdef+2sdef+2atk+1atk 1satk+2satk+2atk+1hp+2hp+1atk+2atk+1sdef+2sdef+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+2atk+1spd+2sdef+1hp+1sdef+1atk+2atk+1sdef+1def 1sdef+2hp+1satk+1sdef+2atk+1hp+1hp+2hp+1hp+2hp+3hp+1def+1atk 1def+2satk+1hp 1def+1spd+1atk+2def+3atk+1def+2def+3def+3def+3sdef+2def 1sdef+3sdef+3satk+3satk+3atk+2atk 1satk+3hp+1atk 1satk 1spd+1atk+1atk 1def+2atk 1def+1spd+1satk 1spd+1atk 1satk 1spd+1satk+2satk+3satk+1spd+2spd+3atk+1hp+2atk+1def+2atk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1satk+3satk+1atk+2atk+1def+2def+1sdef+2sdef+1atk+1satk+1spd+1def 1sdef+1spd+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk+1hp+2hp+2spd+1hp+2hp+1spd+2spd+1satk 1sdef+2atk+1spd+2spd+1satk+1spd+2hp+1def+1def 1sdef+1def+1sdef+1hp+1atk+1def 1sdef+1atk+2atk+3atk+1hp+1atk+1atk 1satk+1def+2def+1def+2def+1atk+2atk+2atk+1spd+2spd+1sdef+1atk+1atk 1satk+1atk 1spd+3satk+3hp+3atk+2def+3atk+3satk+2satk 1sdef+2atk+2def+2satk+2def+3atk+3satk+3atk+1def 2sdef+1def 2sdef+2spd+1satk 1spd+2def 1sdef+1atk 1satk 1sdef+2atk 1satk+3satk+3satk+3satk+3atk+3hp+3sdef+1hp+3hp+2satk 1spd+3hp+3hp+3hp+1spd+2spd+3spd+1hp+2atk+3atk+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+1atk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1spd+2spd+1hp+2hp+1atk+2atk+3atk+1spd+2spd+1def+1atk 1def+3atk+1spd+2spd+1atk+2atk+2hp+1atk+2atk+3atk+1spd+2hp+3hp+2hp+2atk+1def+2def+3atk+1def+2def+3spd+1spd+2spd+1satk+2satk+2spd+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk+2atk+2satk+1def+2def+1atk+1def 1sdef+2satk+1def+2def+1def+2def+1atk+2atk+1spd+2atk+1satk+2satk+1spd+2spd+1sdef+2sdef+3sdef+1satk+2satk+3satk+1hp+2spd+1satk+2satk+3satk+1spd+2atk+2spd+1atk+2atk+1hp+2hp+1sdef+2sdef+1hp+1spd+2spd+1def+2def+1def+2def+3def+1spd+2atk+3atk+1satk+2satk+1satk+2satk+3satk+1atk+2atk+3atk+1atk+2atk+2sdef+1def+2spd+2hp+1atk+2atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+2atk+1atk+2atk+1def+2satk+2satk+2def+1atk+2atk+3satk+1atk+3satk+3def+3atk+3sdef+3atk+3atk+3satk+3atk+3satk+1hp 1atk 1satk+1satk 1sdef 1spd+1satk 1sdef 1spd+1atk 1satk 1spd There you have it. Hope I didn't need alternate formes on there...
  11. Hello, community of Reborn~ I am a Heracross that has managed to figure out how to use the internet and type in English. Crazy, huh? Overall, I'm pretty new to the online battling scene, but hopefully people will be able to help me out and coach me on how to most efficiently battle. And win. Winning is good too. Other than that, I think it's clear that my favorite type is Bug-type. Fighting-type is pretty awesome too. If I were a third type, it'd probably be Steel-type. Well, those are my top three favorites~ The way I battle is more on the offensive side than the defensive side. I don't like just sitting there waiting for poison and weather to kill my enemy for me; that takes way too long. Stall battles are not what I'm looking for. Well, I think that about covers it. Feel free to ask any questions if you have any!
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