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Ideas for a new pokemon snap


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I saw a few people do lets play on a old Nintendo 64 game called Pokémon Snap. That gave me some ideas for a updated Pokémon snap game. What is Pokémon snap, you ask? It was a game that took you into a first person rail shooter, but not a regular shooter. You have a camera to take the best Pokémon photos as possible, even finding the rare mew. The photographer also had an arsenal of items to help with the photos including apples, music to make Pokémon dance, and a pester balls.

*Story- They throw the Main Character (MC) into a city and he is taking photos in the city on a Gogoat. This will be the first area and when the MC finishes she/he meets professor Oak. Professor Oak asks the MC if he can go to Delday island, a island that is said to have a mysterious Pokémon not recorded by anyone and take some good pictures of it.

*Pokémon- I want them to put as many Pokémon as possible. Preferable every Pokémon and every form of each Pokémon. I know some Pokémon wont work well on an island, I am thinking about your other forms Rotom. The solution would be the introduction level " the city". legendarys could be witnessed but they all have special tasks to summon them.

*Locations- similar to the first game, there will be rail for the vehicle (Zero-Nine), it will run a course so there wont be much controls on which direction you can travel. Secret routes can be found if certain events happen. Most areas also have a day and night section which changes the Pokémon available. Ghost pokemon

-city: a introduction level that teaches people to take the pictures, it will not have any upgrade parts so its simple.

other areas: beach, volcano, swamp, cavern, desert, glacier, river, meadow, floral garden, fighting Pokémon temple, ocean, cavern lost in time.

-fighting temple: a ancient temple that you can find most of the fighting Pokémon, thought this would be a smaller area if not connected to a different location.

-Ocean: after a certain upgrade will allow the MC to go into the ocean, I know there are a lot of water Pokémon and may need to have more than one ocean path.

-cavern lost in time: a cavern with Pokémon like unknown, and more importantly the fossil Pokémon. They also could include Pokémon that people could see living around the same time as the fossils.

-forest: I am imagining the night of the forest to be scary trying to play tricks on the player.

*equipment- your two main items will be your camera and your vehicle, the Zero-Nine.

-camera: a camera, its how you take pictures silly

-Zero-Nine: a vehicle designed to navigate through the island. It is the ninth model and the other Zeros (Zero-One though Zero-eight) were destroyed. The upgrade parts haven't arrived so your going on the adventure without the upgraded parts. On the adventure you will find pieces of the other Zeros that you can add to your vehicle to help find many different Pokémon.

*Upgrades for the Zero-Nine: I think you should only be able to use maybe four/five upgrades at a time

-sylph scope light: a light that erases illusions, also can bring certain Pokémon out

-water balloon launcher: a shooter that throws water balloons, bothers Sudowoodo and fire Pokémon

-puffin launcher: throws food for pokemon to follow and eat

-pester ball thrower: throws balls that irritate pokemon

-pokeflute: wakes up pokemon, can make some dance

-scareball thrower: throws balls that scare pokemon away that certain pokemon are hiding from

-grabber: a arm that can grab small items and pokemon and carry them around, carry king rock to slowpoke etc...

-underwater shell: glass window so the Zero-Nine can travel underwater(cant use other upgrades at the time as this one

anyone else have any ideas or suggestions?

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WIN!! I am so excited at even the possible thought of how cool it would be to have a new pokemon snap, that I can not even contrubute to this. :D

Edit: Your list is very well thought out. I approve.

Edited by Alphagar
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This is an awesome no an AMAZING!!! idea, I always loved this game I think I'll play it during Winter Break it has been quite sometime.

I was thinking how about in the Ocean Area there an abandoned ship part where you can enter through an opening in the hull and you can find Pokemon such as Carvanah/Sharpedo, Frillish/Jellicent, Skrelp/Dragalge, etc.

And for the Underwater there's an Old Pirate Ship Wreckage where if you look up at a certain time of day you can see Kyogre swimming above you.

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the ships could work, wonder if there would be a way to put shinies? would they be scripted or a small chance a pokemon could be a shiny? I think Kyogre and other legendaries should have small puzzles to unlock them, it will add to the gameplay at least a tiny bit. like find a blue orb (I think that's what summoned it) in the volcano area and have a way to carry it (I don't know how to implement this, maybe attachement that can grab can hold things from zone to zone

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True about the legendaries would make it not only more challenging but more exciting, and for Kyogre it's the Red Orb, Blue Orb is Groudon.

I was thinking how about Mega Pokemon? Maybe have Oak give the Ring and you can Mega Evolve one Pokemon per zone per day? and for those with branching Mega forms have certain requirements like a special Item? no two different rings X & Y ring which decide what branch he evolution goes down? nah stupid idea.

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hmmm.......the ring item would be great. for the branching Charizard they could be battling each other and they both mega evolve at the same time. as for mewtwo? If they implement the day/ night cycle the day could be the mewtwo x, while the night becomes mewtwo y?

Edited by derekwst3
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